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Chapter 10: Waiter

"We can't do anything to stop him from coming," Aunt Sarah whispered.

"I guess then we'll have to leave early," Father said.

"What? No you don't, you can still stay. It's fine if he comes to see the kids, besides what's he even going to do?" Aunt Sarah tried to get Father to to stay longer.

"I don't want him near them," Father replied coldly.

"Why?" Aunt Sarah asked. Father ignored her, "We'll be leaving in a few days," "Alright," Aunt Sarah gave up.

Footsteps could be heard coming towards the door. I flinched and hurried downstairs to where the others were watching the movie. I picked up Zea from off the ground and sat next to Miguel on the couch and tried to focus on the movie.

Miguel curiously looked over at me. I guess he must have saw how worried I looked. I tried to ignore his stare, but he kept staring at me. Finally I felt his eyes leave the back of my head. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked to the TV and watched with them.

We were watching Finding Nemo, in Spanish with English subtitles. The main character, who is Nemo was in this tank with some other fishes and they were trying to get out.

Aunt Sarah, Father, and Mother walked into the living room during the middle of the movie. Miguel paused the movie and we all looked over to them. Father stepped up and bluntly said "We're leaving," the others looked confused.

"¿Qué? ¿Por qué?" Miguel looked over to his mother. "I thought they were staying for the whole summer," his eyebrow's furrowed.

"Yeah, me to! I thought we were staying the whole summer!" Amy protested.

Austin and I kept quiet.

Aunt Sarah explained. "There's been an unexpected issue, meaning you guys have to leave in a couple days," she said with a frown on her face. "We'll also go out again this afternoon and this time we will all stay together," she said. I thought back to Miguel and I sulking on that bench. Yeah, let's avoid getting lost again.

All of us kids went upstairs to change. I wore a white shirt, on top of that a white, black, blue, and red flannel jacket, and dark blue jean tights. Then I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to where Austin was waiting with the adults.

Austin was sitting on the couches playing with the strings of his slouch hat. His face lit up when saw me. He grinned at me and motioned for me to come to him. I walked towards him and sat with him. Austin rambled about a book he had read about Cane Toads at his school.

"-but they weren't very great at getting rid of the beetles, and instead they started to quickly kill off other animals. They're also very fast at multiplying! They have 4,000 to 36,000 children..." Austin rambled. I listened intently to what he was saying.

A minute or two later Ame came down and sat with us. Ame was grossed out at what Austin was talking about and they started bickering about it. I smiled watching them bicker.

Miguel came down last and we caught each other's eyes. He beamed at me. He walked over to us and listened to Ame and Austin arguing.

"Your spiders and frogs are disgusting! And creepy!" Ame yelled.

"No they're not! They're super cute! And it's not a frog, it's a toad!" Austin yelled back.

"They're the same thing," Ame countered.

"Ugh, no they're not! Frogs have a smooth back and toads-" Austin was interrupted by Ame mocking him.

"Weh, weh! Frogs have whatever and toads have something else," he mocked. "They're the same thing," he said. Austin scrunched up his eyebrow's and stuck his tongue out at Ame. Ame stuck his out in retaliation. Austin stomped away to the other couch. I chuckled at their antics.

"Alright, everyone is ready?" Aunt Sarah asked. I nodded and looked at the others. They seemed to be ready.

"And everyone hold hands okay?" She looked at all of us.

Miguel put his hand out in front of me. My eyes widened a bit. I don't know why I was so surprised.

I looked down at his hand and took it. I motioned for Austin to hold my hand, and Ame held Austins other hand.

We all got into the car and we drove to some city called Segovia. It was apparently a very old city.

When we arrived there was a very large structure and reminded me of a bridge. I marvelled at the sight of it. It was beautiful.

It's a water-conveyance structure made by the Roman Empire. I had seen many pictures of it before from history classes, but it looked even more cooler and even larger than in the pictures.

This time Aunt Sarah took ahold of my hands. She had a firm grip, unlike my mother, and her hands were warm. No one else seemed ti be holding hands though. Only me and Aunt Sarah. I felt protected, like nothing could possibly hurt me. I had never felt that way with Mother or Father. Or my siblings. I decided I liked feeling that way.

We walked around and took a few pictures. The plants were very lush and the streets were filled with people. Not a lot, but there were many people.

Eventually the adults decided to go to some restaurant. The restaurant seemed fancy. I had barely ever gone to restaurants in Oxford. Almost never. Father would never take us anywhere, as he had work to do. If my siblings wanted to go to the park I'd have to walk them there and back. I was a bit excited to go to the restaurant, since I've never gone to one with my entire family in years.

I looked over at the menu, but it was in Spanish (obviously, we're in Spain).

"Cam, what's this say?" Austin asked, pointing to the menu. "I have no idea," I told him. I looked over to Miguel who was reading the menu. I tapped his shoulder once and he turned his head over to look at me.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"What does the menu say," I pointed to the lists of foods in Spanish. He blinked and then told me some of the options. I repeated them to Austin and Amy and we chose what we wanted. Austin decided to try Paella's, Amy wanted Churros, and I ordered a Spanish Tortilla. Miguel also ordered a Paella.

"Peekaboo!" Amy yelled, uncovering his eyes. Zea seemed to have liked that as she clapped and giggled.

"My turn! My turn!" Austin exclaimed. He then covered his eyes and waited for a few seconds before uncovering them and yelling "peekaboo!" But unlike before, Zea had no reaction. It was silent for a while before Amy pushed Austin away and covered and uncovered his eyes and yelled the same thing, and this time Zea giggled and reacted.

What?- Why did she react to when Amy did it but when Austin did it, she didn't react? Is this favouritism I see? Does Zea love Amy more than Austin? Does she love him more than me? She's three, how does she even have a favourite sibling?

I picked Zea up and plopped her down on the table. "Peekaboo!" I yelled, uncovering my eyes. Nothing. Zea seemed un-interested with me, and she started babbling at Amy, making grabby hands.

I guess she does love Amy more.

Before I could weep anymore, the waiter turned up and greeted the adults in Spanish. But when the waiter saw the adults, he looked shocked. He stood there for a few seconds before yelling something in Spanish. Then the adults looked shocked, although Mother seemed more confused than shocked. And out of the blue, they started talking like they were old friends hanging out. And the most craziest thing was, Father was smiling.

Amy and Austin had quieted down to, and were watching the adults interact. They both looked over at me, and I knew they were thinking the same thing as me.

Who was this, and how and why is Father smiling at them?



Sorry it took so long for this chapter, I had a hard time figuring out what to do next, and how Cameron was going to run away and other things. I will be going back and re-editing some of the chapters, so it will take awhile for the next chapter.

I forgot to say that there would also be Cityhumans, so be careful when meeting new characters. They could be a Country, or Cityhuman. Any guesses for who the waiter is?

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