Uncle is the best Uncle

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   Chapter 22:

Uncle Isaiah was funny. I liked him. He liked bugs and animals like me. He joked around and made funny faces. Uncle is a good man.

He made me yummy breakfast everyday, and played with me whenever he could. He smiled at me when he saw me. He carried me back to bed when I was sleepy. He told me stories that were supposed to be scary, but he made them really funny. I could tell Miguel liked him to. Amy usually just ignored him, but after while he started talking. But he still seemed sad. I think he misses Cammy. I do to, but I know I'll see Cammy soon. He said he'll come back. And I trust Cammy. I just have to wait for him to come back.

Uncle every morning wakes us up saying "wake up sleepyheads". And if we didn't wake up, he would flick us with water. Which always worked. Uncle was always very very kind to me. He listened to me when I talked about bugs, like Cammy would. He also made us pancakes like Cammy. Amy refused to eat the pancakes though. So Uncle just made him chips. I don't know why Amy doesn't want pancakes, he always loved pancakes.

Uncle told me stories of his own. Told me about his adventures as a kid. He made them fun to listen to. I loved Uncle. He would sometimes hold me up and spin me around, and I loved it. Uncle is the best uncle ever.


I had piano festival today.

I had a horrible terrifying nightmare last night.

This chapter is so short. I don't much motivation to keep writing, I might quit. I knew from the start I was probably gonna never finish. I might pick it later. Idk. 

Sorry ya'll, idk if I will.

Hah, you thought. April Fools.

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