We're going to Spain

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 Chapter 2: We're Going to Spain

16:35 PM

Amy, Austin and I sat on the couch with Zea sitting on my lap. 3 peanut butter and jam sandwiches sitting before us all of us looking at our parents. Father seemed tired and had no emotion showing on his face. Mother seemed excited and happy, smiling at us.

"Soooooo, why's mom here?" Amy asked. Mother's smile faltered but just went back up again. "Well, me and your father have decided that we should all go on a trip!" Mother exclaimed, "We're going to Spain to see your Aunt Sarah and your cousin Miguel, who's just about your age Cameron." Silence. Austin slowly took the peanut butter and jam sandwich on the table and bit into it.

Mother kept smiling but it seemed every second spent in silence made her smile falter even more. Oh well, I guess I'll say something.

"When are we going?" I asked. Mother smiled again. "Next week." Father replied.

"What!? But me and Sara were planning on going to a camp next week!" Amy stood up and yelled. "Amy, sit down!" Father growled. "No! You said I could go!"

"Yes well now you can't. We're going to live with your aunt and cousin for the summer."

"Ugh, fine!" Then Amy got up and stomped all the way to his room.

"Uh. I have to tell my friends, so I'll just go and call them.." Austin muttered stood up and went over to the kitchen where the telephone was.

Mother sighed, a frown on her face. Father didn't seem to care that much and got up saying something about work. "Um, I think its a good idea. We haven't seen Aunt Sarah and Miguel in 10 years." I said in hopes of cheering my mother up. My mother smiled at me, but it was clear that she was saddened by the events of what had just happened.

"Thanks Cameron, I suppose I'll set Zea to bed and go talk with your father." She took Zea from my hands and went up the stairs.

Well that was nice...


Chapter 3: Packing

11:56 PM

Mother had made breakfast this time. Mother always made breakfast whenever she came over. It was nice not having to wake up early to make some pancakes. Father never cared to make us food after I turned 10. Gave me a cookbook and said to make my own food. I eventually learned and every time Mother came home, I watched her make food and I kind of just picked it up.

I was feeding Zea her baby food while Mother made the pancakes.

Amy came in the kitchen, sat down, and put his head on the table and went back to sleep. Few minutes later Austin came in with a bunch of energy, how he has that much energy when he had just awoken, I have no idea.

I finished feeding Zea and Mother gave me a plate of pancakes. I quickly finished the pancakes, got up and started washing the dishes as I always do. After I left them to dry. I then went up to my room and sat on my bed. 

I should do something to my room...

My room was a small rectangle room that consisted of a bed, a desk, some shelves and a rug. Not much to it. I didn't usually spend much time in my room, and no one ever came over unless it's Sara. Usually Austin and his friends are outside and come inside for a bit. I don't invite anybody, or really talk to anyone. But I know a lot of the students despite not talking or hanging out much. The grade was set into 2 groups. The red and blue group. Red group all had the same core class teachers. And same for Blue but different core teachers. So you never really get to interact with the other students from the other group. I just so happened to be in the red group.

Father didn't really care much as long as the house is clean, we get good grades and nothing bad happens. Since I'm the oldest I have to make sure nothing happens and everything is under control. It wasn't much of a problem anyway. I'd been doing it since I was 11.

"Cameron, Austin! Amy! Come to the living room please!" Mothers voice was a bit muffled. I got up and walked down the stairs where Amy was on the couch, Father was on the other couch and Mother was holding Zea. Austin came stumbling down the stairs and fell really hard. "Oww.." Austin muttered. "Are you okay Austin?" Mother asked, concern filled her voice. "Yup! I'm fine, wha'd ya need?" Mother looked at Father.

"We have to pack, so bring all 10 types of outfits and then we'll put them all into one large suitcase. It will hold Camerons, Amy's and Austins. Your mother, Zea and I will share another. Then use your backpacks from school and fill it up with books or paper or whatever."

Father explained.

We all simultaneously nodded. "Great, your suitcase is in Amy's room. Go pack." "Okay, lets go guys," I told my brothers. We went into Amy's room with consisted of a bed with star patterns on it, a rug, a desk with many drawings on it, and the walls had many papers taped to the wall or pinned onto the wall. Amy loved to draw, he'd do it any time he could. In class, his friends house, the bus, the car, on a train, and on sometimes he'd draw on people. 

"Alright, go get a lot of clothes. It's chilly in Spain so make sure you dress appropriately for the weather." I told them. They nodded and me and Austin left to our rooms.

I picked out a few clothes and things I would bring to Spain. Then I got my backpack and dumped out all the stuff in it, not much was in there to be honest. I filled it with some books, card games and things to keep me entertained. Then I put some stuff like deodorant, cologne, a hair brush, and bug spray.

I looked at myself in my mirror. I was wearing an orange sweater, jeans and a necklace. My uncle Isaiah, had gifted it to me when I had turned 7, the last time I'd seen him. It was a little 4 leaf clover that was meant to be a luck charm.

I had auburn hair that reached to my shoulder. It used to be long enough to braid, but Father made me cut it.

I took my folded clothes and my backpack and went back to Amy's room who had already finished packing and put all his clothes into his suit case. I put my clothes in there and soon Austin came and put his.

We all lied down on the soft rug. It was silent before Amy spoke up "I wish we didn't have to go to Spain. Me and Sara had been planning on making a comic together and going to a camp. And play with her dog. What about you guys?" He asked.

"Me and my friends were going to try out for football. We had been practicing everyday after school, but now I'll have to wait for next year to try out." Austin said.

They both looked at me.

"Well... I don't really have much to lose. I did want to get a summer job though. I was planning on working at a cafe. I was hoping to get enough money to buy a car or something. Maybe one of those phones that the other kids use. But maybe we'll have fun in Spain. Amy and I have gone to Spain before. But you were to little to remember Amy." I tried to cheer them up about going to Spain.

"Eh maybe we will." Amy replied.


The telephone from downstairs stopped ringing. Few seconds later Mothers yelled "Amy! Its for you!". Amy ran downstairs and left me and Austin alone. "Well, I'm gonna call my friends to see if they wanna play. Bye Cam." 

"See you."

Sigh, I wish I had a better relationship with my siblings.

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