A Reunion between Old Friends

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  Chapter 11: A Reunion between Old friends

The man was olive-skin toned. He had brown hair and brown eyes too. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with a black apron. He was roughly about 170 cm.

The man noticed us, and I assume he asked about who we were, if the confusion on his face and the sound of his tone was anything to go about.

Aunt Sarah then pointed to each and every one of us and said our names. She nudged Miguel to pay attention, who was just playing on his phone the entire time. Miguel, although hesitantly, put his phone away.

The man smiled at us and then he looked over to Father and back at me, and then back to Father, told him something, looked back to me, and smiled and said something in Spanish to me.

... I don't understand Spanish. Wha'd did he say?? What am I supposed to say? Miguel save me.

I looked over to Miguel, hoping he would get the message and help me. We caught eye contact, but Miguel didn't seem to get the message, and just sat there. Fortunately, Aunt Sarah came in, and I assume she told him I don't speak Spanish, and neither do my siblings.

He looked surprised at first, and looked at Father confused, but looked back at me and spoke in English this time.

"Oh, I did not know. That is alright, my names is Patricio. Yours is Cameron? I know your father from when we were kids, and our fathers knew each other too. It is very nice to meet you, and your siblings." He smiled warmly at my siblings and I (my father has scolded me for saying me and my siblings many times). I guess that explains how they know each other.

What do I say?? Uhhh, just be polite?

"I-It's nice to meet you too, sir," I stuttered. Shut up, me. Is this awkward? This reminds me of when I first met Aunt Sarah. Oh wait he's saying something-

"-have a daughter and two sons, I'm sure they'd love to meet all of you. You should come over," he smiled and looked back at Father. Father just smiled back. It was really weird to see Father smiling, he rarely smiled, only a few times a year.

"Last I remember, you had a kid, a daughter, she was 3 right?" Father asked. Okay. Yeah. That's not Father. I have never heard him sound so happy. Or really happy at all.

"Yes yes, why don't you all come home with me? The kids can play with each other and we can catch up," Patricio suggested.

"That sounds wonderful," Aunt Sarah agreed. "¿Qué te parece Benjamin?" She looked to Father. "I don't mind at all," he said.

Did- did Father just- Okay. I'm just not going to question it.

The adults talked some more in Spanish, and according to Miguel, in an hour they were going to go to Patricio's house, where we would spend time with Patricios kids, and the adults were going to talk about whatever adult's talk about.


Do you guys ever get excited to read the next chapter of your book and find out what happens next? Only to realise that you have to write the chapter?

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