A Plan?

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     Chapter 13: A plan?

Father doesn't love us.

No- no father loves us. He loves us. He- He puts a horse over our head, he works everyday for us. He, he..

If Father loved us, then why didn't get us toys as a kid when we asked? We've always been pretty wealthy, Father has a jobs that pays a lot. And- why didn't he make us food? Or help us with school. Or try and talk with us? Why hadn't he hugged Austin or Amy? He hugged me before, but only when I was like, 5 or younger. Why hadn't he hugged us like Aunt Sarah hugs Miguel? Why hadn't he kissed us on the forehead like Aunt Sarah does for Miguel.

Why does he not love us?

Tears threatened to fall from eyes.

"Hey, ¿Hermano? You okay?" Miguel looked right at me. I blinked back the tears and gave him a nod.

Miguel looked at me worriedly but just shrugged it off.

The ride back was a blur.

As soon as I got to the room, I threw myself on the bed.

Father doesn't love me. Or my siblings.

I've heard stories of kids with unloving parents. They would abuse their kid, and that was illegal. But Father doesn't hit us, he just, doesn't care about us. That's not illegal, right?

Miguel walked into the room in his pyjamas, and said goodnight in Spanish(or at least I think he did).

Maybe.. I could ask him? I have to do it now though. Be quick, be fast.

It's a simple question, stop worrying about it. I chided.

No reason to be scared.

Bloody hell, just say it!

"Uh Miguel..? Is- um- is there other ways to abuse your kid than just hitting them?" I blurted.

Miguel looked up fast, concern on his face.

"No. Not the only way," he looked worried. "There's emotional abuse, and neglecting your child is also abuse. And illegal. Very illegal. Very very illegal. Like, you should get help illegal." He explained.

Miguel was frowning.

Neglect? Sounds familiar.

"Define neglect," I said.

He frowned even more.

"Well, not caring for something or.. someone," he explained.

Oh. Guess I have my answer.

"Thanks Miguel, goodnight," I thanked him.

"Mhm, goodnight hermano," he frowned again.

I turned over on my mattress.

Father doesn't care about us. That- that counts as neglect, right? I think so. And that's illegal. But, I don't want Father to go to jail.

What do I do?

My eyes widened.

I could run away.


Wooo! Finally he realises. 

I feel like I've posted like a billion chapters this past week. I've been writing a lot recently. Hope you guys like them.

Also, we've been introduced to some new characters. Patricio and his kids. By the way, some countries and cities will not always be in their own country, like Patricio and his family. And no one has guessed who poor Marquis is. :'(

Any guesses as to who they might be?

Hope you all have a good day.

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