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  Chapter 3: Airport

5:35 AM

"Cam, honey wake up."

I groaned.

"Come on, we've got to get to the airport. We're flying today."


With all the energy I could muster I got up and changed. Afterwards I went downstairs and tried to keep my eyes open. It was still dark outside, and you could hear baby birds chirping. Amy and Austin came down the stairs looking like zombies. Both practically asleep. Zea was asleep in Mothers arms (Lucky) and Father was outside with the suitcases. Mother gave us some eggs before we drove to the airport.

During the car ride in dads old car he had, we slept the entire time.

Father never bought anything new. We didn't have those phones that other kids had. Or those projectors the school had. My father thought it'd make us stupid. We had a telephone though. Thats how Amy and Austin talk to their friends and how Father makes calls for work. Father also never got us toys and if he did it was rare. I didn't really care though. We had our own ways of entertainment.

Soon Mother was waking us up and telling us that we were here. We went in the airport and I don't remember what happened next. It was quite a blur to be honest. Something about British Airways, giving our luggage away, some scanning machine and terminals. Before I knew it we were sitting and outside the window you could see the plane that was going to fly us to Spain.

Austin and Amy were asleep with their heads on my shoulder. Father was reading a book and Mother was entertaining Zea.

A while later the woman at the desk started calling people to get in.

"Families with young children!" The woman hollered. Mother got up and motioned for us to go. I woke Amy and Austin up and they tiredly followed me. We gave the woman some tickets and went through this little box until we reached the airplane. We got in and found our seats. Father put a small suitcase in a contraption on top of ours seats.

Mother, Father and Zea were in front of us with a random stranger while Amy, Austin and I were behind them.

10 minutes later the announcements came on and there was a explanation of what would happen incase of emergency. Austin was gripping onto my arm really right after he heard that the plane could crash. "Nothings gonna happen Austin," I tried reassuring him.

"How do you know?"

"I've been on a plane before Austin, and it didn't crash."

"This one could!"

"Mother has been on a plane millions of times and it never crashed."

"But it could this time!"

I sighed. There would be no convincing him.

The plane started moving and felt like it was going up and down before we lifted up into the sky, it was a bit rocky at first but then slowly became calmer. But every once in a while the airplane seemed to go up and down. Made me feel light. I loved that feeling. It felt like I was flying, I technically was, but you get what I mean.

Amy just fell asleep while Austin kept looking out the window and then getting scared and curling into ball. He kept repeating that over and over.

2 Hours 30 Minutes Later...

Chapter 4: Spain

I had fallen asleep once again and was woken up to Amy drawing on my hand. I groaned and moved my hand back quickly.

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