The Plan in Action

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   Chapter 15: The Plan in Action

That next morning, during breakfast, Miguel glanced between me and my Parents. He seemed sad from yesterday night. Was it because of me? I hope not.

Austin and Amy dragged Miguel and I into their shenanigans. We played Uno, and then we played Dos. We watched some movies, made popcorn and had a party. Eventually we went outside and played hopscotch and Snail.

Aunt Sarah called us in for dinner at sunset. We went inside and had soup.

After dinner, I saw Father put his wallet down on the table.

I'm gonna need money when I run away.

I creeped over to his wallet, and stuffed a bunch of money in my pockets.

I just committed a crime. Well, Father's been committing a crime, so it's fair, right? Eh it doesn't matter right now.

I zoomed upstairs, took my backpack, and put the money in one of the pockets. I had clothes, things like toothbrush and toothpaste, things I would probably need. All I needed now, was food and water.

I snook downstairs back into the kitchen, and opened the cabinets and placed some in my backpack. Then I went to the fridge and got some waterbottles.

After putting my backpack away, I went to Amy and Austins room, where I found Miguel, Amy, and Austin playing with Zea. Hours later, Aunt Sarah told us to get to bed.

I tucked in Amy and Austin, and went to put Zea to bed. Afterwards, I went back to Miguel and I's room, changed in the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and tried to fall asleep.

Half an hour later, I was still awake.

Suddenly, Miguel shifted and sat on his bed.

"Cameron? Are you awake?" Miguel whispered.


"Oh, I can not sleep, can you?" He asked.

"Me too," I answered.

Miguel shifted again and got up off his bed.

"Want to play subway?" He said in his Spanish accent.

I smiled. "Yeah," I told him.

I moved out of the way to make space for him on the mattress. He lied down next to me, and we took turns playing subway surfers.

About an hour later, the door creaked, and in the doorway was to small dark figures.

"Amy, Austin?" I asked.

"Austin had a nightmare," Amy explained. Oh, that made sense.

"Come 'ere," I moved again to make space.

They clambered on top of us and made theirselves comfortable. Miguel put his phone away and told us goodnight in Spanish.

"Goodnight," I replied.

Slowly, I fell asleep to Amy, and Austin's snoring.

I woke up to Amy and Austin's loud giggles. I blinked groggily, and looked up.

They were on top of Miguel, and Amy was holding a marker.

They didn't-

Right then, Miguel decided to wake up. He muttered something in Spanish, and sat up.

They did.

The boys, had drew a moustache on Miguel.

"Que? What happened?" Miguel asked. He saw the marker in Amy's (who was laughing his butt off) hand, and ran to the restroom.

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