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   Chapter 16: Train-ride

The wind kissed my cheek. It was freezing during the night.

And this summer, I thought.

I walked and walked. I walked until the sun came up, and I walked until I saw a train station.

Tren de alta velocidad de Madrid a París, Francia.

Wait, Paris? France? A train there, I should go.

I looked around. Their was a lady checking tickets or something. There was a large family withe two adults and... 1.. 2.... 6.. 7... 8.. kids!? That's a lot of kids to take care of.

I could hide behind them, and hopefully get on unnoticed.

I slipped behind the family, and when they moved, I moved with them.

I stepped onto the train, and looked around for a spot.

There's a lot of people.

Finding a spot, I sat down and waited.

I fell asleep not to long after. I woke up to the large family chattering in Spanish.

I groaned. I was starving. A few snacks wouldn't hurt.

I opened up a a chip bag, and ate half of it. Took a few sips from my water-bottle, and just watched the scenery.

After a few years, (just 3 hours) the train stopped. We had reached Paris.

The streets were bustling with life. There were signs and boards with French writing on it. For once I understood what they said. And I understood what I heard.

I need to find shelter.

I set off on my journey to find somewhere to stay.

I found an alley next to a restaurant. It worked well as a shelter. Except for the fact anyone could possibly just murder me while I was asleep.

The rest of the day I went out exploring Paris. I looked at shops, cafes, bakeries, restaurants, etcetera.

And then I got lost.


"Eughhhhhh," I groaned.

After a good few hours, I finally found the alley. The sun had come down, and gee was I tired.

I sat down against the wall, backpack in my lap, and I quickly fell asleep.


Sooo, I know it's not Saturday, but I'm bored, again. 

This chapters short, and I might post chapter 17 early too.

Also, Craft, stop pointing out my mistakes.

A Canadians JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora