I run from the Popo

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   Chapter 23: I run from the Popo

It had been 2 weeks. My stomach grumbled. I hadn't eaten anything yesterday except for a few sips from my water bottle. Dog drank water from puddles, which was not very sanitary.

I was starving, and probably Dog to. We needed food. And showers. And shelter. We needed a lot of stuff. This did not go as planned. 

I tried day dreaming so I could get my mind off food. I still had snacks, but I had to ration them. My mind wandered off back to Perri.

I accidentally took her hoodie.

Well, it couldn't be hers. It wouldn't fit on her. It dawned on me that she was most likely living with someone else.

What if I stole her husbands hoodie? But then- her husband must be smaller than me. This is a small hoodie. Like, really small.

I ran my hand over my face. I'm so dumb. I need to give her the hoodie back. "C'mon Dog, let's go."

Running back in the direction where I thought the bakery might have been, I bumped into someone. I fell back. I heard a grunt come from the other person. I got up quickly.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned, but I froze.

White hair?

Blue piercing eyes looked into mine. They got up dusting themselves off.

"Hey! There he is!"

We both looked towards the voice. There was a police officer pointing at us. Did his mother never teach him not to point at others? I thought it the back of my mind before telling myself to shut up. And then I realised, the police officer is pointing at me. Are they going to take me back home? Did they tell the police and now the police are looking for me?

I was broken out of my thoughts by the kid grasping my wrist and running into the alleyway. I could barely think as we ran a corner an ran into a dead end. This was going to be it. The police will bring me back. But then the kid pulled me over to the dumpster, and before I knew it I was sitting behind a dumpster with a random person.

I knew not to say a word, but he was holding my wrist really tight I think it might bruise. Before I could say something about it, I heard the police officer and some others come. The person gripped my wrist tighter.

It's so gonna bruise. For someone so small, they have a strong grip.

The voices were talking about where I assume we went. After a minute or two, the voices became quieter and their footsteps faded. Finally.

"Hey, can you-" the person shut me up real quick by clamping their hand over my mouth. I was about to hit them before I heard shuffling.

I froze, and so did the stranger.

They shuffling came closer and closer. My blood ran cold when it seemed like they found us. And they did.

Except it wasn't a person.

It was Dog.

The person let go of me and I got up real quick and turned around.

They were very pale, and they wore a blue sweater and black tights. Their hair was a mess, and it looked like he hadn't brushed it in a long time. They had bangs that reached just above their eyes. The most noticeable thing though, was their insanely white hair and blue eyes.

The person glared at me.

"Why'd you run?" I asked.

They just glared some more.

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