A Boy and his Dog

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   Chapter 24: A Boy and his Dog

I weaved through the streets, making sure not to bump into anyone as I speed walked. Chatter all around me, loud noises and cars honking, people shouting across the street. People were smiling and laughing with friends. Some were taking Taxis home.

Home. The closest I had to home was Perri. But I barely got to see Perri that much. I don't even live with her although she has an entire room for me. I only stay at hers for a few nights when I need to, for example when it rains really hard, it's snowing, or to lay low when the cops chase me. Like right now.


I fell down and hit the floor hard.

"Are you okay?" A worried voice asked. I opened my eyes and stared into worried orange eyes. That worry though quickly morphed into shock. Everybody does that.

I dusted myself as I got up.

I had only a fraction of a second to examine the person before the police found me. Orange-brown hair, with freckles dotting his face, and orange eyes.

"Hé ! Le voilà !"

I whipped my head around, and saw the same police officer pointing at me. Aw f- don't say that.

The other boy looked terrified. I was about to run off until I realised they would arrest him too. They're gonna interrogate him for being with me. Ugh, might as well save the boy from being arrested.

I gripped the boys hand and dashed down the alleyway. I turned left where I found a dead end and a garbage dump. Why would you put a garbage dump here when there's basically no one to even come and see it? What's the point of this alleyway leading to a dead end and garbage dump? Think fast. What can I do? Hide behind the garbage dump? Terrible plan but let's do it.

I pulled the boy with me to the garbage dump and we sat behind it.

This smells terrible. Like throw up. I hate the smell of throw up. Makes me queasy.

Step.. step.. step..

Oh fu- mm- don't say that. Perri doesn't like that.

Please don't find me- us? Please don't find us please don't find us please don't finduspleasedon'tfinduspleasedon'tfindus

After some minutes, their footsteps became quieter and quieter until they seemed to be gone. But it's still not safe to move.


I slapped my hand over the boys mouth, he was going to get us arrested. I froze up when I heard shuffling coming down the alley. If this boy gets me arrested I will commit another terrible crime. Except I'll probably get a longer life sentence. I think. I'm not so sure about that one.

The shuffling moved closer and closer until it appeared right in front of us.

Is- Is that a dog? It's humongous.. what dog is that big?? It probably weighs more than me!

I let go of the boy and he jumped out of my grasp. He whipped around and froze. The boy's hair was an orange-brown that went down above his shoulders. He had some bits grime and dirt on his face. He wore some flannel jacket and had a backpack. His eyes a faded orange-brownish colour, (like his hair).

"Why'd you run?" the boy mumbled.

Oh, huh, he speaks English. That's a surprise. I haven't spoken English in a long time.

No shit Sherlock. You're mute idiot. Went through the back of my mind.

Does he know Russian sign language? Probably not. I've never met anyone who does know it(other than her but we don't talk about her). Maybe French sign language? Perri knows that. Maybe he does too. Then again, probably not. Ugh.

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