The Plan

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   Chapter 14: The Plan

It might have been the absolute stupidest, dumbest plan I've ever had. So many things could go wrong. I might die. I might get caught. What if they report a missing person?

But, I don't want to stay with Father. Father doesn't love me. Father hasn't been well, a father. If he doesn't want me, then fine.

But, what about Amy, Austin and Zea. 

I can't leave them. But I can't take them, especially Zea, she's a baby.

I thought about the cons and pros, what might go wrong, and what might go right.

And after a long while, I decided.

I would run away. I would find a new home. A home that loves me. I would leave Amy, Austin and Zea here, and come back for them in the future, just once I find a Home for all of us.

But that leaves more problems. And after another hour or two, I had a plan.

I would run away before we go back to the UK, and I would take my backpack and fill it with all my necessities. I would sneak downstairs once Miguel fell asleep, and then travel around the world to find a home.

 I'd go on with my plan in two days time. It would work. 

For now, I just had to pack.


This chapter is pretty short unfortunately. I'll try making the others longer.

Recently, it seems I've been forgetting my own characters names- like Marquis. Apparently his name was actually spelled Marquez- 

Also, Patricio's name was supposed to be Pabricio, but I guess he's Patricio now. I also wrote Amy's name wrong :D so that's fun.

Anyways, I want to do shout outs today, so first up, I'd like to give a shoutout to   That0neB1Sc0rp10 for being the first person to comment on my book!

Next, AlreadyInUseTimes2, thanks for reading, commenting and voting on my book, I really appreciate it.

Last but not least, Therealscraft, who commented over a hundred times on my book. And pointed out all my mistakes, thanks again Craft. Also, thank you so much for the fanart of Miguel and Cameron, I love it so much!

For some reason, the picture isn't loading sadly, but I'll put it up when it works. 

Anyways, hope you're all doing well! This time, I will post on Saturday.

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