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      After dinner I was in my chambers with Alban. We barely spoke a word to each other. I badly wanted to ask him something. But it seemed like he had something on me too.

      "This isn't going to work out between us." I told him. He scoffed and chuckled. "What?" He said. "To many secrets kept from each other, and you and I both see how my mother looks at you. She obviously does not approve and she want to say something to you badly." I said. "Fine, I guess we're done, and you can go be with that Dothraki man and I'll- "and you can go be with that girl." I said to him. He gulped and just looked at me. "Yea you think I didn't notice... get out of my chambers Alban." I said to him. He gathered all his stuff and left. I slammed the door behind him.

      I started to breathe heavily and couldn't believe what just happened. I stopped and kind of chuckled. I don't know why I was laughing but I didn't want to cry. I was done crying over men. I went on with my night and went to bed.

      The next day I woke up and when I went to sit at my vanity there was a note from Isaac saying to come visit him in his office after breakfast. I didn't attend breakfast though, so I skipped it and went to his chambers.
      Walking inside he was seated and looked up at me and smiled. He gestured his hand toward a seat and I came in and sat.
      "Isn't it a beauty," he said showing me a drawing of the iron throne. I nodded my head.
      "What's the matter?" I asked him.
      "It's time that we change things up around here. Catch up in life because I feel as if we are behind." He said to me. I looked at him confused.
      "Okay so you handle that. What does that have to do with me-
      "You need to marry one of the Dothraki." He said. I laughed and snorted.
      "Are you joking? I'm not going to marry them. The Dothraki are crazy." I laughed.
      "Well I'm not joking. You are going to marry Helena. Do what I say." He said to me serious.
      "Well Mother and Father-
      "They're gone, headed back to the north." He said to me.
      "W-what?" I stuttered.

      They left without saying goodbye. Isaac now thought he could take control over me, Alban and me are done, and I have to take care of William... I didn't have much left but one option, and I'm tired of running.
      "F-fine... who..." I asked Isaac. He chuckled.
      "You'll know who, they're coming today so you should go get ready now." Isaac said. I faked a smile and got up out my seat. Leaving the room.

      The ladies got me ready and all I could do was think. I had nothing left and this was my only option. "I have no hope left." I mumbled. One of the ladies heard. "Don't say that darling, you do."
      "I do not, do you think I want to marry. No! But have I gotten another option, no..."
      "It's not your fault you didn't figure out what you exactly wanted in time alright. Listen, I'm sure the man is very handsome." She said to me. I chuckled.

      She walked me out to the courtyard and there was a horse and men with there backs standing to me. Then there was Isaac and Lira holding Margaret, and also little William. I could recognize the man just from behind.
      He turned and the face was Dominic... Dominic Caldren. I gasped quietly and the lady heard me. I looked at Isaac and he gestured his head towards him. He spoke very very silently, "go."

      Dominic reached out his hand towards me and I walked slowly towards him and grabbed it gently. We walked away slowly into the gardens. When we turned a corner I stopped and let go of his hand pushing him away.
      "Why me?" I asked.
      "Because I like you Helena. Your different then other girls. You don't just want a child and sex and to be queen, your open about things." He said significantly.
      I scoffed.
      "What about the deal we me." I asked him.
      "You still owe me that."
      "You understand I'm only doing this for my brother. I don't want to marry. Especially you." I pouted. He chuckled and sighed. I looked at him and just stared... we kissed. At the same time we kissed and it felt so good. We kept kissing and we ran farther through the gardens where nobody would see us.

      We got to a private area and he turned me around and kissed all over my neck. I let out a moan and we both froze. I giggled a little and we continued. He placed his hand on my thigh and then stopped. "Are you sure?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded my head. We continued and he started to undress me.
      "Dominic..." I whispered his name. He kissed me all down my body and unbuckled his pants. We laid down on the random fainting couch and continued and kept going and going. "Do-
      I stopped, as he puts it in me. He chuckled and I did too...

     Later on i was in my chambers getting ready for dinner. We were going to the dinner at his palace this time. I was so happy and cheerful and just dancing around my room. When I went downstairs Lira, Isaac, Jorah, William and Margaret and some guards were waiting for me.
      "I'm ready." I said. I went and grabbed Williams hand and we got into the carriage.

      When we got there it was a whole feast, there was dancing and music. So many people and it was mostly the Dothraki. The guard and men went to go enjoy the party. I went over to Dominic with William holding my hand. He kissed me on my lips and I smiled.
      He looked at William and smiled.
      "You have a beautiful family. Your brother is so adorable." He said.
      "William.. say thank you and greet Mr. Caldren." I said to him. William looked at me and then back at him.
      "Apologies Mr. Caldren. Thank you and it's nice to fully meet you." William said politely. We all chuckled and sat. William was actually happy when I looked at him. For months I thought he was not feeling himself and I was dragging him through a lot of trouble.

      The music stopped and so did all the dancing , everyone turned towards me and Dominic.
      A man wearing a long cloak with an interesting necklace came to the middle and spoke, "tonight we celebrate Dominic Caldren and his lovely soon to be wife, Helena Certie." The crowd cheered loud and it felt so good just being there.
      The man turned and looked at me, Dominic looked at me and I stood up.

      "I am Queen Helena, Queen of Mereen, Queen of the Andals and and the Rhyonar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, the mother of dragons, Protector of the Realm, the unburnt, and the breaker of chains."
Everyone clapped and I chuckled.
"And now, Khalessi of the Great Grass Sea!" The man shouted.

They cheered even harder and I giggled. I sat back down and Dominic had a big smile on his face, so did William. William chuckled. "You are so lucky." He said. "You helped through a lot of things William. You are part of what got me here." I said to him. He hugged me and I hugged him back tightly. "I love you," I whispered to him.
"I love you too," He whispered back.

𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸  𝑂𝐹  𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆: Queen Helena, Mother Of The Dragons.Where stories live. Discover now