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      I sat on a chair in my tent and some of the ladies brushed my hair. "I may I ask you two a question?" I asked. They both nodded as they continuously brushed my hair. "I think I should leave. And go stay with a aunt or uncle or cousin.."

      "No, I think you should stay. You make Robb happy." One of the ladies said in a small French accent. "She's got nothing to do here let her go if she wants too." The other said. I chuckled a little. "Your on the right path Helena, stay and maybe good thing will soon happen." Another lady out her hand on my shoulder

I thought about it, leaving William wasn't a good choice, or even taking him away from his lessons. Can't go home, can't go anywhere but expect stuff to happen. Best option I've got.

      "Ladies, today I'm going to train, I haven't in weeks." I said. They looked at me with a shocked look. "Why don't you wanna do what you normally do." One of them chuckled. "What I normally do is boring, I want to train."

      I grabbed my sword and left the tent, they followed as I leaded through the forest to a big open area

      "Set it up for me, grab my arrow, and make a fake person." I demanded. They hurried quickly and grabbed everything for me.

      Minutes later after waiting I came back and it was all prepared for me. "Your bow and arrow, my lady." The French girl handed to me. I shot it a couple times. Using Robb's suggestion. I relaxed my arms like he was touching touching my shoulders.

      I shot it directly on the fake persons face. The ladies behind me gasped and clapped slowly. One clapped a lot. Another squealed. "That was only the first, I've still got to train more." They all stopped clapping and became silent.

      I laughed, pass me my blades. One of them rushed over and grabbed them for me. I threw one immediately at the wood. The lady gasped and ran back behind me. A bird flew by and I threw a blade at it directly in the eye.

      All the ladies gasped and were shocked.

      "Your Grace! You just killed a bird!" The French girl yelled.

      "It's just a fucking bird, calm down.... Christ." I raised my voice. "Perfect shot." The lady to my side said. I smiled and chuckled.

      Continued throwing blades and arrows. Finally moved on to the part of learning how to use a sword. A trainer had came and helped me, dialed a couple times but I got better. I did this for days. Trained and just trained.

      What for? Nothing.. but for whatever may come I guess.


      Sitting in my tent reading a book that I've been reading ever since I've arrived at Robb's army.
I walked around a little seeing the men sharpen the swords like they were getting ready for battle.
I saw Robb heading towards me.
      "I feel like we haven't talked in months."
      "I figured you've been very bored for the past couple days, so would you like to join me on my adventure."
      "Hmmm... idk I don't want to be TO entertained. Being with you especially."
      Robb laughed a little and all I could do was glare at his smile and how handsome he was. "Of course I'll go with you." I said in a soothing voice. Robb stared. "Grab your coat we're going soon." He smiled again.

      Of course I ran back to my tent and grabbed my coat. I caught William by surprise while he was running with another young boy close to his age.

      "Helena, This is my new friend we just met today!"
      "I didn't know there were more children here, that's good that you've found a friend William."
      "His name is Jack."
      "Well jack and William I'm off on adventure with Robb and I'll be back later, I'll see you when I return."

      I placed my hand on Williams shoulder and kissed his forehead. He watched me walking away, I felt bad leaving him, I promised to be within a mile away from him. Basically saying I wasn't going to abandon him again.

      But he had a friend! He'll be okay...


      We walked on a windy path, some guards behind us, it was just the 2 of us. Robb knew how much I was dying of boredom.

      "You should look into your family's history, every special person always has a special power." Robb complimented. I chuckled a little.

      "Im no special, being born my someone so cruel and someone so careless, I'm just the same."
      "Your not though, your free. Your finding yourself, figuring out who you are."
      "Yea.. I guess."
      "I wanted to apologize, you've been a good help and I haven't really entertained you, or anybody. I'm so busy with trying to bring down the Lannisters. You understand right."
      "Yea.. I understand. But.. don't you want to go home? Back to Winterfell."
      "I am not worried or concerned about Winterfell at the moment only thing I'm worried about is killing the Lannisters and what they've done to my family."

      Robb was very upset about his family being split a part like this. He would do anything for his family.

      I stopped walking and grabbed Robb's arm.

      "Robb.. your a very brave man, strong, caring, and loving for your family. But.. I don't want you to die trying to save them. Arya and Sansa are strong and your father.. well I want justice for him too..." I said, and placed my hand on his cheek.

      "Don't die trying to be the hero. Don't put yourself in a position of dying at all."
      "I am a king... kings start wars because of these types of things.

       "My king." The soldier interrupted. The voices faded in my head. I stared at Robb then to the ground. I love him so much, seeing him do this all of this for his family is so brave. But it would be all for nothing if he died and didn't save them.
      Or at least died and his family would lose him. He took my hand and leaded me up the hill and walked ahead as I followed him back to camp.

𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸  𝑂𝐹  𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆: Queen Helena, Mother Of The Dragons.Where stories live. Discover now