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A queens duty is very hard. When it comes to decision making you have to really think who you are doing it for. If your a ruler are you doing it for the citizens, or for your family.
"Helena wake up! We have a problem."
"What? What is it?"
"The captain has committed suicide.

I threw on some clothes and rushed to the deck. Everybody was on the deck and there was the captains dead body.
"I found him in the morning when I came to uh- to bring him breakfast." One of the woman said. It was obvious she was on of his whores, I see him at breakfast everyday.
"His death was a very sad tragedy and I apologize to you personally dear." I said looking right into the eye of his whore. She rolled her eyes back at me.
"..but now we must put somebody else in charge..."
"I don't feel like debate, choose somebody to be put in charge and I'll drive the ship to shore." One of the men said and walked away.
"Perfect.." I mumbled.

I walked back into the room and grabbed some paper.
"Yes Alban..?"
"Did.... Ehm..did you kill the captain?"
"Yes I did. I wasn't going to let the man who badly hurt my brother and all those other people keep doing that. I'm sure you would feel the same right?"
"Yes but now I think we've made ourselves more enemy's. Like the other men they could do something way worse if they try to hurt you."
"Alban... my dear you've got to stop alright. Your worrying to much we just have to get through this week and the next."


There was another storm this night. The same type of storm as the first day but a bit worse. The waves were more rough and there was a ton of lightning. Me Alban and William sat in our beds and just waited.
"I'm so scared." William said.
"Just try to sleep William...please and it will all be over with."
A loud lightning flashed right outside of our window. There was no way we would be faking
to sleep any time soon. All we heard was loud rain, men shouting outside trying to get the boat out of the storm. Then Williams cries.

A loud bang hit on our door. I froze and then got up right away to go see what it was. I threw on my robe and ran outside. It was pouring rain. A woman who was also outside she was laying down near the edge of the boat.
It was gonna be dangerous but I had to go get her. She hit very hard, she wasn't waking up at all. Definitely had a concussion. I tried to drag her body back to my Tom but I kept stumbling and falling over. Then it all happened in 2 seconds.
We hit a very large wave and I accidentally let go of the woman's body and fell all the way to the back of the ship, I hit very very very hard. The ship tried to ride over a large wave and was so close to making it. Water ran through the whole boat, but at least that was the end of the rough part...


I was in my bed when I woke up, the sun was shining through the window and getting into my eyes I felt really dizzy, my head was spiraling and my face felt numb.
Alban came into the room, and once he fiends around and saw me his face lit up.
"Finally I thought you'd never wake again."
"What are you talking about?"
"Helena you've been sleep for 4 days." I say up right away still aching and wincing in pain.
"Careful, careful."
"I don't understand.. what do you mean?"
"You hit your head really really hard Helena. They said you were still alive though so I just waited for you to wake up."
"Someone healed me?"
"One of the woman they used to heal people. Back in the north actually."
"I mean she did a pretty good job because I feel fine."
Alban got up from my bedside and opened the door to leave.
"Oh and of the woman?"
"What woman?" Alban questioned.
"She was badly hurt she hit at the edge of the ship."
"I can assure you we found no other bodies that night. You should rest, your memory is probably a bit of a blur right now." Alban said and he left the room. I laid back down on my back. The sun was shining bright in my eyes so I turned over onto my side.
All I could think about was that storm and the woman who got hurt as much as me. Had she fallen off the ship before anyone could see or realize she was hurt? Or was she not there and I walked out of my room that night for no reason.
Alban charged into the room and I turned over quickly.
"Sorry for such a scare but we'll be arriving soon."


We finally made it off of the ship. I borrowed a wagon to take but I realized I had no plan for what I'd do when I arrived at Braavos. I looked around the area and it was completely different than the north. The sun was shining so bright and it was a bit crowded too.
I looked back at the ship and noticed something strange. One of the men was telling another men something while looking at me.
"Alban we've got a problem."
"What? What is it."
The men started heading towards are wagon. William jumped on the wagon and sat in the back.
"Go Alban! Drive! They know I killed him"
The wagon drove off and the men started walking faster through the crowds. The wagon turned left to another path on a dirt road. The men were at the back of the crowd and were still trying to get through.
"Faster Alban and we can lose them." I yelled to him.
We made another turn on the dirt path and stopped.
"Alban?" I got up and tried to look at the front seat. Somebody grabbed both of my legs and dragged me off the wagon and put a hood on me.

𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸  𝑂𝐹  𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆: Queen Helena, Mother Of The Dragons.Where stories live. Discover now