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It was the night I was about to escape the castle. I sent my letter out to Sansa and Father days before. My stuff all packed from packing all day yesterday. I put on my cape and my hood and put a winter coat over it.

It was the middle of the night, everybody asleep... everybody. The guards dozed off during watch duty outside. I didn't want to risk sneaking past them though. I snuck over to Williams room, woke him up and help him put his coat on.

We hurried and snuck to the stables quietly. I tied our luggage onto each horse. I packed extra weapons and some for William, just incase we would have to split up. I heard a metal noise coming from outside. But not near us.

More noises, sounded like a draw bridge. "They never close the draw bridge." William whispered. "They.....is supposed to be asleep." I said. "They know, someone told mother we were leaving." William said whispering. "One of my ladies. I left my luggage out all day yesterday they must've noticed while cleaning my room."

"We need to go, now! The guards will come looking for us." William said at a low voice. We both led our horses out of the stables till we got to the edge of the castle. "There's a balcony above us, they'll be on watch duty soon we need to go now.." I said in a low tone. We got on our horses and went as fast as we could away.

"Over there." A voice called from the distance. "Cmon William!" I shouted ahead of him. An arrow shot beside us. I looked behind and William was still a bit far away. "William cmon they're going to kill us." I shouted again.

Seconds later an arrow shot at Williams horse. "Helena!" William screamed. I stopped my horse quick got off and ran to him. "Shit. Shit! Ohhh oh god, uhh grab your luggage your riding with me." I said trembling. "We can't leave the dying horse there!" William said scared.

"This is a matter of life or death William, we need to go and if we don't they will get us."

William looked at the horse. And then finally grabbed his luggage, I grabbed some of it for him to and we ran ahead back to my horse. "Duck down!" I shouted as more arrows shot at us.

I quickly tied the luggage onto the horse while William got on. I hopped on and rode away. A couple guards came out on their horses with their swords out charging towards us. I went into the woods and kept going, less than 2 hours till sunrise.

"My butt hurts." William whined. "I need to keep going William their tracking the smell and any footprints. They literally tried to kill us, mother won't stop sending men to find us." I said.

"I can't believe her, she would've told the guards not to try and kill us." William said.

I suddenly approached a river. "What are you doing people are looking for us and your gonna let the horse drink water." William raised his voice.

"No stupid, we're going to cross it. It's not that deep father took me and Issac here to swim once, they won't be able to find us the smell will go away." I said. I crossed the river but the horse was a little slow. It didn't take long though.

"My hands are numb." William whined.

"Mine are too but once we cross this river and get a little farther we can camp out." I said.


We finally stopped after we got far enough. I tied up the horse to a tree and made a fire. An hour before sunrise and William fell right asleep so I wrapped my fur coat around him to keep him warm while he slept.

I'm glad I had a plan of where I needed to go. I needed to find Maras body, and I know people don't believe in witchcraft these days but I needed that child to live.

Then I would need to find father. I'd eventually ditch the horses and sell them. To buy me and William food and a ride over to the forest near the castle.

𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸  𝑂𝐹  𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆: Queen Helena, Mother Of The Dragons.Where stories live. Discover now