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      Finally after walking for about an hour I saw it in the distance. The wall. Even through it looked big im the distance, I looked up into the sky and it was so big and tall and long... I got a little freaked. But it's all ice so I know it will never break and less something really hard hits it..
      I continued going down the dirt road and before I started to go up hill there was a campfire... it was wildings. They were planning to attack on the wall also. I didn't really know anything that was going on.
      I tried to listen and here what they were talking about without being seen. I stood at the top of that small hill.
      I lost balance from staying in the position hovering over a hill. Then I rolled down the snowy hill and landed right beside a very tall mans feet.
      "Ouch." I closed my eyes and winced in pain.
      He picked me up by my clothing. And held onto me.
      "Who are you." The man said, he had a deep voice.
     "Your Mance aren't you, and this is your army? You attack on that village."
      I looked around at all the men and the one woman, I recognized her when she saved us from getting killed.
      "You do not ask me questions, I ask you." Mance raised his voice.
      "Who are you?!"
      "I'm Anya Hemmington"
      "She's just a random woman Mance. Who seems to know how to fight because she has a bow and arrow."
      "Yes I've come to kill Jon Snow."

      Mance looked at the woman.
      "Sorry but that roles already taken. Like I said, if any of these men including you stand in my way, I'll shoot an arrow through your pretty little head."
      I didn't say nothing at all.
      "What's the plan."

"The other wilding will attack on the other side of the wall, most of the watch will be at the top of the wall. Then some will be at the bottom waiting for us. So then we will attack. And kill everybody on the watch." Mance said
"I'm confused how are the wildings on the other side supposed to attack if there way down below and the watch is at the top of the wall."
"There's only 2 ways to get across the wall. One way is through the gate, and gates have 2 entrances, inside and outside. It's strong but we have a giant. Then climbing the wall is also a option."
"Ohh okay makes sense, wait did you say you have gian-

A loud horn blew coming from the top of the wall.
"It's time.."
My heart started pounding. This was my first ever war. I didn't want to kill the watch. Jon Snow was the only man I wanted to kill. I knew if I betrayed Mance he would do some very bad shit to me.
We looked into the sky over the hill and there was orange smoke. That meant fire. Big tree fires on the other side of the wall. I wondered how many wildings there were currently over the wall, and I thought definitely over 2,000.

𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸  𝑂𝐹  𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆: Queen Helena, Mother Of The Dragons.Where stories live. Discover now