Chapter 62

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"You're doing great baby. I'm here. This time its different. No one can come take me away or stop me from being by your side this time." Blake assured Ashlyn.

Ashlyn nodded in agreement as she struggled to fight the pain of the contractions. Blake took her hand and kissed it before kissing her forehead.

"I'm not having no more kids for awhile." Ashlyn mumbled.

"You will have as many as I want you to have." Blake winked.

Ashlyn rolled her eyes up to the ceiling. Blake pulled his phone out then held it up to her face. It was a picture of the new Ferrari. . He told her that was her new push gift. He also showed her pictures of new seats that he had coming into her salon. She smiled weakly.

"You didn't have to buy me anything. You just being here this time is enough."

Blake kissed her again before taking a phone call. She was too tired and drained to fuss at him wondering who was on the phone this time of the morning, then again it could be his family being that she was about to have the baby. As she waited for Blake to return so many thoughts ran thru her head. Bentley was bigger than B.J. and she worried that he would tear her or hurt her. She almost didn't make it with B.J. and she hoped that this delivery was more easier.

"The floor of this hospital is on lock down until we go home. I'm not taking any chances on anyone coming in here causing us harm." Blake announced, walking back into the room

"You locked the hospital down?" Ashlyn was amused.

"Yes baby. Now let's focus on getting my son here." Blake rubbed his hands together.

They made eye contact for awhile. Blake was visibly tired yet he wasn't leaving her side. Naomi called asking if she could come see Ashlyn and the baby tomorrow once she gets into town, Ashlyn told her Blake wasn't allowing visitors. Ofcourse Naomi gave her a sermon about letting Blake control her but Ashlyn wasn't in the mood.

"Why didn't you talk with me before locking the hospital down Blake? I have family that wants to see me." Ashlyn whined.

"They can see you once you're home. This is my child too and I will make decisions that I think will protect him! Now focus on what needs to be done and stop questioning me!" Blake look irritated.

Ashlyn was in no shape or mood to continue to go back and forth with him so she kept her thoughts to herself. Blake walked into the bathroom to answer a call coming thru his phone. Ashlyn listened as he turned water on, peeked out the bathroom for a second to look around then walked back into the bathroom. She just knew he was back dealing drugs.

"Blakkkeee!" Ashlyn yelled.

Blake emerged from the bathroom in seconds. He ran his hands thru his hair as he locked eyes with Ashlyn.

"Yes baby!" Blake sat in the chair.

"Who are you on the phone with?" She asked thru clenched teeth.

"Ash, now is not the time!" Blake rolled his eyes.

"Get out!!! She yelled.

"Is everything okay Mrs. Ashlyn?" the nurse asked.

"Everything Is fine." Blake fake smiled before glaring at Ashlyn.

The nurse looked from Blake to Ashlyn before disappearing behind the curtain again. Blake knelted down and got as close to Ashlyn's ear as he could before speaking. Ashlyn stared straight ahead.

"Listen, I don't know what the fuck your problem is but imma need you to get your shit together for the sake of our child!" Blake hissed.

"Are you back selling drugs? Blake I'm not raising another child by myself again! I went through this same shit when I gave birth to B.J. then you went to prison. Do you not see how it affects me?" Ashlyn fought back tears.

"I'm not selling drugs! I'm a business man. I'm always on call. You want a 9 to 5 life or a life where you can breathe and relax without working so hard to make ends meet? I'm the man in this relationship. Don't you ever question any of my moves!" Blake walked over to the chair.

Ashlyn didn't utter another word. She knew when Blake was lying. He was definitely up to no good. Something wasn't right. He had got so defensive and acted as if he wanted to jump on her. He would normally come kiss her and say he sorry for lashing out but he just sat in the chair looking down at his shoes.

"Uuggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!" Ashlyn yelled as another contraction hit her.

It was definitely time to push. Blake was against her getting an epidural. She cried out to him.

"Blakeeee! Please! Its not too late for me to get the shot! I can't take this pain no more. Its worse than wh-"

"No!!!!! Don't ask me no more! " he jumped up.

Ashlyn cried out as pain shot through her body. Blake called for the midwife and doctor. He passed the floor back and forth. The midwife tried comforting Ashlyn as she cried and begged them to get the baby out of her. Blake kissed her forehead and encouraged her to push. She was grateful that he was by her side despite her assumptions.

"Take a real deep breath for me mom and push!" The nurse instructed.

"_I'm trying....I'm trying!" Ashlyn panted.

After 4 more hours of pain, pushing, and swearing, Bentley Nasir Myers was born. He was a New Years baby so he made the news and was getting special attention. Bentley began crying non stop once he finally reached Blake's arms. Blake kissed his forehead before just staring at him. A smile crept up on his face.

Ashlyn begged for some water as she watched Blake interact with Bentley. She was dehydrated and sore. It was all over. She was now a mother of two boys.

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