Chapter 19

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With Rena claiming she's now pregnant and Ashlyn being pregnant, Blake definitely had alot on his plate. Not to mention that he now had the feds on his ass thanks to Scooter. Tramel had begged Blake to cut Scooter off but Blake being the kind hearted person he is, had now costed  him almost everything he grinded hard for by not taking heed. He had been creeping in and out of town to avoid a run in with the law. Nate, his cousin who was a federal agent had been keeping him updated with everything.

Some beating on his door had caused him to grab his ak-47. What if it was the U.S. marshalls? Had they been tracking him down? A sense of relief over came him when he saw Ashlyn standing on the porch. She didn't look too happy. He wasn't surprised to find her so angry. She had found out about Rena. He prayed she didn't find out that Rena was pregnant too. Blake opened the door and stepped to the side immediately. Ashlyn got in his face.

"Who is Rena? Is she the reason you're doggin me out all of a sudden?" Ashlyn scolded.

"Damn, you could have at least asked me how my day going! You just jump straight to bullshit!" Blake slammed the door.

"Why should I give one fuck about how you're doing when you don't give a fuck about me? I am pregnant with your child Blake and you hadn't called to check on me not once!" Ashlyn pushed him.

"Keep your hands off of me. What's this you put your hands on my Nana? My mom told me she walked in on you hovering over Nana with your finger in her face and your hand around her throat. She just told me this shit this morning!" Blake glared at Ashlyn.

"Are you fucking serious. Ask Mrs. Lauren for yourself. I will never and I have never put my hands on her. At this point fuck your mama! All she do is keep shit going!" Ashlyn yelled.

"I agree she can be a pain in the ass, which is why I didn't ask you about it because I didn't believe it. You will not disrespect her though. At the end of the day she still my mama!" Blake looked down at Ashlyn.

" OK and again who the fuck is Rena?"

"Nobody!" Blake sighed.

"Oh so motherfuckers just running around lying on you huh? Blake you know who she is but I ain't even come here to argue with you bout a bitch. You gone lie anyway!" Ashlyn wiped her eyes.

"She my ex aight. I've already told you that. I don't fuck with her. I aint seen that girl in so long! I can't tell you ain't come here to argue! You walk straight in the house on the bullshit. That's why I keep my distance. You only think about you!" Blake accused.

"She can have your no good ass. What are we going to do about this baby? Shit went left ever since I told you I was pregnant. As soon as you start dogging me another bitch pops up in the picture!" Ashlyn broke down crying.

Blake hated seeing her cry. She was right. He wasn't shit. They definitely needed time apart.

"I'm not cheating on you or nobody because I'm single! Im going to be in my child's life no matter what. You don't have to worry about nothing when it comes to my child. I got too much going on to be in a relationship Ashlyn. I hate I got so caught up and comfortable with being with you that I forgot the life I really lived which ain't good for you."

Ashlyn walked up to him and slapped him so hard across his face. He held his jaw as he watched her sob.

"Don't you ever in your fucking life contact me again. Go on with your life Blake. My child will be taken good care of. You ain't the only one with options!" Ashlyn walked to the front door.

"If you walk out that door don't contact me until you in the labor and delivery room. I'm serious Ashlyn. You said you got options? I hope you ain't referring to that clown ass ex of yours that flattened your tires at the club that night? You'll be trying to put me on child support once you move that sorry motherfucker in your crib and you see he can't help you with not Nam bill!" Blake called after her.

She stormed out the door. Blake caught the door before it completely closed. Ashlyn had tried to run down the stairs and tripped and fell landing on her side.  Blake rushed to try to help her up. She grunted before responding to him.

"Ashlyn!!" Blake held her in his arms.

"Im okay Blake. You will never see me again I promise." Ashlyn tried to sit up.

"Look you probably right. I'm on the run Ashlyn. I'm facing all kinds of charges. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you worrying about me. I'm even getting rid of my phone after tonight. I love you and if we're meant to be, we'll run across each other again. I'm sorry for everything!" Blake kissed her on her lips and held her face in his hands.

"I'll be praying for you. Don't contact me no more. Rena gone make sure you got money on your books because I'm not being a prison wife to a motherfucker that's not even claiming me." Ashlyn pushed Blake away from her.

"I respect it. I don't need a woman like you in my life anyway. You don't know shit about loyalty or holding your man down. Thank you for showing your true colors!" Blake began walking to his front door.

"I'm not holding no man down that treat me like shit. You take care Blake!!" She hollered.

Blake looked back at her one last time before walking inside and slamming the door behind him. He had to creep back out of town and he needed to focus on staying low. Ashlyn was only a distraction. He still needed to see in black and white that Rena was indeed pregnant for him. She had been harassing him about a baby but still hadn't brought forth any paper work. So much was happening at once, how could he maintain a relationship right now?

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