Chapter 44

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Blake checked his phone in hopes of seeing Ashlyn's number pop up. He still had hope for them. She had texted about B.J. and asking if he was trying to put her on child support since B.J. was in his care and he wasn't trying to let her see him. He wanted more from her than a text about their son. He missed the days she would send him pics just to be sending them without him asking for one, he missed her long paragraphs rather she was cursing him out or expressing her love for him. He missed falling asleep on the phone with her. He missed her.

B.J. stood on top of the bathroom counter trying to brush his teeth. He tried to flex his muscles once he looked in the mirror. Blake showed him the proper way to flex and brush his teeth. Seeing B.J. 's green eyes light up with excitement everytime their eyes met made Blake heart melt. He always said he didn't want kids, but B.J. quickly changed his mind. It amazed him how much of an impact B.J. had on his life in just a short period of time.

"Dadddddd". B.J. attempted to jump off the countertop.

"Hey, easy now. You gone have your mama ready to kill me if something happen to you." Blake lifted B.J. off the countertop.

He took his phone out of his pocket she still hadn't called. Instead of waiting around he decided to call her. After the third ring Ashlyn picked up. She sounded as if she had just awakened. B.J. began saying "Ashy.....Ashy!" Making both Blake and Ashlyn laugh. Blake put her on speakerphone.

"What's my name B.J.?" She asked.

"Ashhhyyyy". B.J. responded.

"She do be ashy son!" Blake joined the conversation.

"Blake please dont play with me."

After a few more minutes of passing words Blake finally convinced her to come over. He needed time with her. He missed her. Yea he was casually seeing someone but nobody could replace Ashlyn. Apart of him felt guilty for ignoring Kara's, the female he was seeing, phone calls until she showed up to his house. She bested on his door until he had no choice but to open it. Kara took one look at B.J. then got in Blake's face.

"Your babymama must be in here the reason you can't open the door!" She half yelled.

"Kara don't do all that goofy shit in front of my son. I'm busy today. My hands are full, we can catch up next week." Blake watched as B.J. wobbled around.

"What you mean next week? Look if you back seeing your bitch say that!" She pushed him.

"I'm taking my son to Disney World okay. My attention will be given to him and him only. Thats our time to bond aight. You doing too much!" He looked down at her.

"So I can't come with y'all? I mean I am your girl." She threw her hands up.

"His mom is coming. Yes we will be in separate rooms, but we both agreed to be here on this trip for him." Blake was becoming irritated.

"You think you slick. You know what Blake .........fuck you. You ain't ever gotta call me no more! I hope yo lying pale ass fall off a cliff" She stormed back out the door then slammed it behind her.

An hour later Ashlyn texted letting him know that she was outside. He casually checked his self in the mirror to be sure that he looked nice for her. Ashlyn was now knocking on the door, well at least he hoped it was her at the door. There she stood in a denim two piece out fit. The jean top and jean shorts hugged her to perfection. The yellow Alexander McQueen heels complimented the yellow linen in her outfit. She also had the white toe nail polish that he liked so much.

"Damn girl u tryna get knocked up again?" Blake whispered.

"Uh noooo!" Ashlyn smiled as she walked further into the house before locking the door behind her.

"Maaamaaa!" B.j. ran up to her.

"Ouuuu baby look at youuuu! You look so handsome. Okay we all are dressed up, where we going?" Ashlyn kissed B.J.  forehead.

"We going to take him to the new Lego park then you and me gone have some alone time. We need to talk." Blake looked over at her.

"About?" She asked.

Blake ignored her and grabbed his keys to his truck. Ashlyn's eyes lit up with excitement once he told her she could drive his new Benz truck. She wanted one of her own and he could've easily gotten her own but he knew he had to rekindle things without involving money. He had to show her that he was serious. She had already turned him down for sex, she didn't want his money, she wanted his heart.

They made it to the Lego park in an hour's time. Blake didn't allow Ashlyn to lift a finger. Some females that slid in his DMS on IG once they noticed he and Ashlyn had split was gritting on him hard and giving him dirty looks. They were more tuned into watching Blake and Ashlyn instead of enjoying the park. Blake smiled inside at how much they hated his guts. B.J. was knocked out asleep. Ashlyn looked down into the stroller.

"He's really tired y'all must've been up all night. We can take him back home and maybe try this tomorrow." She suggested.

"We can drop him off to Vanessa's and then you can come with me. I've spent so much time with his lil ass and spent so much money on him so trust me he's fine." Blake smiled.

"You are so anxious to get me alone. Blake we are not fuckin just to let you know. You have a whole girlfriend now." Ashlyn reminded him.

"I'm not with nobody. Im single Ash." Blame said quietly.

"You got that girl you was in the club with and you got Rena still running behind you. I just dont see how you still deal with her after she fucked your blood brother." Ashlyn sighed.

"Fuck that girl that was at the club. And as far as Rena, you don't ever have to worry about her again. I took care of her."

Ashlyn looked into his eyes. She knew exactly what he meant. Blake didn't care anymore. He kissed Ashlyn on her lips then pulled her into his arms. She kissed him back then dropped her head.

"Blake I can't do this. Let's just coparent and keep it strictly business wise."

"If you didn't want me you wouldn't be here, you wouldn't have kissed me back. Be real with yourself. If I would have never put my hands on you we would be alright right? Ash, I know you still want shit to work between us you just got too many people in ya ear right now." Blake kissed her again.

She didn't say anything and Blake knew why. She had so many people turning her against him. He knew her too well.

Love and War : Blake and Ashlyn's love story ( BWWM )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя