Chapter 25

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

Ashlyn jumped out of her sleep and looked around. She had fallen asleep on the couch. The last she remember before shutting her eyes was crying her eyes out about Blake. She was about to text his phone until she realized she had changed her number. She got up slowly off the couch and walked to her door. The landlord was outside her door.

"Good morning!" Ashlyn greeted her landlord as soon as she opened the door.

"Ashlyn I'm sorry but your baby father left me no choice."

"Tonya, What are you talking about? What's this?" Ashlyn snatched the paper off her door.

"An eviction notice? I just paid my fucking rent!" Ashlyn put her hand up to her head.

"This Blake dude is no joke. You better be careful. He threatened me and promised to have my real estate license snatched from me Ashlyn. What would you do if you were in my shoes?" Tonya tried to reason.

"You and him got me fucked up!" Ashlyn slammed the door in Tonya's face.

Ashlyn was no longer working at the club due to her being so big and pregnant now. She had taken maternity leave at Ruth Chris but decided to call her manager to tell her she may have to come back early. Roderick, the assistant manager answered the phone.

"Hello?" He answered in a confused tone.

"Uh yes Roderick, this is Ashlyn, I may have to come back to work a lil earlier than promised. I can come to work right now. I feel okay. If you have any extra shifts please let me come in and work them." Ashlyn pleaded.

"I'm sorry Ashlyn but we won't be needing you. Pappadeaux is hiring for waitresses. Perhaps you might can get on over there. We got a phone call from a Blake and he's very infuriated with you. After getting harassed and being threatened with corporate we made the decision not to rehire you once you come back from m-"

Ashlyn hung up. Tears filled her eyes as she screamed out in agony. She hated Blake Carmichael Myers. She was so blinded by his looks, his money, the gifts, and his persuasion that she missed the signs. Blake was getting her back for embarrassing him at the baby shower. He had her job and her home snatched from her in just seconds. She was going to go face him. She had to.

After brushing her teeth and jumping in the shower she decided to dress in some biker shorts, a graphic T-shirt, and some fur slides. She preferred to be comfortable. She walked outside and noticed her car was gone too. How the fuck he had time to do all of this? Was he that hurt that he was damn near taking her life from her? She called him again. This time the call went to voicemail. Son of a bitch! Ashlyn said to herself. Naomi was her next option. She prayed she wasn't sleep. Naomi answered on the second ring.

"Heyyyy my pretty baby!" Naomi sang.

"Girl come get me now! I'm killing Blake today. Bitch do you know he threatened Tonya now I gotta move, he got me fired from Ruth Chris and im standing outside now and I just noticed that my fucking car is gone. I know he got it repoed. Naomi come get me please so I can fuck this nigga up!" Ashlyn began crying as she looked around her yard.

"I'm on my way. I got B.J. gifts you left too. " Naomi said.

"Thank you please hurry!" Ashlyn dabbed at her eyes before hanging up.

Ashlyn sat on the steps of her home staring straight ahead as tears rolled down her face. This is not the way she pictured her pregnancy going. Blake was so kind and caring at first. She understood he had a lot on his plate. He was running from the U.S. Marshalls, about to be a father to two kids, and god knew what else. She just wanted the nice, gentle, Blake before all this came about. He was still denying his other child and still holding Dante showing up against her. Naomi came rolling into her driveway moments later.

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