Chapter 30

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"Look at them green eyes!! Cousin he is so freaking handsome!!!" Naomi almost drooled as she held Baby Blake in her arms.

"He got Blake's mama eyes. I guess I hated her ass so much during my pregnancy, that I marked him with her eyes." Ashlyn reached for Baby Blake.

"Bitch you smart as hell. At least you got pregnant for a rich white boy, instead of one of these crazy, wanna sell drugs, still live with mama ass niggas. Damn I pray I follow in your footsteps!!" Naomi carefully handed Baby Blake to Ashlyn.

"Girl Blake damn near like them he just don't live in poverty. You see where his ass at now, done left me out here with a whole baby on my own!" Ashlyn stared into the eyes of her son thinking about Blake.

"At least he left you a house, a car, bills paid up. Man most of these motherfuckers ain't finna leave you a damn thing because they can't leave you a damn thing, hell." Naomi reasoned.

Ashlyn continued dressing Blake. He was becoming very alert. Naomi was speaking facts but she still longed for Blake. She wished he would just burst through the door at any given moment and throw his big strong arms around her. Naomi called her name.

"Ashlyn? Ashlyn?" Naomi called out.

"What?!" Ashlyn looked over at Naomi.

"Are you okay cousin? You seemed stuck for a minute?"

Ashlyn sat on the King size bed that she slept in every night. Blake's face flashed before her eyes causing her to cry out. Naomi hugged her tightly.

"I can't do this. I can't. My son will be 20 years old when he finally meet his daddy face to face. That's too long! I'm tired of pretending I'm happy!" Ashlyn cried into Naomi shoulder.

"Its gone be okay cousin. I got you!" Naomi hugged her tighter.

"I miss him Naomi!! My son needs his daddy!" Ashlyn sobbed.

After minutes of venting and expressing herself Ashlyn finally pulled herself together. She was taking baby Blake out to the park for fresh air. They had been stuck inside for sometime now. Naomi volunteered to drive for Ashlyn because Ashlyn was still an emotional wreck. Blake had sent a letter telling her to move on with her life because she deserved better. He apologized for leaving her at a time she needed him the most. He promised if he  got out early he would marry her. Ashlyn knew he was only talking marriage because he was incarcerated.

Naomi packed Baby Blake's stroller in the back of the G-wagon for Ashlyn. She even opened the car door for Ashlyn before getting in the driver's side seat. Ashlyn handed Naomi a stack of one hundred dollar bills. Naomi was hesitant to take it at first, but Ashlyn refusing to take the money back left her no choice but to accept the money.

"How about we do a picnic under the tree in the park?" Ashlyn suggested.

"Ayyee now that will be too cute. I'm down." Naomi began dancing in her seat.

"We have to grab a blanket and a picnic basket." Ashlyn looked into the backseat at Baby Blake.

Ashlyn cut on music as she and Ashlyn reminisced about their childhood. Naomi was still hanging strong with the guy she had met after Tramel. Ashlyn loved seeing Naomi so happy and jolly. Naomi pulled into Walmart parking lot.

"Bitcchhh I gotta go pee!! Here take your keys. Meet me by the fruit that's where I'm going after I come from the bathroom okay." Naomi slammed the keys on Ashlyn leg.

"Bitch be careful and call me okay!" Ashlyn called after her.

Ashlyn had gotten Baby Blake car seat out of the car. It was alot heavier because he was in it. He looked so peaceful with his pacifier in his mouth just sleeping. Ashlyn kissed his cheek before walking slowly with him to a buggy. She placed his carseat in the more roomier part of the buggy. When she looked up a female was walking around the car looking in all the windows.

"Excuse me?!!! Can I help you?" Ashlyn walked over to the car swiftly.

"Your name Ashlyn?" The female asked

"Who are you? Why is you looking all in my car?!" Ashlyn watched the woman carefully.

"My fiance told me to come get this car! I went to his house and the car wasn't there! Its a good thing I had to come get some shit for my plants here.......I wouldn't have ran into you!"

"You better get your delusional ass away from my fuckin car!! Fuck your fiance!!" Ashlyn balled her fist up.

"I'll be telling Blake what you said!" She smirked.

"What the fuck you just say?" Ashlyn demanded.

"You heard me. See I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but Blake and I never stopped fucking around. You ran around town thinking because you had his baby that you got him forever but you just a baby mama. We've been talking and he wants to be with me and his daughter. He don't know how to tell you so he sent me to tell you." The girl shrugged.

"So you the bitch Rena he been fucking?" Ashlyn chuckled.

"Easy on the bitch word. I'm Rena his fiance not just his babymama. Blake ain't been honest with you lately and I'm sorry but it looks like your time is up. He dont call you as much because he spends most of his time talking to me. He said he dont know how to get rid of you s-"

"SO HE SENT YOU TO GET YOUR ASS BEAT RIGHT? BITCH FUCK YOU AND BLAKE!!" Ashlyn spit in the female face then took her keys and went across her face with them.

"MY EYESSSSSS!" The female screamed.


Someone had reached over Ashlyn shoulder and hit the girl in her head. Ashlyn stepped back to check on Baby Blake. Naomi slung the girl to the ground and began kicking her until someone threatened to call the police.

"Bitch fuck that picnic let's go!" Ashlyn yelled.

"Who is this hoe? I heard y'all arguing next thing I know you done hit the bitch in her shit!" Naomi sent one more kick to the girls back.

"This the Rena bitch Blake fuckin on. I can't wait til he call me. Im so done with his garbage ass!" Ashlyn quickly grabbed Baby Blake from the buggy.

Just as quick as they came, they left. Any hope or love Ashlyn had left for Blake was now gone for good.

"What happened?" Naomi asked as she swerved out the parking lot.

"The Bitch come telling me some Blake told me to come get a car that's mine from me. He brought me this car. This my shit!! She talking bout they got a daughter together he want his family an-"

"That hoe lying. She was never pregnant! Ashlyn she jealous of you. I don't think that Bitch had a child for real. Blake will never send another bitch to tell you shit. That crazy motherfucker call all the shots! You gotta stop believing these hoes." Naomi looked over at her.

"Girl fuck Blake! I can't wait til he call me. He so dead to me. He'll never see my son and I mean that!"

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