Chapter 46

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Who would've ever thought that the infamous Blake Myers would be laying in Ashlyn's bed. Ashlyn turned over and just looked at him while he slept. He was undeniably attractive, his sex was definitely amazing, he was willing to give her whatever she wanted but was he worth a second chance. No, a thousandth chance. Ashlyn continued looking at him while he slept as she replayed last weekend's events. Blake had been on her trail hard ever since.

"Goodmorning sexy." Blake mumbled as he opened one eye.

"Good morning handsome. Your breath stinks." She giggled.

"Your ass stinks!" Blake pulled her closer to him as they both laughed.

They shared a long kiss before Blake got on top of Ashlyn. They had been having sex non stop since their movie date with no protection. Ashlyn slowly tried to sit up once Blake lifted her night shirt up. He grew infuriated once she brought up condoms.

"Condoms? What the hell do you mean we need to use condoms. You are mine. I'm clean so what the fuck?!" He looked into her face.

"Blake you are seeing someone else besides me. I'm not dumb. You didn't just let that girl go Like that. You are fuckin her still!! Im not trying to get trapped with another baby!" Ashlyn jumped up.

"You dont have a choice! You are my woman and I want a family!! I've tried to convince you in every way that I know how that I've changed. I want more babies. I dont want B.J. growing up alone." He threw the covers back and began eyein her now visible legs.

"Come here baby." Blake said in a low voice.

What Blake Myers wanted, Blake Myers got. Ashlyn shivered as he played with each of her breast before positioning himself between her legs. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began moaning his name as he slowly slow stroked her. Blake made a hundred promises to her. He then flipped her on her stomach and began kissing her from the back of her neck down to her butt cheeks. He made her arch her back. She forgot how mad she was at him and began throwing it back until he exploded inside her.

"I know for sure Imma be pregnant soon." She shut her eyes.

Blake held her in his arms until his phone began ringing causing him to get up from the bed. He looked at Ashlyn then began walking towards the bathroom. He shut the door behind him. Ashlyn tip toed towards the door so she could hear what he was saying. She didn't know how she allowed herself to be controlled by a man but Blake had mind control over her.

"I'm on my way home now Kara. I don't care about what you heard. Why you asking who I'm around. I'm not around nobody. Stop tripping....... You gone stop tripping for daddy?" Ashlyn overheard Blake say.

He continued talking.

"Yea we can go eat. I'm free after three today. Pick the location and I got you ok." He promised.

Ashlyn quickly walked back to her bed once she noticed he was no longer talking. Blake peeked his head out the door while brushing his teeth. He motioned for Ashlyn to come in the bathroom with him then winked his eye. Ashlyn didn't budge.

"You don't wanna shower with me now?" He frowned.

"Blake get back on the phone with Kara. Shouldn't you be going home so you can rest until three o clock." She shook her head then put her hands over her face.

"I just said that to get her off the phone. She clingy as hell. I'm not going no damn where with her. We going to get your clothes and things and bring them home.

"Oh no I'm already at home! You on the phone with another bitch in my house after we just fucked telling her you taking her out to eat. You don't want me yet you want me to pump out kids for you. You dont want her but you dont wanna tell her that!! You the fuckin problem Blake!!! Get the fuck out my fucking house now!" She jumped up and rushed to the bathroom.

"Who in the fuck are you hollerin at? Don't you ever in your life raise your damn voice at me girl!! I'm trying to fix this shit between us. You not helping with that insecure shit!" He followed her into the bathroom.

"Wanna put a smile on my face? Tell Regina pale ass about my baby. Man the fuck up and tell her about him!! Start there!! Then get rid of every bitch you still out here playing with. I'm not fuckin you no more until you fuckin show me I'm not them and I really matter. Nobody is winning. We all just a sex slave to you!" Ashlyn turned the shower head off and began running water in the tub.

" Wanna put a smile on my face Ashlyn? " Blake asked.

He walked out of the bathroom. Ashlyn assumed that he was leaving because he slid into his T-shirt and pants and walked out the room as well. She watched bubbles form into the water before getting in. As she thought of Blake and all that he put her thru she cried. She made the decision to not give him another chance. Blake returned shortly.

"Ashlyn?" Blake sat on the toilet seat.

She didn't answer him.

"Wanna put a smile on my face? Marry me." Blake pulled out a small box.

"We're not ready! We are living in different homes. We fighting over our son daily. We dont trust each other. You leading other bitches on making them think they got a chance with you. We'll fuck here and there then go weeks without talking to each other. That's not love at all. I cannot say yes to a man that once put His hands on me because of his ex. No, Im not accepting it

"Though I do understand, you don't have much of a choice." Blake glared at her.

"And thats just how marriages end fast. You are hiding a whole child from most of your family, you don't want to stop seeing other bitches but think you finna tie me down with a ring. Blake until you do better, you can give that ring to Kara!" She looked away.

"So you rather continue fucking me when I wanna fuck, letting me get you pregnant, I'm not in the house with you and my kids....I don't get it. I'm trying to marry you and give you the life you want and you turn it down." Blake let out a laugh.

"You tryna flip this shit around. I did all that shit with you. We practically still living like that and I don't want to live like that with a ring on my finger. Nothing you buy can change my mind until you show me you gonna change." Ashlyn said.

Blake slowly put the ring box back in his pocket. There was an awkward silence before he spoke again.

"You won't marry me because I'm white and you're afraid of what people on the outside will say. You went and ran your mouth to my daddy and your family when I put my hands on you. So now you afraid that they will talk about you and judge our marriage. Just be honest." Blake accused.

"I don't care what nobody think of us. You embarrassed us. I'm not putting that ring on my finger until I see you doing better. Now go get ready for your date with your hoe. Bye Blake.

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