Chapter 42

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Blake watched from the upstairs window as Ashlyn emerged from the limousine he had sent to her cousin's house. Lately she had been wearing her hair in a messy bun and just throwing on her work clothes or her sweat pants. Tonight however she looked as if she was having dinner with the president. Blake shook his head as he admired her beauty. He walked slowly down the steps.

"Blake?!" The male voice on the intercom came booming thru the house.

"She's good." Blake assured his security.

The doorknob turned and in walked Ashlyn. They just stared at each other for awhile before Blake looked away. Ashlyn sat on the couch and took her heels off. She always did this before they went anywhere. Eric had texted Blake telling him the party had started early. His phone began ringing. It was his mother. He declined her call.

"Are you pregnant?" Blake asked.


"Then why would you tell my mom that you're pregnant?" Blake frowned.

"Because I know that it will break her lil racist white heart the day you bring a brown baby home. I'm so ready to tell her about B.J." Ashlyn eyes watered.

"I told you to let me handle it Ash. What the fuck happened yesterday? How did y'all even bump into each other?" Blake sat across from Ashlyn.

" That shit dont matter! I'm tired of biting my tongue for that bitch! I'm tired of hiding my son from her. Tell her about him or I will!! " Ashlyn stood to her feet.

" Dont test my hand Ashlyn! Look let's go to the party, act as if we have reconciled, we this happy ass couple again, so we can get B.J. back aight?" Blake eyed Ashlyn's neck.

"You can't go around my dad like that. He'll know we been fighting. Do you have a choker or can you let your hair down to cover those marks?"

"I've been covering up a lot of shit and I'm tired of it. I'll meet you in the limo." Ashlyn grabbed her shoes.

"Do what the fuck I say and shut the fuck up! Damn do you not want our son back in our care? I promise once B.J. back in my arms you won't hear a peep out of me!" Blake got in Ashlyn face.

She shivered with fear as she looked back at him. He had her wrapped around his finger. Blake placed a thick choker around Ashlyn neck before walking her to the limousine. All he needed was for her to play her role until he had his son back in his arms and then she was history. He needed time alone anyway to get himself together.

An hour later the limousine slowly rolled into the gates of Eric Myers estate. Though he was having a day party, it looked very much as if he was the party at a club instead. His property was invaded by security, policemen, a few family members, a few colleagues, his children and step children, business partners, anyone that loved him. Blake quickly scanned the crowd as he stepped out of the limousine. He grabbed Ashlyn's hand and helped her out of the limousine. All eyes were on them as he ushered her up to the door.

"There's got to be atleast 200 and something people here." Ashlyn mouth dropped.

Blake continued guiding her thru the house until they were in the back yard where the main set up was. Ashlyn stopped walking and put her hands up to her mouth once she laid eyes on Baby Blake. Blake could feel her about to break down. He felt so bad for causing their son to be out of their care. He slowly wrapped his arms around Ashlyn.

" He will be back in our arms in no time." Blake kissed her forehead.

"Blake I just dont want you to run off with him. He is my child too." She whined.

" We not together so I no longer have to consider your feelings. Now straighten your face up and let's go." Blake began walking off.

"You selfish ass son of a bitch!" Ashlyn yelled after him.

Blake stopped walking. He looked around and remembered his dad had a downstairs bathroom. Ashlyn eyes got big as a golf ball as he grabbed her hand violently and shoved her towards the bathroom. He locked the door behind them once they were inside. He balled his fist up causing Ashlyn to beg him

"No!! Please! Blake I'm sorry. I'm not gone say anything else!" Ashlyn shielded her face.

"Stop fucking provoking me!! You not making this shit easier on me. What about me? I got my fucking house, my cars, and my son taken because of you!" Blake pushed her forehead with his finger.

"I'm sorry." Ashlyn began crying.

Blake wanted to pull her into his arms but he knew she was only saying sorry to keep him from hitting her. She moved to another state and left their son behind. She said she cared but her actions showed otherwise. Blake left her in the bathroom crying. He was over her shit. Seconds later he could hear the clack of her heels following behind him.

Eric was smiling from ear to ear once he and Blake's eyes met. Blake watched how B.J. and Eric interacted. It was like a younger him reuniting with his dad. B.J. reached for Blake making Blake cry in the inside. Blake noticed that Eric dressed B.J. the way he wanted to dress him instead of following Blake's commands. Eric greeted both Ashlyn and Blake before asking them to follow him to his office where there was more privacy. Blake laughed as B.J. called him Dada then hugged his neck tight.

"The only daddy u got." Blake said to B.J.

"Is that sneak diss and a shot towards me?" Eric looked back smiling.

"Noooo. That was for his mama. He will never have a step daddy as long as I'm alive."

Once they were all in the office, Eric got straight to the point.

"I honestly don't feel like this is a good time to give B.J. back. Y'all not ready to put your differences to the side and raise him. Regina got on my ass about Ashlyn throwing drink on her. Blake you won't keep your hands off Ashlyn. Regina told me about the bruises Ashlyn has on her neck from you. This child deserves to be in a stable home with a healthy environment." Eric sat on his desk.

"Stable home? I have a home for my son to come home to. I'm not putting my hands on this girl no more. I'm so tired of you and mom trying to tell me how to live my life. I forgot y'all perfect as hell!" Blake mugged Eric.

" Well do better if you are tired. Stop fighting this girl, yelling over your son's head, got her running across the world from you. You grown but still acting like a child. Both of you are!" Eric glared at Blake as he continued to speak.

"Go to therapy tomorrow afternoon and  then I'll give B.J. back. You two need it. Since y'all can't hear each other out maybe someone else can help you hear each other out."

"Nah we good. We not on drugs, we not in and out of jail, we not homeless, we not broke. I'm not going thru hell and back just to get my son back." Blake began walking out the door.

For the rest of the evening he bonded with B.J. completely ignoring Ashlyn. She wanted his attention but she was the reason for this tug of war Blake and Eric were doing over B.J. Hours passed by before company slowly filed out of Eric's home. Blake knew he had made a fortune off this party because Eric's friend were rich and always blessed him. Eric ordered Blake and Ashlyn to stay overnight. Blake went to his old room and fixed it up. Ashlyn had gone off to give B.J. a bath.

"Dont wash his hair. This house is cold and he'll get sick that way." Blake watched Ashlyn with B.J.

She definitely loved their son. She talked to him, she laughed with him. He was very talkative now and alert. Blake wanted all them to be back as one so maybe therapy was the next best thing for he and Ashlyn. Blake wrapped B.J. up in a towel, made him use his very own potty, then put a pull up and pajamas on him. His curly hair was all over his head so Ashlyn put a durag on it to protect it.

Blake read him a bedtime story and let him act as if he was reading it back to him. He knew Ashlyn was recording him but he didn't even fuss. Ashlyn got in the bed with B.J. and cuddled him. Blake just watched them. Soon they were both knocked out sleeping peacefully. Blake stood over Ashlyn watching her before slowly gathering B.J. in his arms. He grabbed the diaper bag and walked out the room. After successfully making it to his car with B.J. he sat B.J. in the passenger seat buckled him up and then pulled out. Security didn't bother him being that he was Eric's son. No one was going to tell Him how to raise his son or keep him away from him ever again. He was prepared for any consequences that followed going against his father.

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