Chapter 43

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A night out on the town in Atlanta was what Ashlyn needed.  Naomi had invited her out because she felt they were drifting apart.  At one point they were inseparable, alot changed over tine. Naomi had also given Ashlyn the heads up on Blake. Rumor had it that he was indeed seeing someone else now. The news shattered Ashlyn's heart.

"Well look at you bitttcchhh!" Naomi stepped back to admire her.

"Mr. Man got you glowing." Ashlyn complimented her back.

"Yes cousin, I love him. But back to you, bitch you look the fuck good. You so beautiful cousin." Naomi hugged her.

They embraced for a brief second. Naomi suddenly stopped smiling and was seemingly looking pass Ashlyn. Ashlyn followed her gaze. There was the infamous Blake Myers smiling and grinning in another woman face. A vase of roses sat on the table and they were engaged in a heavy conversation. Naomi grabbed Ashlyn arm.

"Ash fuck him. I mean ain't y'all done and over? Just like you ran into him you'll run into another baller. Bitch I'll shoot at his daddy if I was you and make him my stepson!" Naomi smiled.

Ashlyn shook her head as she snatched away from Naomi. She grabbed a random person's drink from their table and speed walked to Blake's table. He had his arm around the female's waist. Without thinking twice, she dashed the drink in Blake's face and tried to crack the glass on his head. The female looked frightened. She jumped up with a scared look on her face.

"I hope you stood up to leave because if you even look like you wanna defend this nigga I'm on yo ass hoe!" Naomi promised.

"Who is this?" The female asked.

"Nobody." Blake answered as he wiped his face.

"Oh I'm  nobody? I'm the mother of his child, his punching bag, the bitch he can't leave alone. Blake fuck you!" Ashlyn slapped the vase of flowers on to the floor.

"Ashlyn, you wanna do this in front of everybody?" Blake looked at her.

"Yea I do so they can see how you beat me behind closed doors!" She said quietly.

Blake quickly dismissed the female who never took her eyes off Naomi. She almost ran out the door. Security came to the table but quickly backed off once they realized it was Blake. Ashlyn began punching him. She hated him more than ever.

"Ashlyn let's go! He not worth it!" Naomi tried pulling her away.

"Nah! Fuck that! This man beat me because he still fucking his old bitch and chose her fuckin words over mine, he takes our son from me, he verbally abuse me, this bitch ain't shit! I be fuckin damned if I sit back and let you be happy with another bitch while I had to endure nothing but fuckin pain!!" Ashlyn kicked Blake.

He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulders swiftly walking out the club with her. She had embarrassed him and she didn't give a fuck. Ashlyn begged and screamed as they got closer to his car. Naomi followed behind him pulling on his shirt and trying to prevent him from taking Ashlyn off. Ashlyn yelled for Naomi to call the police. Blake jerked his car door open and threw Ashlyn in the passenger seat.

"Naomi go home! Ashlyn in good hands. This the typical babymama baby daddy drama, we good....goodnight!" He waved her off.

"Ashlyn get out that car now!" Naomi beated on his window.

Blake jumped in his car and sped off. He was visibly angry. They argued the whole ride to his house. Naomi kept calling her phone but she didn't answer. She needed answers from him, she needed closure. He turned the radio up as she tried to ask him if he and the girl was seriously dating. She began crying.

Love and War : Blake and Ashlyn's love story ( BWWM )Where stories live. Discover now