Chapter 48

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Ashlyn lay in bed listening to Maxwell's "Whenever, Whatever". Tears suddenly filled her eyes as she reached for her phone. Blake stopped reaching out to her, he stopped begging her. He still did his part as a father however. Was he over her? Did he move on from her? She looked thru their old messages and burst out crying. She didn't Want to admit it but she loved him more than she was admitting.

After listening to a few more sad love songs, Ashlyn finally decided to just go and face Blake. She should've said yes when he asked her to marry him, they would be happy now she said to herself. Or would they?

After getting herself together she decided to go to Saks Fifth Avenue. Blake always showered her with gifts and she realized that she didn't return half the love he have shown her in return. Normally she would call Naomi to come be by her side but she wanted to do this on her own. She had to. She went into the cologne area of the store and got Blake two nice fragrances called Aqua. Blake loved button downs, he loved shorts, he loved sneakers, she racked her brain trying to think of everything he would want. What if she did all of this for nothing though? She had a small pep talk with herself as she looked down at all the bags she had collected.

Forty five minutes later she was in front of his house. The garage door was up. Blake wouldn't leave his garage door up, so she figured he was in there rummaging thru old items or probably had a new car. Ashlyn gave herself a look over before getting out  her car. It was now or never. She grabbed the bags and walked up the driveway. Blake was in the garage with the hood of his car up. He had their son in his arms pointing at different parts under the hood.

"Hey." Ashlyn looked up at him.

"Sup." Blake kept his eyes on his car.

Ashlyn watched him interact with B.J.

"This is where the battery is. It's under this, so you would have to take it to the dealership to get it looked at and taken out." Blake smiled as B.J. pointed at the battery.

"What are all these boxes for?" Ashlyn asked as she looked around.

" I'm moving back into my old house." Blake answered as he put B.J. down before closing the hood of his car.

" I know your birthday is two weeks away but I wanted to gift you early." Ashlyn held the bags up.

"Thank you. B.j. is sleepy so Imma lay him down. You can just leave the bags on the table." Blake hit the garage door lock then walked inside.

"Wow. Just leave the bags on the table. So you weren't going to tell me that you are moving back into your old house?"

"Why should I? I lost it the first time because of you!! We are not together anymore so why should I update you about any damn thing I do, Ash?" Blake patted B.J. to sleep.

"You know what you are right!! You right!! I'll just leave." She turned towards the door.

Blake walked into B.J.s room completely ignoring her. She looked out the window and noticed it had begun to rain. She was about to walk out the door until Blake began talking.

"That's right Ashlyn Epps!! Leave like you always do. Didn't even ask how your son doing today. Then you come here with gifts thinking that's gone patch shit up between us huh?" He crossed his arms.

"Dont you ever try to say I dont love my son. You do it!! You buy gifts just to shut me up.  The movies meant nothing. You just wanted to fuck. I thought me buying you something for a change would be a good idea.....boy was I wrong? She sniffled.

Blake went through all the bags. He brought them to his room. He acknowledged her for knowing what he liked. Ashlyn grabbed the doorknob. She missed when Blake would stop her from leaving. Things definitely changed.

"Imma just go home now. I'm glad you liked your gifts. Can I come get B.J in the morning?" She asked as she kept her back turned.

"Why do you keep coming in and out of my life? Why? Ashlyn you don't want me and I wish you stop pretending like you do. You only clingin to me because of my status. When you walk out that door tonight don't ever come back." Blake looked her up and down.

Ashlyn turned around not hiding the fact that she was crying. Blake walked to his kitchen and came back with a stack of money. He slammed it into Ashlyn's hand.

"Here you go Ash. Go buy yourself a nice dress, some nice shoes, get your nails done. Go post as many fucking Instagram pictures as you please. Go take a picture infront of your porsche and come up with some catchy caption before posting it. Go party all damn weekend and forget you got a son until Sunday evening. Go on Ash. That's life for you." Blake shoved her towards the door.

Ashlyn couldn't believe Blake had put her out in the rain. She looked at the writings on the bands that held the money and realized he had given her thirty thousand dollars. Yea it was the most money any man she's ever dated had given her but she longed for his love. She wanted things to go back to the way they once were. These men in these streets didn't love her nor wanted to take on the role of being a full time boyfriend. They wanted relations and sex. Blake loved her for her and she realized that now. He was right. She was high off living the lavish life and it was time to come down and face reality. She began knocking on the door as she cried. Blake cracked the door.

"Ash go home. I'm about to shower and just kick back. I'll call you in the morning." He looked into her eyes.

"You were right about everything you said. Blake I'm so sorry that I've been selfish all this time. Take the money back, I don't want it..... I want you and B.J.  Baby just hear me out. Blake I was nothing until I met you. You w-" she broke down and dropped to her knees.

"I love you Ash. I put a baby in you because I felt you were the one for me. Ashlyn I proposed to you and you said no. That showed me you didn't love me. I've spent thousands of dollars on you. You won't even stop shaking your ass at the club just to be a full time mom. You don't want me, you don't want B.J. , you don't want better. You think I want to fuck with these money hungry Atlanta hoes? No....... But you put me up for grabs." Blake tried helping her up.

"What I gotta do to show you I want this? Blake I'll stop working at the club, I'll do anything.....ILL DO IT!" She grabbed him around his waist as she looked into his eyes.

"You're gonna be sick as a dog come morning girl. Come inside and lay down for the night."

" I don't want to be out here no more. You don't have to chase me no more Blake. I get it. Baby I was being ungrateful." She sobbed as she held him.

"I'm tired of this emotional rollercoaster we on. Fuck, Ashlyn I want forever with you but im done trying to show you." He pulled her inside the house then locked the door.

" Let me show you." Ashlyn kissed Blake on his lips.

She began raising his shirt up as she kissed him. Blake kissed her on her neck. Ashlyn gushed as he took his shirt off.

" That's all us men get is sex? I need more. I need action not just bedroom action. Prove to me that you love me and our son. Show me that you want to be my woman. I'm tired of being the only one proving I love you. Yea imma beat that pussy up every time you allow me but I need more." Blake began walking towards the direction of the bathroom.

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