thank you!!

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Thanks so much for reading!!

This was a really fun story to write, especially trying to write in Dalia's plan without making it too obvious. I hoped you guys all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing!

Usually at this point, I would let you know what works I have coming up but I plan on taking a break before posting again. I'm doing okay, I just want some time without having to think about writing for a bit.

I've got so many partially written up ideas and I don't know what will be next/what will happen at all, but I will update on here once I know what I'll be posting next and when.

Thank you for understanding and for your patience. I will still try to respond to messages in this time, so if you have any questions for me it's easier for me to see them if you post on my board or send them to me directly!

Until next time : )

-L.T. May

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