XLI- protected by you

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a/n: Hi all! Just leaving a quick note here as the end of the book approaches.

Chapter 44 (XLIV) will be the final chapter, so that means that there are only only three left after this one!

Hope you're enjoying the story and thank you for reading.

-L.T. May

When (Y/n) got home that day, she had a hell of a lot to think about. She thought about he fact that this could be her last night in her own home. She thought about Dalia: both her feelings for her and exactly how they were going to get away. She thought about her feelings for Cam and Odette too, how they had warped into something different than what she knew.

(Y/n) almost felt guilty, like she had led them all down this path. She swore to herself that she would be better in the future, that she wouldn't fly so close to the sun again, but she wasn't entirely sure she could keep that promise.

At this point in her life, to deceive someone and use them as she pleased without regard for their emotions of how they'd react was second nature. If she got someone mad in the past then they'd either confront her, and inevitably lose that confrontation, or slink away to deal with those feelings on their own, smart enough to know that reasoning with (Y/n) was futile and accepting they'd been duped. Never had her actions had such dire consequences.

'No.' She told herself. 'This isn't my fault. How should I know that they'd react like crazy people to virtually nothing? I could understand if they were pissed off but this???' Instead of pissing them off, (Y/n) had managed to miraculously do quite the opposite and spur on this infectious desire.

Everyone wants what they can't have, right?

A pounding at the door interrupted her flurry of thoughts. With her parents absent from the house as they often were, she cautiously approached the front door.

Looking through the small peephole, (Y/n) could see Suzy standing there. Her pale face appeared more hollowed in and her green eyes seemed accentuated with puffy redness all around. (Y/n) backed away and stayed quiet. No way in hell was she opening that door.

Even if she felt bad for Suzy- that girl was crazy and in on this insane plan. Letting her in the house would be the single most stupid thing (Y/n) could have done in that moment.

(Y/n) stepped back slowly, not wanting to alert Sizy of her presence right past the wooden barrier that separated them.

"(Y/n)!!" She pleaded through her beating of the door. "Open up! I just want to talk! I need to talk..."

Her voice was hoarse as though she'd been screaming. (Y/n) knew the reality was most likely that the state of her voice was the result of hours of sobbing.

Unsure of what to do, (Y/n) just froze and stared at the door, the only thing that was protecting her, as Suzy continued to beg to be let inside. What else could she do?

Sure, she could call the cops, but hadn't Dalia said they would get off easily? At this rate, one of her neighbors would be calling them soon enough anyway.

She didn't even feel the way that tears stung her eyes. She didn't fear the door would give way but she did fear the madness that was beyond it.

Several minutes passed when the pounding stopped suddenly, as did Suzy's voice, but it was replaced by another.

"Stop it, you're only going to scare her." A deeper voice warned with aggression.

Snapped out of her freeze, (Y/n) rushed back to the peephole to observe what was happening. Her heart beat picked up when she saw that Cam had arrived.

"I-I need to see her." Suzy choked out, crying freely and without shame.

"She doesn't want to see you. Forget it." Cam began to tug Suzy away as Suzy looked longingly at (Y/n)'s house, wondering what the object of her desires was doing at that moment.

Breathing in relief, (Y/n) watched Cam lead Suzy away. She must have heard all the commotion even from a whole block away. (Y/n) half expected Cam to join in with Suzy's begging considering they were both a part of the very same plot.

For a moment, (Y/n) heart softened at the thought of Cam helping her but she quickly stopped her flattering thoughts.

They were both cut from the same cloth. She couldn't trust any of them.

It seemed there was only one person she could trust.

(Y/n) ran to her phone, a few tears falling down her cheeks. Although Suzy had gone, this scare wouldn't be the end. It was all happening tomorrow.

On the first ring, Dalia picked up.

"Are you okay? Where are you??" She asked frantically, assuming the worst.

"I'm....I'm fine." (Y/n) sniffled. "Sorry if I worried you. I'm just shaken up."

"Shaken up? By what? What happened?"

"Suzy came to my house, she was....crazed and banging at the door. She only just left."

"You let her in??"

"No! Oh my god, no." (Y/n) didn't want to imagine what could have gone down if she did. Just the thought made her start to cry again. "I just wanted to talk to someone..." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "I'm really scared, Dalia."

After a pause, (Y/n) could hear Dalia take a deep breath on the other side of the line. "I know...I know it's really scary. Do you need me to come over?"

"No." (Y/n) responded quickly, beginning to wipe her tears away. "If someone else comes and they see that you're here then... You could get hurt."

The consequences for Dalia were vague but very threatening. It wasn't common for (Y/n) to feel bad for another, or guilty about anything at all, but it was all she could feel when it came to Dalia's position in this.

Even if Dalia had chosen to involve herself, (Y/n) wasn't sure she would forgive herself if anything bad happened to her.

"Okay, only if you're sure you'll be alright on your own."

"I'll be alright." (Y/n) said quietly and unconvincingly.

"I can stay on the phone as long as you need me though."

"Thanks." Even though she couldn't be seen, (Y/n) smiled. "How's your evening going?"

As she listened to Dalia, she became lost in this other girl's life and became distracted from her own problems. It was the first time in a while that she could completely forget.

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