XVIII- unsweetened

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"You're... what?"

"I'm making you the new student body vice president." Lola said with a wide grin.

"But why?" (Y/n) had picked up on clues that Lola was into her but couldn't be too sure yet. She still had a weird feeling about Lola and wanted to know more about that.

"I think you'd fit the role perfectly," she put her hand on (Y/n)'s arm and rubbed it, "and we can spend some more time together, hm?"

'There it is.'

"What about Lupita? I thought she was vice president."

"Well, she's been demoted. She was working a lot anyway, she'll thank me one day for the free time this will give her." Lola stated proudly. "Shall we get started?" She opened the door to the council's study, anticipating getting some time alone with (Y/n).

"And...I'm not allowed to say no to this?"

Struck with some insecurity, Lola frowned. Although Suzy was popular, Lola bested her in that sense, she bested everyone. Every girl in school wanted to be her friend or more, no one in their right mind would give up such a highly sought after position.

"Well, you can but-"

"I wasn't going to." (Y/n) clarified, smirking slightly as she noticed the temporary panic she'd sent Lola into. This girl was clearly not used to rejection of any kind. "Just asking."

"Ha.. right." Lola kept the door held open, watching (Y/n) carefully as she went through it. "This information slip will tell you about your new duties." She said, taking a folded piece of paper from her pocket.

(Y/n) barely skimmed the thing, she knew Lola only had her here for personal reasons and didn't actually care about having (Y/n) in that position. "What made you want to make me your vice president?"

"People like you. It's good to have someone that people will listen to and communicate in these roles. Lupita's sweet and incredibly capable but not really a...a people person."

"So you think I'm capable enough too?"

"Of course."

"Based on..?"

Lola's lips formed a straight line, she sat down and invited (Y/n) to do the same. (Y/n) asked a lot of questions, chipping away at Lola's nerves. It was frustrating but also addictive, no one really ever challenged Lola like that.

"You get excellent grades, (Y/n), I've seen your results."

(Y/n) held back a wide smile, she knew all of those 'excellent grades' could be chalked up to Lupita's hard work. She wasn't stupid, she just didn't try very much in school.

"Besides, there's more to the role than booksmarts." Lola moved her hair over her shoulder, showing off her slender neck as she leaned towards (Y/n). "Don't worry too much about it."

"I wasn't worried." (Y/n) was able to match Lola's confidence with ease.

Lola could admit she was impressed, (Y/n) wasn't predictable like girls she'd been with before. Her positivity faded quickly though, she wasn't with (Y/n). She'd gotten an earful from Suzy about their upcoming date and was close to slapping her best friend's face off when hearing about it.

"On a slightly unrelated note, you're going out with Suz-"

"Oh my god." (Y/n) laughed heartily, throwing her head back. The jealousy truly was rife in these girls. Lola curled her lip up at (Y/n)'s laughter, unsure why she though this was so funny. "Sorry, sorry, it's just that everyone seems to care so much about this."


"You're best friends with Suzy, surely she explained it to you."

"I just wanted to make sure...you're dating now?"

"No." (Y/n) scoffed. "We're just meeting up."

Lola nodded to herself, she knew Suzy was taking it too far. Some part of her hoped that this meant she had a chance with (Y/n).

"Well, I'm glad to-"

"She's hot though, maybe we'll go on an actual date one day."

The president leaned back very suddenly. "Y-you think she's attractive, do you?"

"You don't?"

Lola couldn't deny that Suzy was incredibly beautiful, even though their friendship was strictly just that: friendship. It still made her envious to hear (Y/n) say it, she wanted (Y/n) to say those things about her.

"Of course she is." Lola said quickly, she forced a sultry look to her eyes and smirked ever so slightly. "Though I think most would agree you are the most stunning person here."

"Flattery?" (Y/n) giggled, her face warmed up by the comment. "Wow, is being vice president always like this?"

"It can be." Lola teased. She put her foot on (Y/n)'s, kicking it around lightly from beneath the table. "We have some suggestions to read through. I'm afraid it can get a little boring at times, but I'll try to keep you entertained."

It was just like any normal day when Cam would walk (Y/n) home. They spoke about their own days and interests openly. (Y/n) could honestly admit that her relationship with Cam was likely the most functional (aside from the mixed signals but she didn't so much think about Cam's perspective) she just enjoyed spending time with the girl and found her company to be pleasant. She wasn't fishing for anything with her, it was nice.

Cam had a completely different view on her relationship with (Y/n). This wasn't the mellow lazy river that (Y/n) was drifting down, not at all, for Cam she was caught in rapids in cold water and surrounded by sharp stones. Her affection for (Y/n) was stifling, she loved (Y/n) dearly but (Y/n) wasn't being too clear with her.

Walking to and from school was really the only time they had alone. (Y/n) was always around others at school, even when the two of them were at lunch (Y/n) would insist on having Odette there with them.

As they approached (Y/n)'s house, Cam suddenly reached out to take (Y/n)'s hand carefully.

"Just before you go...can I ask you something?" Cam said quietly, rubbing her thumb over the back of (Y/n)'s hand.

"Of course. You can ask me anything."

"What are we?"

(Y/n) chuckled and looked down. "We're...us?"

"I mean, are we friends? Are we more? What are we doing-"

(Y/n) cut Cam off in the one surefire way to shut her up. Kissing her yet again. All of their kisses seemed to stem like that, though that didn't mean Cam enjoyed them any less. It gave her a boost of confidence that (Y/n) was the one initiating them, it let her know she wanted her too.

"There." (Y/n) whispered against Cam's lips. "That's what we are."

"That doesn't..." Cam sighed and pulled away, she took (Y/n)'s other hand too now and squeezed them both tightly. "I need you to tell me if we're together."

(Y/n) shrugged. "I like what we're doing," she said, "I like being around you and we shouldn't have to put a label on this."

"I just- don't worry about it." Cam cautiously gave (Y/n) another peck to the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow."

girlville ((yandere x reader))Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя