XVII- word travels fast

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Lupita was working in the library, she had completed all of her own homework and was just finishing off (Y/n)'s. It seemed that all the time, no matter what she was doing or who she was with, (Y/n)'s name always came to mind.

While she was sat in the library that day it came in hushed whispers, teasing at her mind and making her long to see the girl again after being given the cold shoulder for so long.

It didn't take too long for Lupita to realise that these weren't the typical whispers that plagued her mind, they were actual whispers from two girls who were discussing (Y/n). Lupita slowed her writing to focus in on what they were saying, she didn't know what she'd do if she heard them saying anything unsavoury about dear (Y/n).

Her heart slowly sank as the pieces of what they saying floated together. They were talking about (Y/n) going out on some date. Some date with a different girl!! And it was Suzy Sands too, one of the most popular girls in school. Lupita hung her head in her misery, she didn't stand a chance.

But she felt more than just anguish, but anger too. How dare Suzy?? Lupita wanted (Y/n) so badly and she hardly wanted for anything! Couldn't she have this one thing after allowing people to tread on her toes her entire life?!

She gathered up her stuff in a hurry, decidedly having heard enough. Lupita fled the library, tears quickly came to her eyes as she ran through the hall. She just wanted to cry her heart out in those moments. Why wasn't she good enough for (Y/n)?? From what the girls were saying it sounded like the date was (Y/n)'s idea too!

Lupita's sprint was cut short when she collided with an unsuspecting figure, sending them both timing to the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I- Lupita?? Are you okay?"

Lupita wasted know times lifting herself up to her knees and collecting her scattered books. She looked up to see it was Dalia who she'd knocked over.

"Oh, Dalia!" She cried her friend's name out and launched herself into her arms. It took Dalia a moment to wrap her arms around Lupita in return. "It's (Y/n)..." Lupita whimpered.

Of course, of course it was (Y/n).

It always was.

"What now?" Dalia tried not to sound so impatient but she couldn't help it. It seemed there was no stopping (Y/n) from inflicting negative emotions on Lupita.

Lupita pulled away and sniffed, tears still rolling down her dark cheeks. "She's going on...on a date with Suzy."

Dalia's posture straightened as she shifted awkwardly. "A...date?"

Lupita nodded miserably. "I don't know what to do."

Releasing a deep held sigh, Dalia gave Lupita another quick embrace. "It'll be okay. I really think you should...try to move on from (Y/n)... She's not good for you."

Dalia marched through the school, trying to find the girl that everyone was talking about. It wasn't until her lunch period that she saw her sitting outside alongside Cam and Odette as she was every lunch.

Her fists were clenched as she approached (Y/n), Dalia was not a typically violent person but recently she could feel those values being challenged by how immensely frustrating things had become.

"So, Suzy?" Dalia said through gritted teeth from behind (Y/n).

(Y/n) laughed a bit before turning around, Odette and Cam also looked to Dalia with mild disinterest. "What are you talking about?"

"The date." Dalia folded her arms, she could tell just by looking at (Y/n) that this was some manipulative bullshit she was pulling, as was nearly everything she did. Dalia knew that she was only doing this to mess with others.

"Oh, right." (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

Cam bit down on the inside of her cheek at the mention of the date. She'd heard about it, and was tempted to go up to Suzy and pick a fight with her as soon as she did. But (Y/n) had taken the care to explain.

"I was just telling these two that the whole thing has been blown way out of proportion." She waved her hand around dismissively. "I don't know if Suzy said it was a date, or if someone else made it up, or if it's just a misunderstanding, but it's not a date. We're just hanging out as friends." She finished with a flash of her smile. "Even then, why does it bother you?"

Dalia narrowed her eyes as (Y/n). "I don't believe you." She hissed.

"Jesus..." Odette muttered.

"You got something to say??" Dalia challenged, her temper getting the best of her good nature.

"Not really. This whole conversation just seems redundant."

(Y/n) touched Odette's shoulder gently as a way to tell her to stop talking. "Don't worry about her." She frowned at Dalia. "I don't know why you don't like me, but I promise I don't hold any ill will towards you."

"Sure." Dalia said sarcastically.

"Stop being so rude to her." Cam stepped in, no longer able to stay quiet. "Just fuck off, okay? None of this is your business anyway."

(Y/n) gave Cam a stern look while Odette scoffed a little, not expecting Cam to say anything at all let alone...that.

Dalia simply stormed off, relieving Cam of the tension that had built up. She always felt protective of (Y/n), and those feelings would obviously escalate when someone was treating her poorly.

The table went silent for a few minutes as each of the girls ruminated and ate their lunch.

(Y/n)'s mind was thinking about what prompted Dalia's reaction. She imagined it had something to do with Lupita, though she hadn't taken the opportunity to yell at (Y/n) for manipulating her that time around. She knew she needed to do something about Lupita, just to keep her attached enough for her to keep upholding her academics. (Y/n) didn't realise that Lupita had become even more utterly obsessed in her absence.

Cam was watching everyone who came near, hoping that a death glare would keep them away from (Y/n). For the most part it actually worked. Many girls were eager to speak to (Y/n), mainly about Suzy but also because she was growing rapidly in popularity. This frightened Cam, she didn't want to be ditched for someone with more social status.

Meanwhile, Odette was thinking purely about (Y/n), and her thoughts weren't ones of irritation. They were more thoughts of confusion. She always knew that (Y/n) was pretty, but from this angle she looked particularly... beautiful. She was almost glowing under the sun and it just stuck out to Odette. She hadn't expected the thought of (Y/n) dating someone else to bother her, and she also hadn't expected the relief when she heard it wasn't a proper date.

Odette squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head lightly, telling herself to snap out of it.

girlville ((yandere x reader))Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin