III- sweet and sour

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The first thing Dalia saw when she got to her first class was (Y/n). Seeing the other new girl was a combination of comforting and unnerving. Both of them stuck out because of the name tags they'd been given, but at least they were in it together. Simultaneously, Dalia was suspicious of (Y/n), sensing a darkness in her that seemed invisible to all else.

(Y/n) waved at Dalia with a small smile. Dalia's kinder nature overwhelmed the negative feelings she had towards (Y/n), and she approached.

"How was your tour?" (Y/n) asked.

"It was nice," Dalia replied quietly, "Lupita's really sweet. What was your's like?"

"Nice too." (Y/n)'s response came quickly.

Dalia hesitated before asking her next question, unsure if she should go near it at all. Her funny feeling about Lola remained, and though Lupita could not share in it, maybe (Y/n) could.

"What do you think of Lola? I got a kind of...weird vibe off of her."

Now this surprised (Y/n), she raised her eyebrows. "I do too." She kept it brief, but there was little more she could add beyond that anyway, it wasn't like she was a mind reader. 'Interesting...Dalia Karim, you're more interesting than I thought.'

Other girls filtered in the classroom around them, mostly talking and laughing with each other as they went to sit down. Without assigned seats, Dalia and (Y/n) stood idly by the door, unsure of where to sit.

Dalia's wide eyes gazed at (Y/n), she wondered if she should ask to sit by her. But before Dalia could propose such a thing, their teacher had entered and was already talking.

"You two must be our new students." The older woman narrowed her eyes at the girls' name tags. "(Y/n) and Dalia."

(Y/n) placed on a bright smile and greeted the teacher, setting a good impression for herself that it seemed only Dalia could see through.

"There are two open seats, it doesn't much matter which one either of you choose." The teacher said gesturing to one seat that was front and center and another that lurked right in the back corner.

Dalia was about to ask her fellow new student which she wanted, but (Y/n) was already striding to the back of the room with determination.

Right as (Y/n) sat down, there came a huff of dissatisfaction from beside her. She looked to see the girl that was sat next to her, seemingly annoyed that she had to deal with someone sitting next to her.

(Y/n) offered the girl a smile when she glanced over but all she did was look away with her irked expression.

Her blonde hair had a severe straight cut where it stopped at her chin, her defined jaw could be seen from the angle (Y/n) was looking at her from.

'What's her problem?' (Y/n) wondered, continuing to eye the girl coldly.

She wore a pair of black framed glasses, the top of them being cut off by her partly overgrown bangs. Behind the glasses were eyes of a greyish-blue, their color was brought out by the hoodie she wore of a similar shade.

"I'm (Y/n)."

"I know. I have ears..." the blonde girl looked over at (Y/n), her eyes fixing on the name tag she wore, "and eyes."

(Y/n) pouted, she could tell that this girl had something to hide behind her attitude.

"What's your name?"

She almost looked offended at the question, passing before groaning and giving a reluctant answer. "Odette."

"Pretty name." (Y/n) grinned, coaxing an eyeroll out of Odette.

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