IX- switched tables

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(Y/n) stood in the cafeteria with a full tray of food, she kept her eyes peeled for a table to sit at.

Hunched over in the corner, she saw a shadowy figure sitting alone at a table. No one paid the figure any mind apart from (Y/n), she approached carefully like one would a skittish animal.

As she grew closer, a smile appeared on (Y/n)'s face.

It was Cam.

She sped up and took the seat next to her.

"Hey, Cam."

Startled, the named girl looked up, her eyes softened a bit when she recognised that it was (Y/n)- someone who she found decently tolerable in their limited interactions.

"Didn't think you'd sit next to me." Cam spoke her thoughts aloud, placing a forkful of food in her mouth after.

"Is it okay? I know you said you liked being alone but-"

"It's fine." Cam shoved another bit of food in to hold back from smiling, she was quite pleased to have (Y/n)'s company in truth. "I'm just surprised."

"You're cool." (Y/n) said simply. "I want to sit with you. I like cool people."


(Y/n) sat down next to Cam, placing her tray down as she did so. "So, you usually sit alone?"

"Pretty much." Cam shrugged and ran a hand through her short raven hair. "I eat my food and then go, don't bother hanging around to chat." She paused and looked at (Y/n). "I'll, um, talk to you though."

"I should hope so." (Y/n) said with slight laugh. "I didn't come here to sit in silence for the whole lunch period."

As (Y/n) and Cam talked and ate and laughed, they didn't notice the sets of eyes that were fixed on them.

In the centre of the cafeteria was the busiest table of all. As it always was, it was a clamor of girls with Lola Menendez and Suzy Sands right in the middle of it. Though those two weren't exactly happy.

Maybe it had been presumptuous of them to assume that because (Y/n) had sat with them yesterday, she'd take up the same spot today. But, no. Instead she was sitting with some..nobody that they could hardly name.

"I don't... understand." Suzy mumbled despondently, her chest felt heavy as she watched (Y/n) laugh at something the girl beside her had said.

Lola just grinded her teeth, staying quiet about the whole thing but still taking it to heart. Why she cared? She had no idea.

"Why isn't she sitting with us?" Suzy asked Lola with an uncharacteristic frown.

"Who?" Lola feigned ignorance and followed Suzy's eyeline. "Oh, (Y/n)? She doesn't have to sit with us."

"I..I know she doesn't have to but..." Suzy trailed off and narrowed her pale eyes. "Who is she even talking to??"

"I don't-"

"And what the hell is so funny?" Suzy spoke with frustration as she watched (Y/n) laugh yet again at something that... thing said. "There's no way that nobody is making her laugh that much."

Lola raised her eyebrows and looked at her best friend with a clinical gaze. "Why do you care so much? (Y/n) can sit with whoever she likes." A small smirk landed on Lola's face despite not being very amused by the present situation. "Who knows, maybe that's her girlfriend."

"What??" Suzy yelped, immediately some of the girls that were smothering her tried to pacify her with compliments and gentle hands being placed on her but Suzy all but slapped them away.

"Chill, she's probably not." Lola was intrigued and intimidated by Suzy's reaction, in all their years of friendship she hadn't seen Suzy really care much about what the girls she liked got up to in their own time. "It was just a little joke."

"Oh." Suzy calmed down and lowered her head in embarrassment. She had a problem with sometimes taking Lola's words too literally.

"What?" (Y/n) said with a giggle when she caught Cam looking at her in a moment of silence.

"Nothing." Cam smiled, she couldn't help but admire (Y/n)'s looks whenever the time allowed for it.

From the corner of her eye, (Y/n) spotted a tuft of golden hair. Her head instantly snapped in that direction. Although there was more than just one blonde in the school, she knew just who she was looking for.

Odette sat all alone, just like Cam had been doing.

"What are you looking at?" Cam asked in interest, trying to identify just who it was.

'Shit, who do I go with? I need to talk to Odette but Cam's being really sweet...Wait a minute-'

The new girl's head flipped back around, a polite smile now on her face. "Do you mind if we switch tables? My friend just got here."

Cam didn't know quite why it stung to learn that her alone time with (Y/n) was being cut short. It wasn't like she had a valid argument against it so she just passively nodded, cursing inwardly.

"Yay! Thank you!" (Y/n) cheered and gave Cam a tight squeeze before grabbing her tray.

Some of Cam's negative feelings were admittedly sated by (Y/n)'s quite adorable display of happiness. She too picked up her tray and followed (Y/n) to...Odette's table? Now this confused Cam more than anything, even though she tried to stay out of petty drama like this even she knew that Odette was notorious for being pretty mean.

"Hey, Odette!" (Y/n) greeted her chirpily and sat down right next to the startled blonde.

Odette's eyes went wide from behind her glasses, unbelieving that this pest was bothering her in such away. She didn't even care for the other girl who slid down next to (Y/n).

She cleared her throat in an attempt to regain composure and her shocked gaze turned to a vicious glare. "Go away." Odette said coldly.

"We're allowed to sit where we want." (Y/n) said innocently. "I just want to be friends. If you don't want to sit with me you can move?"

Odette rolled her eyes and grumbled to herself, hardly having the energy to move.

Cam was quite confounded by the whole thing, Odette clearly wanted nothing to do with (Y/n). "Hey," she said softly, "maybe let's go back. I don't think she wants us here."

"I don't care." Odette said venomously. "Just don't bother me."

(Y/n) grinned, she knew she was getting under Odette's skin.

"I was told you're one of the smartest girls in school, next to Lupita Aguado." (Y/n) sang out, shuffling closer to the incredibly frustrated Odette. "You'll have to help me out some time."

Cam looked sadly at the empty gap (Y/n) had left between them when she got closer to the other girl. It was confusing to her, (Y/n) had seemed so interested when it was just the two of them but Odette had captured her full attention now.

And she didn't even want it!! Cam wanted it!

girlville ((yandere x reader))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon