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"What was that meeting about?" Dalia pushed her straw into her iced coffee and then took a sip of the sugary drink.

By contrast, Lupita had a warm peppermint tea on the table ahead of her. "I don't know..."

"Was Lola giving you back your position?"

Lupita shook her head and sank into her seat. "It was....I'm not sure I should be telling you." She looked her her shoulder and began to speak very quietly. "It's about (Y/n)."

Dalia's eyebrows shot up. "What about her?"

"I really shouldn't say. Just...forget I said anything."

In concern, Dalia reached across the table and took one of Lupita's hands, giving it a soft squeeze. "You can tell me anything. Especially if it's clearly bothering you like this is."

All Lupita could do was carefully pull her hand away and mumble something incoherent to herself.

Dalia frowned; she took another drink of her iced coffee. "Why did Lola need to talk to you about (Y/n) with you?"

"She..." Lupita pulled a face of disgust just thinking about it. "She's also in love with (Y/n)."


"She's not the only one either. Her friend Cam was there, and Odette, and Suzy!"

"Of course." Dalia said bitterly. "So what? You all had it out? Fought over her?"

"Not...quite." Lupita shook her head and then lowered it. "I really shouldn't be saying this."

"You can trust me, please, Lupita." Dalia's caramel eyes shone with desperation for more knowledge about this little meeting. She tapped her foot under the table impatiently. "I won't tell anyone. You know that."

"I just know you're all weird about (Y/n)."

"I don't trust her, and I think you should stay away from her."

"Exactly!" Lupita exclaimed and then sighed, leaning back down. "It's pretty complicated."

"Just tell me!" Dalia raised her voice slightly, hoping her plea would get through.

"We just...Lola thought that (Y/n) might've been leading us on a bit...but we all are really into her, like, really into her...we don't want to just let her go."

A look of confusion came to Dalia's features, she examined every part of Lupita's face to try to unpick what she was implying. She had feared obsessive tendancies from her friend over (Y/n), but didn't quite know what lengths she would go to. There was something sinister in the way she spoke that went far beyond her words.

"What do you mean?"

"It's all Lola's idea but...but if it all goes to plan then I could be with (Y/n)!" She perked up significantly at this point, grinning at just the thought of some alone time with (Y/n). "I'll be super nice and make her things and buy her gifts once we have her, then she'll be sure to pick me! Lola says I have to stop doing her work though, she has to know that she can't manipulate us anymore."

The words were being thrown at Dalia too fast for her to compute them, though there was a certain phrase she latched onto. "Have her? What do you mean??" There was some panic in Dalia's voice, fear that her friend was taking this too far and someone was going to get hurt in the process.

"We need to get her away from other people. There are other girls in school that like her, and if she does what she did to us to them then they'll want her too!" Lupita huffed out enviously.

"So, what? You're going to abduct her? That's illegal a-and wrong!" Dalia was careful to keep her volume low but her voice shook all the while. "You know I'm not (Y/n)'s biggest fan but...doing this to her is horrible, it's not going to make her love you, it will traumatise her."

"We'll be nice! We all love her, none of us want her to get hurt." Lupita defended herself curtly, with some worry in her eyes she looked Dalia up and down. "This is why I didn't want to tell you. I don't want you to get in the way and get yourself hurt."

Dalia's eyes went wide. "You...you'd hurt me?"

"I don't want to..." Lupita murmured. "But the others probably would if they thought you were trying to get in the way. So don't get in the way."

Lupita was so much colder than her usual self, something evil was brewing inside of the sweet girl and Dalia could see it as clear as day.

The next morning, Cam walked (Y/n) to school as usual. Cam couldn't help but be slightly shifty around her, she now knew that (Y/n) wasn't necessarily the most earnest and it made her more questioning. Not that she didn't still love her! And also not that she didn't doubt that (Y/n) had feelings for her despite this.

"You okay?" (Y/n), being herself, picked up on Cam's change in behaviour. She, of course, specialised in such thing so even someone who could expertly hide their emotions could be figured out by her. It certainly helped that Cam wasn't all that good at it.

"Me? Oh, I'm...I'm fine." Cam completed her sentence with a false smile. She quickly stopped in her tracks, making (Y/n) do the same.

"Are you sure? You're-"

Cam tugged (Y/n) towards her by her collar, engaging in a possessive kiss. It was usually (Y/n) who instigated these things between them but Cam was feeling more threatened than ever and wanted to assert herself as the best, and only, option.

Breathlessly, Cam pulled away and gently let go of (Y/n). They were far enough from school that they didn't need to be concerned about others seeing but (Y/n) remained paranoid.

"What's up with you?" (Y/n) inquired further about Cam's wellbeing, brushing her shirt down to get it back in place.

"Nothing...you didn't like that?"

"It's not that." (Y/n) spoke softly, taking Cam's hand to try to encourage her to explain what was going through her mind. "You just seem like something's bothering you."

"I guess I..." Cam didn't want to believe that (Y/n) would decieve her, but all of the evidence had been shown to her. "What's going on with you and Suzy?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, more irked by this than she truly let on. "It wasn't a date and we're not together. That's it."

While Cam could be sure that they weren't together, she doubted that (Y/n) was being totally honest about the date aspect. She couldn't tell that to (Y/n) yet though, (Y/n) had to be led into a false sense of security.

"Alright, I was only wondering because-"

"You don't need to worry about me," (Y/n) let a charming smile come to her lips, making Cam's heart flutter, "I promise."

A false sense of security was something that (Y/n) wouldn't fall into so easily. Her hyper-observent self was already onto something being wrong.

It was all about who could keep up their act the longest.

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