XXI- tight-knit

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The first thing that woke (Y/n) up the next morning was her phone ringing obnoxiously loudly.

She grumbled to herself while leaning put to grab it, still partially under the haze of sleep. (Y/n) didn't even bother to see who the call was from before accepting it.

"What?" She said sharply.

"Hey," Cam's voice coming out of the speaker made (Y/n) perk up a bit, "how was your...thing with Suzy?"

'Jealous, much?... Sweet Jesus, did this have to happen so early??'

"It was fine." (Y/n) didn't have the energy to say anything more eloquent than that.

"That's nice... Do you want to come over?" By the sounds of her voice, Cam had built up a certain amount of confidence to ask that.

(Y/n) hummed out a positive response before immediately hanging up. Cam was well and truly attached, and that was good she supposed. She got up and began to get ready for the day, she thought about saying something to Suzy but decided to leave it.

Suzy was a sort of loose end she still had to deal with. Of course, Suzy had feelings for her but (Y/n) only intended to use those to gain popularity. She couldn't have Suzy blabbing on about them going on dates and such and ruining her chances with the other girls. She wasn't done figuring out Lola nor Odette, her arrangement with Lupita kept her grades up, and Cam was the only one she had genuine interest in.

(Y/n) chose not to worry about it too much, she'd allow Suzy to emotionally exhaust herself until she gave up on it. She'd seen girls do it before.

There was perhaps reason that (Y/n) should be more worried about this particular set of girls. While they would get very tired of her tactics, they would not give up so easily. Lupita, Suzy and Cam were already deeply obsessed with her, Lola wasn't too far behind either.

She was always able to juggle her different commitments, keeping them apart and having the exclusivity of the relationship ambiguous enough that she could never be blamed. It was a fine art that (Y/n) appeared to have mastered to the point where she didn't try so hard anymore, she had disregarded the fact that one small mistake could mean she'd drop everything that was in the air.

When Cam opened the door for (Y/n), she instantly felt several degrees warmer. She couldn't help it. (Y/n) just had an effect on her where everything was just warm, soft, and comforting when she was around.

Cam was growing addicted to the feeling, she thought she could last the whole weekend without seeing (Y/n) but caved that Sunday morning.

"Hey, thanks for coming over." Cam opened the door up wider for (Y/n), watching her walk in intently.

"I should be thanking you for inviting me." There was no hint of the exhaustion or frustration (Y/n) felt, she was all too good at hiding her emotions.

After a moment's hesitation, Cam quickly dipped her head forward to take (Y/n)'s lips in a short yet affectionate kiss. She cupped (Y/n)'s cheek carefully.

"Sorry," Cam said as soon as she pulled away with a bashful expression, "I couldn't help myself. You look so..." She never completed her sentence, she just showed (Y/n) an utterly lovesick smile instead.

"I don't mind at all."

Cam almost squealed with joy at those words but managed to keep composure. (Y/n) just looked so adorable as she (sort of) confirmed some form of feelings for Cam. At the very least, she didn't mind being kissed by Cam which was as good a result as any.

"What did you want to do today?" (Y/n) asked.

"I...didn't think that far ahead."

(Y/n) laughed a little and took Cam by the hand. "Maybe we could go grab a coffee? I definitely need one."

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry about that." Cam cast a look aside in embarrassment, she quickly looked back at (Y/n) though as she found that her heart withered without (Y/n) in her line of sight. "I didn't realise it was so early when I called you."

"Don't worry too much, just...don't do it again, yeah?" (Y/n) attempted to sound relaxed about it but was struggling, she couldn't deny her irritation at being disturbed but she knew it wouldn't last that long. "Oh and when we go out, can we not touch each other like this?" She added promptly.

Cam tilted her head to this side, almost whimpering when (Y/n) removed her hands. "What?"

"I just don't want people from school talking, y'know? Let's keep it our secret."

Even though (Y/n) had tried to make the secretive aspect sound appealing, Cam wasn't convinced.

"Oh...let's just stay here then."

"No way, we can still go out." (Y/n) softened her demand coupled with a gentle laugh.

Cam frowned, her hands unconsciously rose to cup (Y/n)'s cheeks. "Why does it need to be a secret?" She felt the anxious need for everyone to know what they were up to, that way other people might take the hint and back off. Cam would much prefer it that way: (Y/n) just for herself.

"It's just not something I want everyone knowing about. I'm still new, I don't want a... reputation."

"A reputation for what? What are you-"

(Y/n) leaned towards Cam and gave her a quick kiss. "We can still do this...just not front of other people."

Cam knew she was weak in the face of physical affection from (Y/n), so she just nodded without will instead of making protests.

The warmth inside the café protected the two girls from the bitter weather outside. Cam sipped at the black coffee she ordered, she didn't even like the beverage that much but she felt under pressure to order something.

"I've got a ton of homework to do later." Cam said, grimacing at the taste of coffee. "We could do like a study session and you can do your work too."

"I'd love to but all of my work's done." (Y/n) spoke with a cocky smile, knowing that Lupita was happily completing all of her tasks.

"Seriously..? You could help me with-"

"Again, sounds great, but I just don't have the time today."

Cam's grip on her coffee cup intensified. Her mind jumped to the place of other people taking up (Y/n)'s time. It irked her and worried her at the same time.

The pair were sat by the door, (Y/n) facing towards it while Cam had her back to the entrance. It gave (Y/n) a perfect view of everyone who came in. Being in a small town, there were a few familiar faces but none she cared to greet until a certain blonde walked in.

"Odette! Hey!" (Y/n) chriped, she moved her hair around in an effort to ensure it looked perfect.

Odette winced at the sound of her own name and approached (Y/n) and Cam cautiously. Cam eyed her in a way that made her feel nervous.


"I...sorry, we didn't expect to see you is all."

"Right, well, I'm here." Odette looked over her shoulder. "And I actually wasn't planning on sticking around for long. So, if you'll excuse me." She walked away and up to join the line for the counter.

"I don't understand why you try so hard to be friends with her." Cam muttered. "She's not nice to you."

"She's just shy." (Y/n) insisted, watching Odette's figure fidget awkwardly. Every now and then Odette would look back at (Y/n) and find her still staring.

It was to Odette's shock that she found her heart was racing. She didn't mind that (Y/n) had called her over and was now staring, it was odd.

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