XXXVI- saviour

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(Y/n) stared at her phone anxiously, waiting for a response to her message. She had 'hidden' herself as best she could in a supply closet. It was cramped and not ideal but she really wasn't in the mood to deal with any of her obsessors.

Groaning out in impatience, she sent her fourth message in a row.

'Where is she???' She thought to herself, frustrated.

It was right as this thought crossed her mind that the door was opened, suddenly exposing (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes to light. She winced and stumbled back, finding that she had hit the wall of the tiny closet.

"What happened??" Dalia asked in confusion. "Why are the closet? Hah...been a while, huh?"

(Y/n) pulled the other girl inside and shut the door behind her. The confined space forced them close to one another.

"I'm avoiding the crazies."

"That's probably smart."

"I just had Suzy come up to me and ask me about Odette and-" (Y/n) sighed, still frenzied from the interaction. "If there weren't other people there then I don't even know what would've happened."

"Listen, I don't know what their specific plan is. I can try to get it out of Lupita and then we can figure out some way to counter it." Dalia placed her hand on (Y/n)'s arm and rubbed it comfortingly. "Look on the bright side, they don't know that you know a thing. That gives us the upper hand, right?"

"I guess..." (Y/n) struggled to be very optimistic about her position, especially with her 'girlfriend' added into the mix.

Dalia looked at (Y/n) closely, her chest felt heavy as she indentified the deep anxiety (Y/n) was experiencing. No band-aid solution was going to help.

"What do I even say to the cops? I have no evidence of anything..." (Y/n) sighed and leaned against the wall. "It just seems hopeless. What's to stop them from coming back after me if going to the police leads to nothing?"

"P-police?" Dalia stammered. "Who said anything about the police getting involved?"

"How else are we going to stop them? I figure I could get them on conspiracy to kidnap, and if there's not enough to put them away then..." (Y/n) trailed off.


"I don't know? Some restraining orders? Something's better than nothing."

"That won't be enough, I'm telling you. You need to skip town."

(Y/n) winced, she didn't want it to come to that. "What am I gonna tell my parents?? They have jobs here, you know, that's the whole reason I'm in this stupid town!"

"You're not gonna tell you're parents shit. No one can know. You need to go out there, like, out there out there." Dalia attempted to convince her whole-heartedly. "Somewhere totally off the grid where they won't find you. Where you can be safe."

" am I supposed to do that?" (Y/n) found that her mind couldn't conceptualise the mammoth task before her. She was still in school! Where was she going to get the money, the time, or any of the means of doing this?

"I'll help you." Dalia's eyes shimmered and she smiled softly, attempting to reassure (Y/n). "I want to help you."

Pausing before she answered, (Y/n) managed to let out a small scoff and smile. "You are so weird. I'm starting to think you believe I'm such an awful person you want me away from the rest of civilization."

Dalia shrugged. "What can I say? You're a menace."

"Seriously though, I really can't thank you enough." It was rare to see (Y/n) acting with such sincerity, but it warmed Dalia's heart to see she was. "You don't even like me and you're sticking your neck out for me. If this...If they ever get too much, you are well within your rights to leave me with it."

"Never." Dalia placed her hand on her heart in a sweet gesture.

The lingering gaze that the girls held on one another was abruptly interrupted by a loud ringing from Dalia's pocket.

"Ah, shit." She mumbled, pulling her phone out and sighing at the name that was displayed. "It's Lupita...I should probably take it."

(Y/n) regressed and stayed quiet, unable to ignore her racing heart. How could someone as supposedly harmless as Lupita be frightening her this much? She was much too ashamed and proud to admit to even herself how deeply she feared what could happen. At least she wasn't alone in it and Dalia had her back.

Meanwhile, Dalia picked up the call from her increasingly unsettling friend. "Hey?"

"Where are you? I can't see you anywhere." Lupita's voice came through small and insecure. "I can't find (Y/n) either. Do you think she's with Odette?"

"I don't know. I was just finishing up a project, tell me where you are and I'll find you." Dalia lied with ease, keeping an eye on (Y/n).

Lupita gave her location and they said their goodbyes, Dalia hanging up. "I'm sorry, I have to-"

"Don't worry. I'll let you know if anything happens."

"We'll figure this out, okay? We just need to find some time to be alone." Dalia hesitated before giving (Y/n) a short yet tight hug, deciding that she was more upset than she let on and needed one.

In the embrace, (Y/n) released some of the tension from her body. She leaned into the other girl's warmth but before she could appreciate it, she was cold again and Dalia was gone.

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