VII- warmth

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At the end of the school when (Y/n) reached the gates, she was immediately looking out for the girl who's helped her home yesterday. Cam Nguyen.

Her thoughts had been drifting to Cam throughout the day, she was undoubtedly attracted to her but she seemed like such a loner. It was possible that Cam didn't even want to see (Y/n), and (Y/n) wouldn't stand for that.

When she saw a head of short dark hair, she made her way over and tapped Cam on the shoulder.

"Hey." (Y/n) smiled softly.

Can turned around, when she did so (Y/n) realised for the first time the height difference between them and that Cam had several inches on her.

"Hi." Her voice was smooth, having a deep and warm quality to it. "It's (Y/n), right?"

(Y/n) nodded her head rapidly, incredibly pleased that Cam had remembered her name. "That's me!"

Cam chuckled a bit at her excited reaction, looking around as the other students buzzed around them. "Do you need something?"

"Mind walking home with me?" (Y/n) placed a gentle hand on Cam's forearm. "I just don't want to get lost."

Cam looked down at the hand that rested on her. While they weren't skin-to-skin, the jacket she wore preventing that from happening, Cam could feel a spark at the touch.

"I guess it wouldn't be a problem." It was beyond her why she was helping this girl out. (Y/n) was cute, sure, but it wasn't like Cam had never met a beautiful girl before.

The two set off, (Y/n) following Cam, skipping every now and then to keep up with her. No words were exchanged for at least the first two minutes of their journey.


"Who do you hang out with? I haven't seen you around at all." (Y/n) attempted to start up a conversation between the two of them.

"Oh?" Cam almost mumbled out, speaking louder for the next part. "I don't really run with any of the girls here...I clash with them, I guess."

"So your friends go to a different school?"

Cam shrugged. "I like being alone." She summarised her feelings quite casually.

"I hope I'm not...disturbing that at all."

A hearty laugh left Cam, one that (Y/n) found quite pleasant. "Of course you are!" She exclaimed more brightly than (Y/n) had expected to hear from her. "But it's fine, I don't mind too much."

"Too much?"

"I don't mind at all." Cam amended with a smile.

"Surely being alone all the time would get," (Y/n) paused in thought, 'lonely' seemed like too obvious a word to describe it, "I don't know, boring?"

"It is. But I know I'd be even more bored talking to someone who I couldn't give less of a shit about."

"At least that means you kind of give a shit about me."

Yet again, Cam laughed and (Y/n) was filled with pride for illiciting such a genuine reaction from her.

The two girls continued to chat as they walked. (Y/n) selectively disclosed information about herself to Cam, hoping to receive some in return. Her classic strategy was revealing just enough to seem sincere but not enough to be truly vulnerable. But this relationship still had room to develop, she could feel Cam warming to her but not as much as she wanted.

Soon enough they reached Cypress Close, (Y/n)'s street.

"Alright thanks-"

"What house are you?" Cam asked peering down the street.

"Oh, uh, I'm a little farther down. You can't see it from here."

"I can walk you to your door if you want." Cam offered nonchalantly, as if she hasn't already fulfilled her promised task of showing (Y/n) the way. "Make sure you get in safe and all." She added as an explanation.


Even if it came out of left field, (Y/n) still leapt at the extra time with Cam, even if it was just walking a few hundred feet.

"It'll get dark in the" Cam trailed off.

(Y/n) just grinned, joyfully walking alongside her self appointed guardian.

Odette tossed her bag to the ground as soon as she stepped into her lavish home, no longer caring for its contents.

She didn't bother calling out for her parents to greet them as she used to, she knew better now to realise they wouldn't be there. Even if they were, they wouldn't care to welcome her home.

She did, however, call out for someone else.


A scurrying of light footsteps padded down the the softly carpeted staircase. A young girl of around six scampered up to her beloved elder sister.

"Odie!" Minnie yelped in excitement, even though Odette never failed to make it home after school on time Minnie consistently showed her excitement. The young child went up on her tip toes to hug around Odete's waist tightly.

After a day of shooting nothing but frowns to everyone around her, Odette allowed a smile to her face and affectionately held her sister.

"How was school?" Odette asked gently, she took on a whole new personality around little Minnie. How couldn't she? When she loved her sister more than anything in the world.

"Boring! I hate having to go to classes!" Minnie whined with a pout.

Odette chuckled at this, ruffling the little girl's hair up. "Your education is very important, don't you want straight A's like your awesome big sister?"

"Too...boring." She muttered stubbornly.

"Well, at least you get to see your friends." Odette said in an attempt to cheer her up.

"Yeah, that's nice." Minnie visibly lit up at that. "You don't have any friends at your school." She added.

Odette frowned. "Hey. That's... I have friends, okay? You just haven't met them."

"You haven't brought anyone here since Lola broke up with you!" Minnie was always fascinated by the friends that Odette brought into the house, being a social little girl. "And she said she'd take me shopping and never did!"

"Lola's not coming around anymore, and she's not going to take you shopping," Odette said slowly. "We spoke about this."

It always hurt Odette's heart to think about her ex, especially when she considered Minnie's attachment to Lola. It made her hate and love Lola all at the same time for the flurry of conflicting emotions she brought on.

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