IV- cornered off

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By the time lunch rolled around, (Y/n) was yet again stranded without a familiar face. She didn't feel overly anxious about it though, knowing she could just find someone again.

The face she was looking for was Odette's, that suitably mouthy blonde that had piqued her interest, but Odette seemed nowhere to be found.

In the corner of the hall she spotted Dalia seated with the vice president. 'I may as well.' (Y/n) thought and headed towards them.

Placing a smile on her face she looked down at the pair. "Mind if I sit?"

Dalia was taken aback by the other new girl, she just couldn't shake her assumption of something being off about (Y/n)...

"Of course." Nevertheless, her good nature prevailed.

Lupita gave (Y/n) a shy beam. "How have your first few lessons been at Sweet River?"

The formality with which Lupita phrased her question made (Y/n) chuckle to herself as she sat down. "Good, everyone here is so nice." She propped her chin up by her hand and sighed. "Most everyone I suppose."

"Was someone unkind to you?" Deep worry was evident in both Lupita's tone and eyes, she cared passionately about her school.

"It's nothing to be concerned about." (Y/n) said dismissively but she'd already kick-started a doubt in Lupita's mind.

Dalia looked between the two of them, wondering what (Y/n)'s intentions were with her newest friend.

"You're the student body vice president, right?" (Y/n) swiftly moved the subject along.

Lupita responded with a bashful nod.

"And what does that entail..?"

As Lupita beagn to speak at length on all the ways she helped out around school, Dalia's lips formed a tight line. She was irritated at being left out of this conversation, and felt inherently protective over the vulnerable seeming Lupita around this girl that she perceived as a threat of some kind.

By the end of her spiel, Lupita was smiling and kicking her feet excitedly. The way that (Y/n) was so sweetly listening to her already had her ensnared.

"Hey, (Y/n)." A girl who (Y/n) had spoken to earlier and she had already forgotten the name of greeted her with a sense of sultriness. Two of her friends also gave their own hellos with flirtatious giggles.

(Y/n) gave the group a small wave and a charming smile, proud of the progress she'd already achieved.

"Was sh-she the one that was bothering you?" Lupita questioned with an insecure frown, her shoulders drooping down significantly.

"Not at all." (Y/n) grinned brightly, being sure to watch the girl and her friends walk away intently. The group was making a move to the busiest table in the whole canteen, one the unsurprisingly held Lola and Suzy. (Y/n) the looked around herself at the sparsely populated table she was at, just her, Dalia and Lupita.

Apparently sitting with them was the wrong choice but it was truly no issue, she could quite easily just move.

(Y/n) shifted out and placed her stuff onto her lunch tray.

"What are you doing?" Lupita asked almost as a soft whimper, not wanting (Y/n) to go.

"I'm just gonna sit somewhere else for the rest of lunch." (Y/n) replied casually, not offering up much explanation as to why. The explanation was simple, it was all about social hierarchy and she didn't want to be seen associating with someone who had no place on that scale.

"What?" Dalia was utterly confused but not so mournful about (Y/n) going.

Lupita looked to Dalia with a pleading expression, as if internally begging that her friend would do something to make (Y/n) stay.

But once her mind was made, she was as good as gone.

Lupita's saddened expression fell even more and Dalia just became even more lost.

"What's wrong?"

"I was hoping (Y/n) would stay for the rest of lunch..." Lupita mumbled, looking down and letting her hair flop forward.

"Why do you..?" Dalia stopped herself as the realisation hit her. "Have you seriously got a crush on her after about five minutes??"

"She's cute, right?"

"I get a bad feeling from her." Dalia insisted, she looked to Lupita with narrowed eyes. "Don't pursue her, okay?"

(Y/n) could feel a number of eyes landing on her as she neared Lola's table.

"May I?"

Lola looked up and instantly shot (Y/n) a slight smile. The president had Suzy sat to the right of her, Suzy still being dressed in sports clothes.

"Ah, (Y/n)." Lola said warmly, she nudged the girl on her left so (Y/n) had room right next to her. "I've always got room for a new face."

Suzy pouted slightly. "Oh man, I was hoping I could sit next to the new girl." She winked at (Y/n), receiving a grin back.

"Let her breathe." Lola scolded her pink haired friend playfully. "I hope you've been alright throughout your classes. No one's given you any trouble?"

(Y/n) shook her head, neglecting to mention she had a run-in with Odette who just so happened to be Lola's ex. It was an intriguing situation that (Y/n) wanted to insert herself into.

"What are the lunches like here?" (Y/n) asked as she began to pick at the food with her fork.

"They're excellent...thanks to me and the rest of the council." Lola stuck her chin in the air with pride. "They were lacking a few years ago but we worked really hard to bring out the best quality of school food."

Suzy snickered, trying to hold back a laugh. "Honestly, Lola, you're such a priss. It's exhausting." She leaned over the table to get a better look at (Y/n). "The lunches are fine."

Lola gave her friend a teasing shove, not taking the comment too seriously, clearly used to hearing such things from Suzy.

It was then that the many other girls at the table became involved in the conversation. While most were vying for the attention of either Lola or Suzy, a few were trying to get a word in with (Y/n). Her placement beside them already seeing her gain social status.

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