XVI- double vision

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When (Y/n) stepped out of her house that morning, Cam was there to walk her to school. She was eagerly rocking back and forth from her heels to the balls of her feet.

"Good morning!" Cam greeted (Y/n) and clumsily rushed up to her, still reeling from the kiss they'd shared the day before.

(Y/n) smiled at this and gave Cam's cheek a soft peck. "You ready to go?"

Cam was nearly stunned into silence, her eyes having widened into saucers. She touched her cheek lightly and nodded in a daze.

Bag in hand, (Y/n) walked out ahead of Cam. She was now mostly familiar with her walk to school and walked with Cam out of want rather than necessity.

Cam had her eyes fixed on (Y/n)'s hand for much of their journey, she contemplated whether she could hold it or not. She would've liked to, but was painfully unsure of (Y/n)'s feelings. They kissed yesterday so surely (Y/n) felt something, but she never verbally confirmed anything. Cam then started to wonder if they would kiss again and was overthinking that instead.

While (Y/n) didn't know the exact thoughts running through her mind, she could take a safe guess that it was to do with the kiss and her feelings.

"You okay?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"Hm? Oh..yeah, I'm fine." Cam responded and then cleared her throat awkwardly. She wanted so badly to say something more but the words just got trapped in her throat. "Are...you okay?"

"Yep. Why wouldn't I be?"

Cam slowed her walking down, prompting (Y/n) to do the same until both girls eventually stopped.

"I'm just thinking about yesterday..and- and how we-"

(Y/n) silenced Cam by pressing her lips against her's yet again, pulling away after a moment. But that moment didn't last so long as Cam eagerly pulled her back, finding (Y/n)'s lips to be irresistible.

Cam was a few inches taller than (Y/n), allowing her to cup (Y/n)'s cheeks and hold them as she moved her lips against (Y/n)'s hungrily.

When they finally parted, Cam was out of breath a look of disbelief on her face at the action she'd undertaken.

"Was it about our kiss?" (Y/n) asked with a slight smirk. "It bothered you?"

"Not bothered-"

"Because you really seemed to like it~"

"I just don't know what it means..." Cam sighed out, she rubbed her thumb against (Y/n)'s cheek affectionately. "I told you that I love you and I-..I, um, I mean, I'm in love with you. That's what it means to me but I don't know what you're thinking...what it means to you."

"What it means," (Y/n) paused, her eyes quickly casted aside and then back on Cam, "is that I like kissing you."

(Y/n) was stood in the corner of the locker room as she pulled her sports top on. Other girls chattered as they changed around her but she didn't care to get very involved with their conversations.

Many of the girls were beginning to leave the locker room and adjourned to their physical education class, (Y/n) was about to follow until she felt a cold hand grab her forearm lightly.

"(Y/n)." It was Suzy. She was unusually solemn and staring at (Y/n) with pleading eyes. "Can you stay in here for a minute with me?" She squeezed tighter momentarily, hoping that (Y/n) would stay to hear her out.

(Y/n) saw how Suzy shook unnaturally, it was of course noticed by everyone else but no one said a thing. Suzy was well liked enough that people would not gossip about such things, but kept most at enough of an arms length that they weren't close enough to inquire her wellbeing.

"Uh, sure." (Y/n) answered, she was honestly a bit confused. She knew that Suzy had this crush, that was obvious enough. But she couldn't get pinpoint what was making her like...well, like this.

"Oh, thank you so much." She breathed out, slumping with visible relief. Instead of letting go of (Y/n)'s arm, she pulls her in for a tight hug, watching the other girls leave the locker room with narrowed eyes for a few more seconds and then releasing (Y/n). "You need to cover yourself more when you change." She advised bitterly. "Some of these girls are perverts. Staring at you, just gawking away like you're some object..."

"Was that what you wanted to tell me?"

"No." Suzy winced, she held her hands together nervously. "You didn't watch the track competition...you promised you would."

(Y/n) raised her eyebrows. 'Shit, did I really says that? I need to pay closer attention to what I say to people, damn it.'

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, I totally forgot I made that promise." (Y/n) was telling the truth, though her reasons for regret weren't so pure. She didn't care all that much about Suzy's feelings, she was much more concerned for her own reputation. She wanted people to feel like she was someone trustworthy.

"You said if I impressed you...you'd sit at mine and Lola's table at lunch again."

"Fuck, Suzy, I'm really sorry." (Y/n) bit on her lip contemplatively. "Tell you what," an idea quickly came to mind, she wasn't entirely sure about it but it could salvage this, "I'll let you take me out on a date. You know, to make up for it."

Suzy's face lit up, all of her usual cheerfulness that she'd suddenly become devoid of returned to her tenfold. "Seriously?! You're going to let me date you!!"

"One date." (Y/n) said with a giggle but Suzy was already too excited.

Her cheeks had turned a rosy red, she placed her hands on them to feel them heat up. "Ah! You're so cute and sweet!" She marvelled. "I knew you wouldn't miss it on purpose!"

Suzy encapsulated (Y/n) in another tight hug, this one was far more possessive in way as she tried to hold as much of (Y/n) as possible. "I'll need to think of ideas of where to take you! This is so exciting!!"

Cautiously, (Y/n) held Suzy too and wondered if she had made a slight mistake. She had wanted Suzy's attention and...well, now she certainly had it.

Lola had a frown etched into her face as she worked away. She was writing up a report but not paying full attention.

Suzy had sent her an incredibly excited text to say that she and (Y/n) were going on a date that weekend. This was confirmed by the murmurings of nearly everyone in school.

It wasn't uncommon for Suzy to date, she'd taken out nearly half of the girls in her year and slept with many of them too. It was, however, very rare to see her so elated about it.

Lola knew her commitment-fearing best friend would fall for someone eventually, but she didn't anticipate being so upset about it.

Maybe she really thought she had a chance with (Y/n) or something, it irritated her immensely.

She threw her pen down when the boiling anger inside became too much and began to massage her temples. There had to be some way to fix this, besides, it was just a date. Suzy was clueless at the best of times so she could easily screw things up, especially with a tad of manipulation from Lola.

Lola stopped her train of thought, very suddenly shocking herself. Was she truly going to hurt Suzy over this? Over some girl she barely knew?

Shit, of course she was.

It was too tempting, as soon as the idea was planted in her mind Lola knew she'd go through with it. She wouldn't be able to resist trying at least. It would be too painful to see (Y/n) attached to Suzy and always be left wondering what could've been.

Lola placed her hand on her chin and sighed. Her exact feelings for (Y/n) were implacable and complex but the thing she knew for sure was there was an undeniable want. A want that wouldn't fade out any time soon and could only be satisfied by (Y/n) herself.

girlville ((yandere x reader))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon