XXIX- in motion

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Lola checked the door to the student council room before turning back to the other girls that were sat inside. All of (Y/n)'s admirers sat around the table, mostly ignoring one another with the exception of Suzy looking to Lola hopefully.

"I wanted to discuss how we're actually going to tackle this." Lola announced to the group. "(Y/n) won't be too pleased so we need to find somewhere to keep her in place."

Suzy frowned with a look of guilt, she knew she unintentionally hurt people sometimes but she typically tried to avoid hurting anyone at all, so the thought of hurting (Y/n) in some way was agonizing. "Do we really have to?"

"It'll be temporary." Cam said, far more relaxed than the athlete who sat opposite her. "Once she settles down she can have a choice of who she wants." The reason Cam could be so nonchalant was because of how confident she was that she'd be chosen, she knew the other girls would try to manipulate (Y/n) to their side but Cam needed no manipultion, she knew she already had (Y/n)'s heart.

"It's just-"

"Suzy, if you don't want to do this you don't have to." Lola cut her off with a scowl. "But if you back out then you can't say a word to anyone."

"I-..I'm not backing out." Suzy silenced herself, biting down on her tongue as she swallowed the guilt down.

"As I was saying, we need to work out the logistics of this." Lola looked to her ex girlfriend who was abiding eye contact like it could kill her. "Odette? Your house is the biggest."

Odette soured. "Why does that matter?"

"I mean, if we're all going to be staying there. You've enough guest rooms for all of us plus (Y/n) and then some." Lola rested her hand on her chin and smiled. "Please?"

"What about Minney?"

"Who the fuck is Minney?"

"My sister." Odette said with anger that Lola had forgotten the beloved little child who looked up to her so much.

"Surely you can give her some fake story." Lola said dismissively. "And your parents are never home anyway so they won't be a problem."

Odette sank into her seat awkwardly, unappreciative of the way Lola aired out her dirty laundry for everyone to hear.

Lupita raised her hand shyly before speaking. "What should we say to our parents? How long are we even going to be there?"

"That's your problem."

Something that all of the girls' noticed was Lola's abrumpt change in attitude. She had the most popularity in the entire school, known for her kindness and how outgoing she was. Yet she had been stripped of this positive exterior, her intoxicating feelings for (Y/n) had all but eroded it away.

Even Suzy hadn't seen this part of her, it had been expertly buried away from the public eye for so long.

Suzy watched (Y/n) carefully all throughout sport, she felt shoots of jealousy go through her as she watched (Y/n) interact with other girls but didn't say a word. She couldn't deny that she felt guilt about what she and the others were planning, she hates the idea of upsetting (Y/n).

When the class that ended, Suzy made sure to quickly pull (Y/n) aside to talk to her.

"Is everything okay?" (Y/n) asked, disquieted by the slightly dizzied lovesick look Suzy gave her.

"Yeah, I..." Suzy smiled momentarily and tucked some of her hair behind her ears. "I wanted to talk to you about this whole girlfriend situation."

"Right." (Y/n) stood back and allowed Suzy to explain herself. She wanted this talk to be over and done with soon, she couldn't be seen alone with Suzy for too long with all of these rumours about them circulating already.

"I fucked up, and I'm sorry." Taking a slow step towards (Y/n), Suzy allowed her flirtatiousness to resurface as she took (Y/n)'s hand. "I misread some signals and-"

"You completely made it up."

Suzy let out a sharp sigh, frustrated with herself. "I guess I just wanted it to be reality. I'm in love with you, you know?"

(Y/n)'s eyes went wide. Suzy had dropped in a love confession so causally, it was as if she were just reading off a grocery list. (Y/n) had known Suzy liked her but love? That was a much faster progression than usual. She wrestled her hand out of Suzy's.

"I actually didn't know that." (Y/n) mumbled, not giving the remark much more notice than that.

"I know you only want to be friends." Suzy couldn't help but let a saddened tone slip into her voice, but (Y/n) didn't focus on the sadness, she only saw the way that Suzy's body language tensed and her eyes narrowed. "And I'm satisfied with just being friends."

Something told (Y/n) that was another lie. Her intuition let her know of the close danger but gave her no pointer of how to save her ass.

'First Lupita's acting weird and now Suzy? Let's be real, they're all acting shady as hell...'

"I'm so glad." Whatever romance (Y/n) was entertaining with Suzy before had to be cut down where to stood, (Y/n) decided she could no longer risk playing with the girl's emotions anymore. Not because she felt bad, but because she could sense an instability from Suzy.

She had only wanted to mess around. (Y/n) had seen how Suzy would allow girls to fall in love with her and then leave them high and dry, she just wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine. It didn't hurt that she was high on the social ladder too.

When (Y/n) concluded her talk with Suzy she had an awful foreboding feeling within her. She hadn't believed in karma before but for possibly the first time she was starting to seriously regret her actions.

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