XV- led on

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(Y/n) walked away from Odette's house with an oddly sincere smile on her face. She felt as though she was getting closer to her, and for once without an ulterior motive...

Well, not one that she knew of anyway. She wasn't sure what of Odette drew (Y/n) to her, maybe it was just the simple fact that she had disliked her and (Y/n) wanted a challenge. She wasn't sure if it was attraction, curiosity or affection. For now, (Y/n) was just acting on what she wanted which was to break Odette's walls down.

Though she was still in the process of becoming familiar with Sweet River, (Y/n) was just about able to get on her way home. The streets were quieter than usual, much of the small town was attending the track meet after all.

One of the lone figures sticks out to her, she recognised the short dark hair on a downward facing head.

"Cam! Hey." (Y/n) called out to her.

With a lit up expression, Cam turned back to her, she bit on her lip slightly to restrain too wide a smile. Just the sight of (Y/n) had broken her out of her upset, though that had been caused by (Y/n) too.

"You left the track meet?" (Y/n) said as she walked up to Cam, wringing her hands a bit to keep them warm. Cam noted this motion and instantly shifted the gloves off of her own hands and gave them to (Y/n). "Oh. I can't-"

"Take them. I'm not that cold anyway." She was only lying slightly, but Cam could withstand some cold if it meant (Y/n) didn't have to suffer as much. "As for the track meet, I was only there to see you anyway so..." She looked away and cleared her throat, suddenly feeling quite awkward about the whole thing.

"I'm sorry." (Y/n) smiled innocently, even if her actions had caused mass heartbreak there was no way Cam could blame her for it. "I had just wanted to catch up with Odette."

Inhaling deeply, Cam resisted the urge to say anything about Odette. She knew (Y/n) wouldn't listen if Cam were to list off the myriad of negative attributes Odette possessed, so she didn't bother.

"Let me walk you home." She said instead, holding onto (Y/n)'s gloved hand and leading her down the street.

It was just like everyday at school had been as they walked together, though the two girls weren't typically hand in hand. Neither of them minded the contact, Cam being more thrilled about it than (Y/n) was.

Cam walked her up to the door and (Y/n) pulled Cam's gloves off. "Thanks for letting me wear these, I'm I would've gotten frostbite without them." She then laughed to herself and put her hand in her pocket to reach for her keys.

"It's not a problem. Really... I like doing these sorts of things for you."

(Y/n) smiled kindly at Cam, as she turned to the door that smile turned to a mischievous smirk. She knew all too well about Cam's crush and revelled in the affection she could potentially reap from it. She placed her key in the door to unlocked, and then turned back.

"Would you want to come in?"

(Y/n) approached the couch with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. "I've gone all in on the marshmallows," she said "as you can probably see."

Cam gave a rare grin, she wasn't someone who hardly smiled but most of them were reserved and small. It was uncommom to see her showing her teeth in full view, she supposed (Y/n) had an effect on her that no one else did.

She shifted to sit close to (Y/n), watching her with sparkling eyes as she gulped at the drink.

"What do you think?" (Y/n) asked, taking sips of her own.

Cam pulled away from the mug suddenly and stuck her tongue out a bit. "It's hot! I think I burnt my mouth a little."

"You've got to take little drinks of it." (Y/n) demonstrated just that. "Tastes good though, right?"

"I wish I could tell you. I think I've melted off my taste buds." Cam mumbled.

"Well, try it again when you've recovered." (Y/n) gave her an apologetic ruffle of her hair. The simple gesture was enough to push Cam to the edge, she knew she couldn't hide for much longer. Not that there was any point in trying to hide from (Y/n).

"Look, (Y/n), I-..." Cam sighed and ran a lethargic hand over her face. "I want to be honest with you. Okay?"

(Y/n) tilted her head to the side in mock confusion. "Of course, you can always be honest with me."

Cam looked at (Y/n) closely, examining her every facial movement to try to detect what she was feeling in that very moment. It was a fruitless exercise, (Y/n) was far too good at hiding her own true emotions. Only someone as good as reading as her would be able to see it... There was one person who could see it.

"I like you, I- no." Cam squeezed her eyes shut, she didn't like the way that sounded at all. "Fuck, forget it. Wait, don't just..forget it. No. Don't." She was floundering, wishing she had never spoken at all but simultaneously wanting to spill her feelings everywhere.  She opened her eyes, looking dead on into (Y/n)'s. "Okay. Cards on the table: I love you, (Y/n). So...whatever."

(Y/n) found the display quite cute, Cam's awkwardness was one of the strangely endearing things about her. Her romantic inexperience was clear as day, it was the first time she'd confessed to anyone.

Without saying a word, (Y/n) leaned forward to take Cam's lips. There was an initial second of shock before Cam could even compute what was happening, she then quickly responded by placing a careful hand on (Y/n)'s cheek, the last thing she wanted was to be too demanding and fuck it all up. She moved her lips against (Y/n)'s, desperate for the friction yet still grateful for what she'd been granted.

When the two pulled away for air, Cam was breathing heavily. Not so much from the physical kiss but from how the butterflies in her stomach seemed to constrict her lungs. She was so stuck on the kiss that it didn't even cross her mind that (Y/n) hadn't actually confirmed her feelings.

Dalia stared up at her ceiling. She had go home from the track meet and was laying on top of her bed, just thinking for a moment. She liked to have these occasional moments of silence to herself, they tended to be used to organise her thoughts.

The hot topic on her mind that day was (Y/n), her behaviour at the track event, her behaviour in general really. How she treated others like Lupita, Odette, and even Dalia herself.

She saw the manipulator behind the pretty face, she knew all those lips spewed were lies. Despite the limited times they'd interacted, Dalia knew (Y/n) better than anyone. Better than her own family.

It was a real shame (Y/n) couldn't quite see Dalia like she could vice versa. (Y/n) was none the wiser of Dalia's assessment of her, she just thought Dalia was pissed she was using Lupita to do her homework.

Dalia let a deep breath out, everytime she considered these things she arrived at the very same conclusion.

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