XLII- in tandem

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As (Y/n) stood outside of Odette's house she wondered if it was too late to walk away. She'd already hit the doorbell but if she ran fast enough she could just flee and never return.

She still stood strong though, even when reason told her to run, she trusted Dalia. What other choice did she have than to trust her?

What Dalia said had made sense: even if she got away now they'd still look for her, it was just a band-aid solution.

There was little time for second guessing because soon the door was opened.

Odette smiled at (Y/n), her eyes were sharp and portrayed nothing of her thoughts. "Hi."

"Hey, can I-"

"Of course you can come in." Odette stepped aside and allowed (Y/n) to walk in.

'Last chance.' (Y/n) thought to herself, taking a few moments to think before she ultimately crossed the boundary into Odette's home. She went through the entrance and flinched at the sound of the door shutting.

"What...did you have in mind for us to do?" She asked nervously.

"Do I need a reason to see you?" Odette questioned, she stalked towards (Y/n) and took her hand in a careful gesture. "You're my girlfriend after all. I only want to spend time with you."

"I only-"

"(Y/n)!" A youthful voice yelped. The exclamation was followed by the padding of feet and soon (Y/n)'s torso was being hugged by Odette's young sister.

"Hey there." (Y/n) managed to muster and smiled and hug the girl back.

"You're here to see Odie again?"

"She is." Odette answered on (Y/n)'s behalf. "Is all of your stuff packed up. The car will be here very soon."

"Packed? Car? What??" (Y/n) questioned in a panic.

"Our parents have been taking care of business abroad for a while. Minnie's going to join them for some time."

"I'm gonna miss Odie sooo much!!" Minnie released (Y/n) and dashed to hug her sister in a similar fashion. "But it will be nice to see mommy and daddy again."

(Y/n) frowned, she knew that this had little about Minnie seeing her parents and likely was more due to the fact that Odette didn't want her sister in the house when (Y/n) was less than willing to be there. That explanation made more sense than allowing her little sister to return to their neglectful parents without her for no reason at all.

The conversation was halted by the sound of an engine. "There it is now." Odette sighed out. "(Y/n), would you like excuse me for just a minute while I take Minnie to the car? You can wait for me in the sitting room."

"Bye bye (Y/n)!" Minnie announced, seemingly somewhat attached to (Y/n) despite the limited times she'd met her.


Every moment in the house felt surreal to (Y/n). It was odd to think that Odette had this whole plan lined up for her when she was acting so nonchalant. Like nothing was going to happen at all.

(Y/n) pulled her phone out, quickly texting Dalia details of what was happening while she had a moment without Odette present.

She sank down onto one of the couches, looking around to acquaint herself with the room. If Dalia failed to get her out then she could be here for a while after all.

It wasn't long before Odette returned, sitting down right beside (Y/n). She seemed to be put out by her sister's departure.

"I know she'll be okay... I'll just miss her." She said quietly, her head hanging low.

"I know." It was odd that (Y/n) had broken down the wall she had wanted broken the whole time. Here she was, with Odette being emotionally vulnerable and yet she couldn't be less satisfied.

From her first conversation with Odette, she knew there was more to her than the cruelty she displayed. But it didn't matter anymore.

(Y/n) inwardly scolded herself. If only she could have left well enough alone then none of this would have happened. She saw the signs in each and every one of them but chose to go on.

Odette took a deep inhale and then raised her head to look at (Y/n). "We'll see her again soon. She's really excited that I've got a girlfriend again."


"I told her she could expect you to stick around a whole lot longer than my last one."

(Y/n) awkwardly shuffled away, unsure of how to respond. Lying typically was second nature to her but her nerves were getting the better of her. Odette couldn't talk her way out of the fact that she'd blatantly forced (Y/n) into this relationship.

Odette narrowed her eyes. "Why are you acting like this?"


"All weird." She folded her arms and pouted childishly. "You're not yourself."

"What do you expect me to act like? You used to say all I do is annoy you and then suddenly you want to date me- what do I do with that??" (Y/n) stood up from the couch.

"I-I-" Odette stammered, not willing to admit her feelings despite the fact they were already girlfriends. "I don't know. You are annoying! Just maybe in a... A nice way?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes but didn't say anything which clearly infuriated Odette.

"Please say something." She requested through gritted teeth.

"How long am I staying for?"

"You-" Odette paused, thinking over her answer. "I guess now's as good a time as any." She muttered.

"Excuse me?"

Odette adjusted her glasses before standing up and grabbing (Y/n)'s hand quite suddenly. "Come upstairs, I have something to show you."

Even when Odette tugged at her arm, (Y/n) stood still. "Can you answer my question first?"

"I'll answer it upstairs." Odette gave a more aggressive pull that threw off (Y/n)'s balance. She smiled smugly as (Y/n) regained her footing. "Okay?"

(Y/n) gave a look towards the door, longing for Dalia to burst through it.

But nobody did.

As (Y/n) was dragged towards Odette's room, she trailed behind. Her arm felt sore from having it tugged and coaxed forward.

"I know, I know, it's a big house." Odette bragged. "But we're nearly there."

"Where are we even going?"

"My bedroom." Odette said, blushing slightly as she did. "In fact, it's right....here."

They stopped outside of a door. Though it was just a simple plain white door, (Y/n) knew that what was beyond it would not be so simple.

"Hold on, I don't want to-"

"Nothing like that. Just go in and everything will be clear." Odette grinned, her foot started unconsciously tapping in anticipation.

(Y/n) looked at her one last time before she opened up the door.

girlville ((yandere x reader))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat