XI- in love with you

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(Y/n) had been attending Sweet River for a whole two weeks now, entering her third. At the end of the week would be the highly anticipated track meet. The star runner of Sweet River, Suzy Sands, was expected to sweep the running events quite easily. Especially since she'd been putting in many more hours than she typically did.

Suzy's main motivation for all of her extra training was getting (Y/n) to sit at her table at lunch again, she took the flippantly made promise very much to heart.

(Y/n) quite regularly forgot about the whole thing and wouldn't have paid it any mind if Suzy didn't bring it up to her so often. She'd often catch the pink-haired athlete staring at her during lunch periods. (Y/n) sat with Cam for lunch everyday, sometimes she was joined by Odette who would say very little about the whole thing if it wasn't a snide dig.

She had a lot to keep up with, so Suzy wasn't always on her mind if she was honest.

Her main goal was trying to win over Odette but it was proving to be difficult. Usually she could get these girls lapping it her feet in no time, Lupita had become a prime example of just that.

"And here's that essay due in on Wednesday. I got your handwriting pretty good, right?" Lupita grinned nervously as she handed (Y/n) several pieces of work that she'd completed for her.

(Y/n) returned a soft smile. "Thanks so much for this." She feigned her thankfulness.

The pair were stood around the back of the school in an isolated spot. Aside from what they were doing being strictly against school policy, (Y/n) didn't want to be seen with Lupita as she knew her social status was far lower than where she wanted to be.

"It's no problem!" Lupita excitedly hugged herself, just happy to be help (Y/n) in any way. It had been her own idea to start doing (Y/n)'s homework for her, never wanting (Y/n) to be stressed at all. Sure, she lost a few hours of sleep a night but she was one of the smartest students at Sweet River- it was a small price to pay for the gorgeous smiles and thank yous she was gifted by (Y/n) after. The glimmer in those (e/c) eyes never failed to make Lupita's heart flutter.

Perhaps later on (Y/n) would be concerned by Lupita's growing obsession, but right now she just seemed to enjoy it. As long as Lupita was all about giving then (Y/n) could indulge her expanding infatuation.

But the moment Lupita wanted to start taking rather than giving...the moment she started demanding more of (Y/n) and realised that (Y/n) had no intention of returning her affection, that's when problems could arise.

The whole way through class, (Y/n) could feel a gaze set upon her, not a loving or longing one, but one that despised. Such a look was only to be expected from Odette, but she wasn't in this class.

The person glaring daggers into (Y/n) was none other than the other newest student at Sweet River, Dalia Karim. It was offensively obvious to her what (Y/n) was doing, she would not let it stand for any longer, watching Lupita so be consumed with (Y/n) was so draining.

Dalia needed (Y/n)'s manipulation to cease right then and there. It shocked her that she was seemingly the only one who could see through it all.

(Y/n) turned around and caught Dalia's eye, quickly deciphering that it had been Dalia staring at her with such anger. Narrowed caramel eyes did not waver in their death glare even when (Y/n) gave her a small smile and wave.

'What's her problem?' (Y/n) thought to herself. She hadn't found Dalia particularly interesting up to that point, writing her off as someone who was nice but ultimately useless.

It was difficult to concentrate on her work with such thoughts circling her mind. (Y/n) had concluded quite quickly that she would talk to Dalia once class was over, but it seemed she didn't have to do much.

"Can I have a word with you?"

As girls filed out, some waving goodbye to (Y/n) with flushed giggles, Dalia went right up to (Y/n)'s desk and blocked her from leaving.

"Sure." (Y/n) didn't allow herself to be intimidated, speaking calmly and with a small smile.

Dalia took several breaths, waiting for the room to be empty before she spoke again. "I want you to leave Lupita alone." She said with great restraint on her anger. "I know that you're using her and...I-I won't allow it."

(Y/n) tilted her head to the side, widening her eyes to accentuate a false innocence. "What do you mean?" (Y/n) laughed softly, the gesture making Dalia's lips form a straight line. "Are you getting me confused with someone else? I don't really understand."

Very suddenly, Dalia's hands slammed down on the desk, shocking (Y/n) to the extent that she let out a small yelp and nearly slipped from her chair.

"Don't play innocent, I see right through your little act." Dalia snarled, her words sharp yet her volume remained low.

It was now that (Y/n) actually felt some of the intimidation seep in, Dalia loomed over where (Y/n) was sat forcing her to look up to meet her burning glare.

"Lupita is a very nice girl. I wouldn't want to upset her." (Y/n) said carefully. "Is she... upset?"

Some of the fury left Dalia's face. "Well, no, not yet. But you will do something eventually. Keep away from her...a-and don't try this with anyone else either!"

(Y/n) smirked slightly upon seeing that Dalia had lost control of the situation. She slowly rose from her chair. "Look, I'm not going to entertain this if you're just going to hurl these supposed things I've done at me." She started to collect her things together but found that her wrist was grabbed.

"No." Dalia said firmly, squeezing hold of (Y/n). "You're not leaving until you tell me that you'll back off."

"..let go of me."

"Tell me that you'll leave Lupita alone!!" Dalia yelled. She was rapdily approaching the limits of her patience and could feel her heart rate climbing.

"What's going on in here??"

Both Dalia and (Y/n) snapped their heads to the door to see none other than their own student council president Lola. Her waves of dark hair were pulled away from her face, giving both of the new students a clear view of her disapproval.

"Dalia, let go of (Y/n) right now." Lola marched over to the pair, seething. She had been looking for (Y/n) in the next period but she was nowhere to be found. Lola had to go to the trouble of going through school files to find (Y/n)'s timetable and track her down.

Unhappy with the interruption, Dalia looked between Lola and (Y/n). Her fear of authority won out her original intentions and she let go of (Y/n) quite harshly.

Dalia was quick to silently go off with her head low, not at all satisfied with how things went and cursing herself for letting her emotions get the better of her.

As soon as the door shut, Lola was by (Y/n)'s side and holding her wrist, though much more gently than Dalia was.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She didn't look at (Y/n), only at her wrist for potential bruising.

"She only got overexcited and grabbed it." (Y/n) said with a huff, she was a little shaken up but fascinated nonetheless at Dalia's ability to see what she was up to.

"I can...I can have her suspended for this." Lola shook her head. "Change a few details here and there and I could have her expelled if you want."

"That's not necessary."

'She's taking this pretty serious.' (Y/n) observed Lola clenching her fists and tremble from rage.

"Are you sure??" Something about Lola's tone suggested she was desperate for the go-ahead from (Y/n) to punish Dalia, but (Y/n) simply wouldn't allow it. Dalia had made herself more than just some irrelevant figure in the background, (Y/n) wasn't going to let her slip away now.

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