VI- secrets

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For her first class of the day, (Y/n) had math. A couple of girls eagerly guided her to the classroom, chatting happily to (Y/n) the whole way there.

"Where's your shirt from? It's super cute." One of them remarked, twirling some hair around her finger as she did so.

"I don't really remember." (Y/n) answered thoughtlessly, not really caring enough to invest the brain power it would take to recall the fact.

"You have such nice clothes!" The other girl piped up. "I loved what you were wearing yesterday too."


While happy to have their attention, (Y/n) didn't particularly care for the pair. They weren't high enough on the social ladder nor interesting enough for her to want to spend much time with them. Their current use was showing her to the math classroom, after that she could ditch them in favor of someone she'd rather talk to.

And that someone bacame apparent as soon as she stepped in.

Suzy was chatting to the student who sat next to her with an awkward expression as the other girl fought against the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

Nosy as ever, (Y/n) promptly forgot about who she'd been talking to and slowly approached Suzy in order to listen in.

"Look, I'm sorry, you clearly have the wrong idea."

"W-we had such a nice...evening to-together..." The girl she was speaking to sniffed out, her voice cracking. "Why would you sleep with me if you didn't want to be together??"

"Lia, you know I think you're amazing," Suzy paused, thinking for the best way to phrase this without hurting her one-night-stand too much, "but I'm not looking for a relationship right now."

This sent the girl named Lia over the edge, a sob left her and she ran out of the room in fits of tears. Suzy sighed sadly as she went, she genuinely had no intention of leading Lia on. She could just be a bit clueless of other peoples' feelings at certain times.

"Girl trouble?" (Y/n) said as she took the seat on the other side of Suzy.

Suzy smiled at (Y/n) sadly and nodded. "This sort of thing always happens. I... I feel bad."

"I'd probably be in tears if you slept with me and then rejected me like that." (Y/n) said, taking their conversation in a lighter direction than what Suzy had just endured. Suzy appreciated the change of pace, she tightened up her pink ponytail and leaned in closer to (Y/n).

"I would never be so stupid to sleep with and then reject a girl as hot as you."

(Y/n) tilted her head. "Something about you tells me that you have...many times."

"Are you calling me a slut?"

"Never said it was a bad thing."

Suzy laughed to herself. "I just wanna have fun, man, but I always end up going for girls who swear they won't get invested and they always do."

"Something about you, I guess."

"I bet you're just the same." Suzy said with a grin. "Half of the student body is talking about you already, you know?"

(Y/n) rubbed her lips together in thought, glad that her suspicions of grandeur had been supported. "Really?"

"Uh huh, I can't blame them."

Both girls inched closer to one another, (Y/n) got a closer look at Suzy's face. She wore no makeup, mostly likely because she did so much sport, she was dressed in athletic gear after all. Her near white skin was interrupted by a spotting of beige freckles and the a couple of imperfections in the form of small red pimples. She had pink and full yet small lips that appeared soft and hydrated. But her most noticeable feature were her piercing light green eyes.

Whatever was about to happen between them was cut short by the appearance of their math teacher.

"Come sit with me and Lola at lunch today again." Suzy said quickly. "Okay?"

Just as she was asked, (Y/n) made her way to that same busy central table.

"Suzy told me she'd invited you." Lola said as (Y/n) sat down between the two best friends, not that either of them minded too much. They both wanted to get to know the new girl. "It's a shame we don't have any classes together."

"I feel super lucky to have this hottie in math and physcial education." Suzy boasted. "You should see her in those shorts."

"Excuse Suzy...being a pervert."

(Y/n) merely chuckled to herself, neither encouraging Suzy nor reprimanding her.

"You should join the student council, I'd love to get to know you better." Lola said with some insistence, her demanding tone was contrasted by a gentle smile.

"I don't know..." (Y/n) responded. Her lack of immediate acceptance angered Lola, she could see hints of who Lola truly was peeking through.

"It..would be a good idea. Colleges love all that kind of stuff, leadership roles and that."

"I said I don't know."

Lola pressed her lips into a line and shifted in her seat, choosing to remain quiet.

"Maybe I will." (Y/n) mused. "It's still only my second day so I'd wait a bit."

"You should join the track team." Suzy suggested. "I could sneak you in."

(Y/n) winced at the thought of that much running, shaking her head and taking a bite of her lunch.

"At least come to my track meet next week." Suzy requested with an exaggerated and pleading pout.

Before (Y/n) could think about answering, Lola cut in. "Oh, you definitely should. I'll be watching it too and they're always good fun."

"I'll see if I can make it." (Y/n) said noncommittally with a teasing smile.

"I'll be looking out for you in the crowd."

From the corner of the cafeteria, a pair of blue disapproving eyes watched the interaction.

Odette scowled at the way (Y/n), as she perceived it, practically threw herself at Lola.

She was sat alone, and glad about it too. Odette was an expert at pushing people away, and hoped that (Y/n) would catch the hint soon enough as everyone else did.

(Y/n) talking and bothering her all the time was one thing, but doing the same to Lola was another.

As much as Odette hated to admit it, some of her feelings for Lola had lived on since thier break up. A break up in which she was an unwilling participant. If it were up to Odette, the two of them would still be together. But alas, Lola ended their relationship...rather brutally too.

Odette wanted to hate her for leaving her, for the way she did it too... But she just couldn't bring herself to it. She could, however, bring herself to it quite easily for everyone else.

Odette had always been distrustful of other people, men in particular. Going to an all girls' school was meant to help with that and it did for a while until...well, the breakup obviously.

She scoffed and looked away, too disgusted by the sight of it now.

There was another table that were eyeing (Y/n) and Lola as well

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