I walk back into my room with another arm load, only to throw it down on the bed when I see Ansley crying.

"Qué ocurre?" I ask, kneeling in front of her and peeling her hands away from her face.
(What's wrong?)

"Estoy cansada Mami." She cries, raising her arms for me.
(I'm tired mami)

Once I have her in my arms, she calms slightly, only leaving behind a few sniffles as I finish packing the clothes.

I zip up the suitcase before positioning them into one hand so I could carry Ansley because I don't think I could get her to walk.

I let go of the suitcase handle to jerk open the door before grabbing the handles back, only to come to a stop.

"You're already packed, perfect."

I stare up at the man in front of me, hiding Ansley with my hands but I wish I could do better for her. I should be able to keep her safe.

The man has dark skin with braids on the top of his head. A shiny stud pokes from his nose and his face holds an automatic glare.

"Why are you here?" I ask as I feel the betrayal from the water filling my eyes. I used to not care if I died, but when you become a mother you have to care because if you leave, who will take care of her? So I have to care, not for myself but for my daughter.

"Don wants you at his place." His voice is slightly deeper than the other man.


"I can't, I have to take her to my mother." I say as the lie rolls off of my tongue.

"At three in the morning?" He asks, tilting his head slightly.

"I have another job." I tell him, perching Ansley higher on my hip.

"Then what's the suitcases for?"

"She'll be staying there for a while." I say, aggressively.

"Not gonna happen." He says before I feel a pinch on my neck and my vision start to fade until all I see is black.
Blinking from the darkness in the room and the haze in my eyes. I try to recall what I last remember.

Where's my daughter?

"Good, you're awake."

The lights get turned on, making me suck a deep breathe in from the burn in my eyes. The guy who came to my apartment stands next to the 'Roman' , if that's even his real name.

"Where's my daughter?" I hiss, moving against the ropes.

"I was starting to get worried that you wouldn't wake up. Ralph gave you too much. Drink." He ignores my question as he pushes a water bottle up to my lips.

I look at him with hesitation before taking a small sip, just enough to make the dryness in my mouth disappear.

"Where's my daughter?" I ask again when he removes the bottle and caps it.

"She's safe."

"I didn't ask that, where is she?" I grit.

"Take those off of her." He ignores my question again. 'Ralph' steps forward, pulling out his pocket knife and cuts the rope off.

I stand, putting some distance between the two men and I. I just need my baby then we'll leave. She won't have to ever see these men again.

"Follow me."

I follow him with hesitation. This place is huge with marble floors and ceilings so high it could fit another building inside.

We step into a room with Ansley laying on a bed. The first thing I notice is a bruise on her forehead, making me rush towards her. I don't hesitate to grab her and hold her body against mine.

"What did you do to her?" I growl, looking at my baby's head.


"Are you okay, baby?" I ask, checking the rest of her body.

"I want to go home." She whispers, playing with a piece of my hair that lays on my shoulder.

I brush my hands through her hair, trying to comfort her in the only way I know how. She craves the physical touch and that's the only thing that'll calm her.

When I glance up, Roman is leaving against the doorframe with his arms crossed, watching with a weird glint in his eyes.

"Come." He says before walking away.

If I have to continue to follow him like a damn dog throughout this place again, there won't be a place no more.

"Look, I don't want any part of your business or whatever you do. I'll get my daughter and I'll leave. You'll never have to see us again." I reason, tucking Ansley's head into my neck.

He turns his head enough to look at me before continuing walking. We pass multiple rooms, hallways, and people. It makes me wonder why he needs me here.

Soon enough, we sit opposite of each other with him in his desk chair and I on one of the chairs in front of his desk with Ansley sitting on my lap, sleeping.

"I am Roman Cecilio, Don of the Italian Mafia. The only reason you are alive right now is because you are to become one of my soldiers." He says like it's final. I nearly chuckle from his words.

"I can't do that." I tell him, adjusting Ansley slightly.

"And why is that?" He asks, leaning forward.

"I am a mother, I can't risk my life and my daughters life to protect yours." I say, not being able to hide the venom spitting from my mouth.

"You don't really have a choice. It's either you join or you die. Either way, I get what I want."

GUYS!! I've finally found a system, I'm think maybe a chapter a dayyyyy?!?!

I don't know but I'm enjoying all the feedback! Keep it comingggg!!!! I love that you guys are enjoying this book!!

Have a good dayyy!! Love ya!!❤️❤️

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