34. Tactical meeting: Elysium (2)

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After 10 more minutes of X swearing Dynamo and Sigma, now the maverick hunters could continue about the meeting.

[Sorry hunters... Anyways, where were we?] - X

[While SS rank hunter Red Hood wiped out most of the mavericks, Dynamo interfered and the remaining mavericks ran away.] - Deca

[Oh, I got it.] - X

[After this. Deca and I were demoted to B rank hunters, since we were the only ones survived.] - Shin

[Nah great... These topsiders never change...] - X

[Well... as far as I know, you were always the B rank - no offense commander.- during the entire maverick wars. Why was that?] - Stella

[You see, the first time: they considered my victory as luck, in the X-hunters incident: they didn't allowed me to promote for destroying the mother computer, the Doppler incident?: no answer, and finally Repliforce incident: for destroying many enemy weapons. Seriously?] - X

[Well, at least you were promoted to the 17th elite unit leader even you're a B rank hunter, sir.] - Zak

[That's true.] - X

[Anyways, let's get back to the main topic.] - Lux

[You're right. So, any latest news about the Elysium back there?] - X

[Nah... nope. After that, we've heard nothing.] - Umaki

[Speaking of which, did you heard about something here commander?] - Stella

[Before killing Magma Dragoon, he spoke a reploid scientist named 'Gate' is the one who revived the mavericks 100%.] - X

[Gate? You mean the door?] - Zak

[Quit joking Zak. Gate was college of Alia, the operator/researcher who worked at the maverick hunter HQ post Repliforce incident.] - X

[Oh... I think I know about him.] - Midori&Stella

[Midori, Stella. You two know about him?] - X

[Well...] - Midori

[Okay, you go first. You know, ladies first.] - Stella

[Okay then. Gate was a genius. He created dozens of high-spec reploids. Commander X, you might have heard a reploid called Shield Sheldon.] - Midori

[Shield Sheldon? I remember about him. He was a bodyguard of Dr. Jim. But Dr. Jim became maverick, he did what a bodyguard must do. But one of my men framed him as a maverick so he killed himself. So I sent him to jail. That's what I know.] - X

[Well, it's highly true that he might have framed Shield Sheldon as maverick is because his creator is Gate.] - Midori

[Wait, what?! That was the reason?] - X

[If that's true, he should have been executed for killing innocent reploid, even if he killed himself.] - Glen

[Glen's right. So, anything else?] - X

[Also, if maverick hunter Zero was alive, I could have asked him about Blizzard Wolfang.] - Midori

[Let me guess, he did a good thing but framed as maverick only because created by Gate?] - Lux

[Exactly. Also, there were many cases of Gate's reploids were killed only because they were created by Gate.] - Midori

[So, do you mean that Gate joined Elysium for revenge?] - Shin

[Possible. However, I don't think Gate doesn't deserve it. Some of his reploids were troublemakers and a few were labeled as maverick by doing illegal actions: Metalshark Player for reviving mavericks by using DNA data, Infinite Mijinion for using unauthorized dangerous weapon - which even Gate disliked about that, and so on.] - Midori

[Hmmm... Well this is complicated.] - Deca

[Well, at least we could arrest him for the case of... err, who was it Midori? I mean the DNA data guy.] - Fahren

[Metalshark Player.] - Midori

[Oh yeah. Thanks.] - Fahren

[Anyways, after getting fired from his own workplace, Gate vanished. There's a rumor about Gate appeared at the site where some of the fragments of Eurasia crashed on Earth.] - Midori

[Anything else?] - X

[That's all. Okay, Stella Insomnis. It's your turn.] - Midori

[Thanks. So, I don't know about him well, but I actually did some research with his creations.] - Stella

As Stella Insomnis spoke, Everyone looked him suspicious.

[What? I'm talking about the destroyed ones since they were labeled as mavericks.] - Stella

Although Stella explained the thing, the atmosphere got awkward, so X just said that [Let's continue tomorrow. Okay?], so everyone tried to leave. But as they opened the door by pulling it, 5 Hololive girls fell to the ground.

[Huh?] - Glen

[Did we just...] - Lux

Although Lux didn't finished her word, the maverick hunters knew what she was about to say: Their story was overheard by them.

[Ooops...] - Polka

[Nie?] - Miko

[Hehehe...] - Noel

[Hi~.] - Suisei

[Umm... Konnui?] - Flare

The 5 members of Shiraken were caught by X and the squad B-4.

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