12. X vs the Council: part 0

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"Well, Lamy chan left, who will be our next guest?" - Flare

[Can I have a question? When can I take off this?]

"Of course when this stream ends." - Flare

[And when does it ends, Shiranui Flare?]

"Well... maybe two guests more...?" - Flare

[Oh that's a relief.]

It has been almost an hour since the stream started, and X has been wondering when will this stream ends, so he can take off girl's clothes.

"Okay so the next guest is... oh, its Kronii!" - Pekora

"Well, let's invite her! Hi Kronii!" - Rushia

"Kroniichiwa, senpais. Oh, you were in a collab streaming?" - Kronii

Chat 22: It's Kronii!

Chat 23: Hello Kronii.

"Yes! Want to be our guest?" - Rushia

"Well... Actually I came here for some question for all of you." - Kronii

Chat 24: A question?

Chat 25: ?

Chat 26: ?

Via discord, Ouro Kronii, the warden of time, didn't joined the stream not just for joining as a guest, but for her duty.

"What question?" - Noel

"Well, I actually sensed someone stopped the time for some seconds. I thought it was Watson senpai, but it wasn't her since it happened at Japan, Hololive agency stairway between 5th floor and 6th floor, and I just finished asking Mio senpai, Okayu senpai, and Korone senpai about this, but they said neither of them didn't." - Kronii

"So... you're asking if either of us stopped the time?" - Pekora

"Yes. Because it will make me do much job." - Kronii

[Oh, then I'm sorry for that.]

"""""Wait what?! It was you?!""""" - the 3rd Gen

Chat 27: Wait, you can stop time too?

Chat 28: A robot who can stop time? Are you from an alien planet or from the future?

"And who might you be Mr? I don't think you're not a living thing." - Kronii

[I'm X. Actually before this stream started, they tried to make me dress up like this, so I ran and...]

"While you were running, you stopped the time, am I right?" - Kronii

[Yes. Sorry about that. I didn't knew about it since I came to this dimension about a week ago.]

"Oh! That means you're quite new here!" - Kronii

"Oh yeah... By the way, we haven't asked about what dimension are you from X san?" - Marine

Chat 29: We're quite curious about that too.

[Well, I'm from the 23rd century of parallel Earth.]

"So that means you're from future?" - Rushia

[That could be 50% true since the 21st century here is quite different in my Earth's 21st century.]

"Does that Earth's technology is very advanced so you can stop time easy-peko?" - Pekora

[Well... I don't know the principle but time slowing and time stop is possible.]

"Oh... Now that's clear." - Kronii

"Hey Kronii! Since you joined the discord, why don't you be a guest here?" - Flare

"Well... sure, why not?" - Kronii

After asking question about who stopped the time, Kronii joined the stream and left. Before leaving, she said something to X.

"Before I leave, X san?" - Kronii

[What is it Ouro Kronii?]

"I'm going to tell about your story to the other members of the Council." - Kronii


"Hololive EN's 2nd Gen. Me and my genmates are actually gods of space, nature, time, civilization, and chaos." - Kronii

[What are you implying?]

"Well, we'll meet again soon. And Kroyasumi." - Kronii

Leaving that word, Kronii left the discord and X went back to stream and helped the 3rd Gen finishing the stream.

(The next day...)

[Well, it has been better since the first night in this dimension.]

X woke up in a much better condition compared to the first night in this dimension. Thanks to the healing program, X is feeling better than he woke up inside the sleeping capsule at the maverick hunter HQ.

[system: Incoming call from (random phone number).]

[A phone call?]

X noticed someone is calling him through his communicating system so he got the call.

[Hello? This is maverick hunter X speaking?]

"Oh! So you're that X guy Kronii was talking about!" - ???

[Huh? Who are you?]

"I'm Baelz! The chaos! Anyways, I'm going to make a portal and just hop in to it! Okay? Bye!" - Baelz

After Baelz hang up the call, a portal was created on the floor of X's room.

Author's note: From the next few episodes, X will be showing his skills in front of the Council, 2nd Gen of Hololive EN.

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