27. Zero to hero, Hero to zero.

94 2 0

After the battle, Zero kissed the ground and was unconscious. Of course, Dr. Wily didn't liked this.

"Noooo! After all these century, my creation lost to Right's robot! Again?!" - Dr. Wily

"Wily..." - Dr. Right

"Shut up Right! I don't need your sympathy!" - Dr. Wily

[Excuse me Dr. Wily... There is something you should know...] - X

"What is it you robot!" - Dr. Wily

[Actually, Zero performed well compared to me all along.] - X

This made Dr. Wily's anger weak.

"What...?" - Dr. Wily

"X?" - Dr. Right

[Actually, for ranks, Zero is S ranked maverick hunter while I'm still B ranked.] - X

"Keep saying." - Dr. Wily

[Also, most of our enemies we fought were more focused on Zero while they ignore me or even forget my name.] - X

"And?" - Dr. Wily

[Most importantly, Zero is the one who piloted the space shuttle and destroyed the space colony. Thus he's the one who exactly saved the Earth.] - X

"..." - Dr. Wily

After hearing what X said, Dr. Wily was speechless for few seconds.

"So... you mean that in public... Zero is better than you...?" - Dr. Wily

[Several considers so.] - X

Hearing that, Dr. Wily began crying with joy.

"After more than a century... now... I'm finally approved to people...! I finally did it...!" - Dr. Wily

"Wily... Congratulations my old friend..." - Dr. Right

"So, did it ended with a happy ending?" - Suisei

[Don't ask me. But one thing for sure: Zero didn't survived.] - X

As the thing began to end happily, virus began to gather at Sigma's dead body.

[What...?] - X

[It isn't over yet?] - Mega Man

"Oh no... It's that thing..." - Dr. Wily

[You know that thing?] - X

"Yes. While I created Zero, I installed the 'robot destruction program' to him. Which is the origin of the Sigma virus what people call these days. And that thing, if my guess is correct, that's the essence of hatred feelings of all robots in Earth." - Dr. Wily

[Is there any idea to stop this thing?] - X

"There is one. Rock?" - Dr. Right

[Right. The only way to destroy that thing is by using my power. In return, I can't exist in this world as this form of body... but that doesn't mind to me. I'm already dead about 100 years ago and I'm severely damaged after using the double gear twice.] - Mega Man

[Brother... Alright... I'll do this. To bring peace to...] - X

Before X could do it, Zero woke up and stopped him.

[You don't need to X. This is my job.] - Zero

[Zero? You heard this?] - X

[Yup. Besides, that belongs to me, and I'm the one who is responsible. Mega Man, I'll do it.] - Zero

[Zero...] - X

"Son..." - Dr. Wily

[What? It's a duty as a maverick hunter. Besides...] - Zero

Zero handed his Z saber to X.

[...with this, I'll fight by your side, till the very end my friend.] - Zero

[Zero...] - X

[Mega Man, I'm ready.] - Zero

[Got it. See ya at the after world, in more than some centuries later my youngest brother.] - Rock

Mega Man became a blue orb and Zero loaded it to his Zero buster.

"Well Right, take care of your son. I'll stay with my son and yours." - Dr. Wily

"Wily..." - Dr. Right

"Son, fire at that. Let's end what we... no, I have started." - Dr. Wily

As Zero fired at the essence of Sigma virus, Zero, Rock, and Dr. Wily is finally retired from the show.

Also, Dr. Right used his full power to get X out of zero space, but the two weren't safe from the destruction of the place. As a result, X's lower half of his body was destroyed and Dr. Right's hologram is about to fade in any second.

"X... I'm sorry... it maybe cruel to you... but I'll fabricate the memory about the battle between you and Zero... Forgive your inefficient creator..." - Dr. Right

After that, Dr. Right's hologram disappeared completely and his body was repaired.

Seeing the entire thing, something dropped from X's eye.

"X san...? Are you..." - Sora

"Crying...?" - Miko

[What...? Oh, sorry. Guess my cooling system is causing a malfunction and coolant just came out from my eye. It's nothing.] - X

After the incident, X was rewarded and he is now promoted to SSS ranked maverick hunter. However, here is the moment which his mental began to collapse.

[Douglas, is it true...?] - X

[Yeah... I just hit my retirement time. Sorry.] - Douglas

5 years later, Douglas retired from the maverick hunters.

[Alia...? You serious?] - X

[Sorry... but the professor wants me to be her assistant. You've heard about her name X.] - Alia

15 years later, Alia moved her workplace.

[Commander...] - X

[Guess it is time for me to leave this place forever... wished I could work more here... X, please help the new commander.] - Signas

30 years later, the time has come for Signas retire from his duty of the commander of maverick hunters. And from this moment, everyone he knows at the maverick hunter HQ are gone forever. Unfamiliar hunters, unfamiliar staffs, and unfamiliar higher ups. From this moment, X began close the door of his mind by working as a maverick hunter in the very front line fighting the mavericks, even the maverick wars are already over.

Through countless missions and countless fights, X's mind is now destroyed. Now he's a killing machine that works for the government. Everyone except the mavericks and X himself calls X a hero, but he's not a hero anymore.

"... And you lived like that until you came here and..." - Miko

"And saved me!" - Suisei

Then, more tears dropped from his eyes.

"X san, are you...?" - Marine

[Huh...? Oh... my cooling system is now malfunction. I guess I'll have to...] - X

"Nah, you're fine. Just cry." - Watame

[What...?] - X

"X san, you don't always need to be strong in front of people." - Sora

Author's note: Next episode: last episode of season 1 of this fan fiction. Yay!

Oh, which means the due date of recruiting OC(original character)s are almost to the dead line. If you want your OC to appear in this fan fiction, then better comment. I already posted the sign up form in some of the previous episodes.

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