2. Welcome to Hololive, X

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As X followed Hoshimachi Suisei, he ended up at a 10 floors building which does't fit for an organization which handles problem about someones from other dimensions.

[Don't you think it's small compared to what this Hololive does?]

"You'll see." - Suisei

As they enter the building, they met up with a woman wearing glasses. An employee card was hanging around her neck.

"Suisei san, did you completed the mission?" - A chan

"Well, he did." - Suisei

Suisei pointed X and the woman noticed him.

"Oh, are you from another dimension?" - A chan

[I did.]

"He's the one destroyed that big robot. His name is X." - Suisei

"Greetings Mr. X...? Is that your name?" - A chan

[It is.]

"Well, my name is Friend-A. You could call me as A chan for short." - A chan

[Nice to meet you Friend-A.]

"Now, allow me to take you to our CEO, YAGOO." - A chan


"Well his real name is Tanigo Motoaki, but his last name Tanigo could be read as YAGOO, so almost everyone calls him YAGOO." - A chan

[I see.]

As Suisei, X, and A chan took the elevator, X saw the buttons.

[So there's a lot of floors at the basement.]

"Well, most of them are for training room. Everyone has their own ways of fighting." - A chan

[What about the others?]

"Equipments." - A chan


As the elevator stopped and the door opened, the three went to YAGOO's office.

"YAGOO san, we brought someone who just came through the portal and helped Hoshimachi san." - A chan

"Okay, you could come in with the visitor." - YAGOO

A chan opened the door, and there was a middle aged man sitting at the desk.

"Greetings Mr. My name is Tanigo Motoyaki, but you could call me as YAGOO." - YAGOO

[Greetings Mr. Tanigo, my name is X.]

"X? Is that really your name?" - YAGOO

[It is.]

"I see. why don't you guys take a seat?" - YAGOO

As four of them set on a sofa, YAGOO started talking with X.

"So X san, where are you from." - YAGOO

[Based on this city's look and checking the date, I believe I ended up at 21st century of Japan of another dimension.]

"Then, what year is your dimension and what's the difference?" - YAGOO

[I'm from 23rd century of Able city, located in the U.S, where humanoids are already active and could be seen at the street by the time of 21st century in my dimension.]

"Seems you're from Earth whose technology has highly advanced. Then, are you a humanoid too?" - YAGOO

[No, I'm a reploid. The advanced version of humanoid which appeared in the 22nd century.]

"Reploid? What's the difference between humanoids and reploids?" - A chan

[Good question Friend-A. The big difference is reploids could think as same as human does while humanoids could think little different from human. Even though some reploids' designs are based on animanls and plants, they are still considered as reploids.]

"What does reploids eat...? I mean, the energy source." - Suisei

[Reploids' energy source is a substance called Energen crystal. We liquefy it to use it as our fuel.]

"Is there anything else about reploids?" - YAGOO

[Oh yeah. In every reploids' data, there is a DNA data.]

"DNA data? That means they are almost the same as humans except the facts they eat liquefied crystals, some doesn't looks like human, and made out of metal and data." - Suisei

[Well, you got the point Hoshimachi Suisei.]

"Anyways, you said you are a maverick hunter and that robot-I mean reploid is a maverick. What are those?" - YaGOO

[Mavericks are reploids who attack humans and other reploids due to an error occured at electronic brain, infected by a virus, or other reasons. To stop mavericks, some reploids are tasked to either arresting or disposing the mavericks. They are called as maverick hunters, where I belong to.]

"Are they kind of international police unit in your dimension?" - A chan

[Yes. But after the day of Sigma and the maverick wars, only 25% of the maverick hunters including navigators, repair teams, supply teams, medical staffs, and rescue teams remained. Don't worry. Now we have about 90% maverick hunters compared to the beginning of the maverick hunters.]

"""Day of Sigma?""" - YAGOO, A chan, Suisei

[Named after Sigma, who is now known as the worst maverick started a big scale of rebellion against the entire world. Originally he was my higher up and well respected to other reploids, but one day, this S ranked hunter rebelled against humans and other reploids. To make matters worse, lots of maverick hunters joind his cause and most of them are leaders of a single units or other S ranked hunters.]

"So... a lot of reploid police rebelled against the humans? But how did they were all wiped out?" - Suisei

"That's right. You said even the leaders of some maverick hunter units and many S ranked hunters joined him." - A chan

[Yes, actually, me and my friend Zero were in charge of this mission. We were able to destroy their leaders including Sigma, but this was just the beginning of the maverick wars. 6 months later a group of mavericks named X-hunters killed 100 elite maverick hunters and revived Sigma, which turned out that he became a virus after his first defeat, then he corrupted Dr. Doppler, the genius who was creating the vaccine of the Sigma virus, and terror the HQ and made some hunters into maverick by using the Sigma virus, after that he put the blame to an army consisted only reploids named Repliforce and made the maverick hunters and the Repliforce to fight each other and completely destroyed the Repliforce, and finally, he hired a bounty hunter named Dynamo to kill everyone inside the space colony Eurasia, infect the colony with Sigma virus, and made it to fall onto Earth to make Earth into hell. After all of these, Zero sacrificed himself and we were able to destroy Sigma once and for all and put an end to the maverick wars.]

After hearing what X said, the three were speechless.

"So... you've been protecting Earth in your dimension... right...?" - YAGOO

[Exactly. I've been working there for more than 100 years.]

"Hmm... I see... Mr. X, as you could see. There isn't any reploids except for you in our dimension." - YAGOO

[I know.]

"Also, we will find a way to send you back to your original dimension. So until then, why don't you stay with us, Hololive?" - YAGOO

YAGOO offered X after he heard about X's story.

[Hmm... fine. I think I could agree with this.]

"Well then, X san. Welcome to Hololive." - YAGOO

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