9. X vs Ookami Mio

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In a training room, X and Mio are warming up.

[Are you ready?]

"Well, I am! So, what are we going to do?"

[Before I start, how do you fight? I mean, the weapons or skills.]

"Me? I throw tarot cards or use fist to fist combat. Also, I could use fire magic and a secret weapon."

[Well, then I'll be using my fists mainly.]

"Oh, are you good at fist fighting too? What I heard from Roboco senpai and Gen 2 senpai were you're a gunner type and you also have a lightsaber."

[Actually, I could do fist fighting too. Think, if you're out of all of your weapons and skills, what will you do?]

"Well, you're right. And thinking that you're a robot,"

[Wait, I'm actually a reploid.]

"Um, reploid, anyways you know to how to do martial arts and let's just start."

[Alright then, you go first.]

After some conversation, Mio rushes to X and he moves back.

"Just as I thought!"

But Mio expected X to dodged this move, so she dashed faster and with this boost, she landed a knee kick on his chest.

[Not bad.]

"Wait, why are you not that hurt?"

[Well, my body is made of lightweight Titanium-X alloy.]

"What's that?"

[An alloy which is very light and resistant against heats and shot. It's also the strongest metal in my dimension.]

"Oh, that's why you're not hurt with this."

[No. Actually my interior skeleton could reduce 93% of the damage. Anyways, let's continue.]

Mio stepped back again and tried to do the same thing again, but this time, X is doing another thing.

<Tornado Fang(charged)>

X changed his right arm into a drill and just stood.

"Wait what?! A drill?! Are you thinking of killing me?!"

[No, but you will be blown away.]

<Tornado Fang(charged)-Maximum>

X overcharged Tornado Fang and the drill spins faster, making a wind strong enough to blow Mio away.

(Author: Well, this isn't official. It's only possible because it is a fan fiction.)

"Yikes! Is that a drill or a fan?!"



[Well, here's one thing. Don't use the same pattern to a same enemy unless the enemy doesn't know you're doing the same.]

"Got it. Then how about this?!"

Then Mio got some tarot cards in her hand and threw them to X like a shuriken.

[Oh well, I'm using this then.]

<Twin Slasher>

X shot some pairs of purple crescent energy beams to cut of the tarot cards.

"Uh oh..."

[Well, what now?]

"Then how about flames!"

Mio gathered flames around his fist and rushed to X. Not just rushing, she also threw some tarot cards enchanted with flames.

[This ones kind of tricky...!]

"Take this!"

Mio threw a fire punch on him, and it almost hit him.

[Very close, but how about this?!]

<Frost Tower>

X jumped and summoned an ice tower of his size, falling from above due to the gravity and erased Mio's flames and blazing tarot cards.

"Oh wow..."

[Well, I didn't used my full power.]

"Then, I'll have to call him then."

[Him? Him who?]


Suddenly, a beast appeared behind her and started a punch rush on X.

[What the...! That's the secret weapon you were talking about earlier?!]

"It sure is! And have some ORA ORA!"

Hatotaurus(not Star Platinum from Jojo's bizarre adventure): ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!


Surely it was Mio's secret weapon, Hatotaurus punched X for some seconds.

"Yes! Wait... are you alright X?"

[Yeah I'm alright.]

Since he's alright, X now tells her about improvements.

[Well, I think you know how to use the secret weapon. The only thing I want to say is that try not to do the same move to your enemy and consider some about counter attacks of some attacks which are the weaknesses of your element, fire.]

"Hmm... could you recommend me some?"

[In that case, why don't use the heat of the fire? I can't say about water or ground type, but for ice, heat from your fire could melt the ice.]

"Is that effective?"

[Well, actually in the early days of the Maverick wars, one enemy who uses electricity did this as a counter attack when I used some ice type weapon against him.]

"So, did you won?"

[Yes, I barely used some stuffs there and I did.]

Telling Mio about this technique, X reminds of fighting against Spark Mandrill during the rebellion of Sigma.

It was at the electric power station and X was facing off Spark Mandrill. At this point, he only had the foot parts and head parts of the First armor and Fire Wave and Shotgun Ice as a special weapon.

[Take this Mandrill!]

<Shotgun Ice>

X knew that Spark Mandrill uses electricity, so he used the fact that electronic goods are weak to cold and used Shotgun Ice on him. X thought it was over for Spark Mandrill, but the ice started to melt.


[You forgot X, electricity could make heat!]

And he started to attack again. In the end, X used Fire Wave all over the boss room and made the fire alarm system go on so the spring cooler can spray some water on Spark Mandrill, then used Shotgun Ice on him to completely freeze the maverick and destroyed him with a charge shot.

Back to the present, X told Mio some advises and left the training room.

Author's note: While X was fighting with Ookami Mio, he wasn't in his full strength. So don't think X is weaker than Hololive members. In fact, only the Council members from Hololive EN could have a fair fight or overwhelm X since they are literally gods. Also, in the last part of this chapter, I described how  Spark Mandrill boss battle went in this fan fiction.

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