26. X vs Zero

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As X and Zero entered the 'lair of Sigma(Zero space)', they made their way to Sigma. On their way, they defeated the Shadow Devil(although they don't know its name), destroyed Rangda Bangda W, got the Ultimate armor and Black Zero mode by Dr. Right, finished the boss rush, and finally, they destroyed Psycho Sigma and its second form: Final Sigma W(Wily).

[Gaaah!] - Sigma

[It's over Sigma! You have lost!] - X

[Say good bye and never come back!] - Zero

[...] - Sigma

Although Sigma was defeated, he was staring at X and Zero quietly.

[Any last words, maverick?] - Zero

[... Ha... Haha...] - Sigma

[Is he... laughing...?] - X

[Hahahaha... Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!] - Sigma

[What's so funny? You are the one who is defeated!] - X

[Hahahahahahahahahahaha! It's so funny! Funny that we all don't know our fate!] - Sigma

[Fate?] - Zero

[That's right! Remember Zero, why did I told you about your past when we met at the Final Weapon?] - Sigma

[That bullshit? Yeah I know. You did that bullshit to fool us.] - Zero

[You're still blind... Whatever... my job is done. Even I die, the world will doom and the civilization will return to zero.] - Sigma

[What are you talking about...?] - Zero

[Ignore him Zero.] - X

[What I did was just loading the gun and all you need is to pull the trigger. Just sad that I won't be seeing it when I'm alive.] - Sigma

[Oh yeah, you're a virus and what? Lying to us?] - X

[No... this is my eternal death! And also! Awake Zero! Wily! It's your turn! See your masterpiece activating with your own eyes!] - Sigma

[Wily...?] - X

[Who the hack is that...?] - Zero

As Sigma called someone called Wily, he grabbed his core inside his body and crashed it with his bare hands.

[Did he just...?] - X

[Killed himself...?] - Zero

Then, a purple light appeared. The light shifted its shape into an old man.

[Who are you?!] - Zero

[Zero. I am your father.] - Dr. Wily

[What?!] - Zero

[You're Zero's creator?]  - X

[Now Zero... begin opening your eyes... Destroy all robots... Begin with Right's legacy that is next to you...] - Dr. Wily

[What? What are you talking about? X is my friend!] - Zero

[Open your eyes Zero!] - Dr. Wily

[Zero? You! What are you doing?!] - X

[Hmm... I guess it's our second meeting, Mega Man X.] - Dr. Wily

Then, Dr. Wily changed his form into Serges, one of the X-hunter he faced a long time ago.

[Serges!] - X

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