6. Healing the broken soul: Finding the problem

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Inside Hololive's hospital room, Choco is having a check up with the help of Roboco and Koyori.

"Koyo chan, how's his body?" - Subaru

"Well... apparantly, his body is fine but..." - Koyori

"But?" - Luna

"Well, maybe X's creator is a genius who surpasses me." - Koyori

"What do you mean by that?" - Subaru

"Well... have a look at this." - Koyori

Koyori showed Choco, Subaru, Luna, and Roboco about the scanning result of X. There's a lot of black squares in the picture.

[What are those black squares?]

"Well, you could call these as black boxes for short." - Koyori

"""[Black boxes?!]"""

"Right, even I, the brain of HoloX couldn't analyze even one of them." - Koyori

"You can't even analyze them?" - Subaru

"I can analyze them... unless I take a break from streaming for at least 3 days without taking a break for a second." - Koyori

"Taking a break for 3 days for completely analyzing them?!" - Subaru

"Yes. If I don't, it'll take about 3~4 weeks." - Koyori

"About a month... well, except for that part, what about the rest?" - Choco

"No virus, no circuit malfunctions, and no damage in electronic brains." - Koyori

"Which means he's fine. Then what's wrong with him?" - Choco

[Well, maybe his mind I guess?]

"Mind? What do you mean Roboco senpai?" - Subaru

[Well, we robots have mind too. Although she isn't a robot but a kris, Anya san from Hololive ID is also not a life, but she and I could feel like living things like other Hololive members, right?]

"That's true." - Luna

"And Rushia chan and Cali chan from Hololive EN also said that you and Anya chan also have soul too." - Koyori

[From that point of view, his soul maybe damaged... No, his soul is completely destroyed.]

"What do you mean? Wait...? How did you know about that Roboco senpai?" - Subaru

[Well, I heard about X's backstory from Sui chan and A chan. According to them, X worked in an organization called maverick hunters, a sort of a robot police who deals with crime robots named maverick.]

"So he's kinda Robocop! But why...?" - Luna

[He worked there for more than 100 years.]

"Over 100 years?!" - Subaru

"Wait... that means..." - Choco

[And according to A chan, in his early days of working there, there was a war that might have destroyed Earth.]

"Might have destroyed Earth?! What kind of war was that?!" - Luna

[Named Maverick wars, caused by a devil named Sigma. In that battle Sigma created a virus to make many hunters and civil robots become a maverick. Which means...]

"X's friends have become..." - Luna

"But wait! It's a virus! They could have made vaccine for that!" - Subaru

[Unfortunately, there's no vaccine for that virus. The only way is...]

Roboco didn't finished what she wanted to say, but they knew what she meant.

"That haunted X for a century..." - Choco

"But it's all that Sigma's fault! Sigma is the one who's responsible for making X's friends into a maverick!" - Luna

[Not only that. For 100 years, many members of maverick hunters changed, except X.]

As Roboco finished talking about X's backstory shortly, the hospital room was filled with silence.

"Well, I have an idea!" - Subaru

["""Subaru?!/Subaru chan?!/Subaru senpai?!"""]

Suddenly, Subaru broke the silence and came up with a solution.

"I think why X had a nightmare! Because he was lonely and tired of fighting and killing!" - Subaru

"Huh?" - Koyori

"So if we make a healing program for him and trying not to put him into mission, except the hard ones, he won't have a nightmare!" - Subaru

As Subaru told others about her plan, they thought she was right, and Choco said "Well, then let's make X's schedule next day, why don't we all go back to sleep?", everyone was dismissed.

And so, X's healing project has begun.

Author's note: From the next episode, there will be less actions. Also, X is a reploid but the reason Hololive members call his species not as reploid but as robot is because A chan told Roboco that X is a reploid, but she explained reploid as a kind of a robot and Roboco told the others that X is a robot(except Suisei. She's the one who brought X to Hololive.).

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